Saturday, April 30, 2005 4:44 AM ;||*friendship*|| Im sooo tired!! Veri tired..ouhno! criusly I dunno y im sooo tired. Mayb bcos ive been getting up late dat I felt so dragging throughout e day?? yest, e TV was all mine! Thur is sooo heaven to me coz from 8.30 to 12.30am, I will jus be lying on bed, shaking my legs..! wif my juice next to me..SLURP!! Dis part realli annoys me. can somebody pls do sumting to Scott?? Jus get him outta de America Idol. He suxs to e core.! It's jus his luck dat he's stil in de hot seat. N wad??! e rocker had to leave??! FAKER!! It's sooo fake. I cried together wif Paula Abdul during de show. See wad I once told u, tings will happen wen u least expect. Ouh mann, wish u gudluck afta leaving us. and I bet, Vonzell can beat Scott, u irritating jerk!! Pfft! Anw yest, I bumped into Khadijah a.k.a didi. No, she bumped into me bcos she's e one who called out my name. Wait. PRCSian, do u remember her? my batch. So to be honest, I was veriee surprised to see her, but more surprised to hear her calling out my name. Ya now y?? bcos we weren't in gud terms during sec sch. Bcos of sumtink veriee privacy. But now is in 2o05, lyke yah. We should jus put de past behind n NEVA turn back again. EVER. As usual, she alwas looks swit to me. although some ppl might tink she got dis stuck-up face, but hey, she isn't dat snobby ya. She's friendly to be exact. It's great to say hi n chit-chat wif a sec sch mates. Dun u tink so?? So gerl, nice to haf a chat wif u afta sooo long. Miss ya.. I miss Rabia. I miss Ailah. I miss Syasya. I miss Fahn. I miss Anndreanna. I miss a lot n a lot of ppl. I hope dey noe dat I miss dem loads. I havent been catching up wif Anndreanna. I dunoo. Tink she's getting married soon. So I miss a lot of my peeps. *sigh* So, my point here is dat I treasure friendship. Dat is ME. Friendship means everything to me. Bcos losing a friend or rather a bestfriend is lyke picking up scattered pieces of broken memories. One by one. Day by day. It'll neva end. Dats how it feels. Losing a friend is lyke losing every memories u had wif dat frend. N it takes days to accept de fact dat u lose a friend. Or rather a besfriend. So friend, if u're trying to haf shit wif me, I dun care. Bcos I too dunwan to go thru friendship thingy wif u..wait till u lose someone close to u..wait till ur bestest friend stabbed u by e back. Just dun try ur luck wif me. if u gif me shit, I'll make sure I gif u DOUBLE de shit. See who gets kick in de arse first. So jus stop ur bimbotic act. It's so infantile..! GAWD! Ouh, I jus cant wait fer the PENTAS thing. It's todae @ 7.30pm. Sis said it's gonna be veri exciting n impressive. Malay dancer. Dikit barat gerls n boys. Malay drama. Poems. Sajak. N lots. N de theme fer dis PENTAS is luv. Cool rite??.. LUV IS BLIND. CINTA ITU BUTA. Hehes! That's It For Today. Goodbye.