Saturday, October 29, 2005 2:03 AM ;||*leave it all to me*|| i cant bring myself to sleep again. know why? bcos im having this rather scary and unbelievable dream about our country, Singapore. something to do with Tsunami and Wilma? okay stop. it's freaking the hell outta me. i woke up and was very relieved to still find myself on bed. in one piece. thank goodness! but the house was darn quiet. where's mom, dad n the two sistas? yes..they all went out, leaving me and sis alone at home. ouh, she sleeps like a log, so forget it, she'll probably be awake at 12noon? hopefully. now im afraid to keep dat dream to myself. somebody told me that keeping a dream to urself will only make it true. really? den i gotta find someone fast to tell him/her about my dream. no. not mum eh. please. most probably, she'll lecture me. something like.."see! the world gonna kiamat pun tak tahu nak bertaubat." damn it! dats not an interesting way to end a conversation okayy mom. aftarall, that's wad mom is all about. but the funny thing is, my parents doesn't really care about my dressing, except for mom who will get a lil crappy during the fasting month. but not dad. doesn't really care if i didn't come home but dad does. he thinks a girl shouldn't be staying outside all night. tak manis. okayla papa, u are so correct. fucker. i fall asleep while waiting for the repeat telecast of The Oc at 2am. grr..! simple. becos i wasn't on the phone with anyone so blergh..i fall asleep. damn! so proud of my adeq. hello! she made it to the pure science class. im so proud of her. and she's the top 25%. gracious! welcome back baby. everyone in the family adores you. ure smart, intelligent, the baby in the house. wadelse? except for the fact dat you haf this pathetic attitude wen ure angry. make sure u dun forget me huh wen u get ur $250 for being in the top 25%. u owe me! ur maths, and so much so for scoring A1 for your art. who to thank? me! dumbass! my neck is still aching. i dunnoe why. it's so pain for me to turn my head all the way to the right. and now my back. i tink im having a backache. double sheeesssh! isit bcos of my mattress? no. cant be. everything is so perfect, well i tink becos i did a lot of housework. right dad? so please spare me. did i tell you? i isn't the type who loves chatting at msn. i tink chatting is rather boring wen u can actually ring up that person n blab everything. much easier. okay, exclude the fact that ure too shy to talk to that person on the phone maybe bcos u dunnoe that person or maybe bcos u haf a crush on dat person. in either way, it sounds ridiculous. to me. jus out of curiosity, i signed up my msn again. yes..afta months of abandoning it. haha..and pop! many friends arh? must be kidding. and all i did yesterday was happily deleting all those contacts that sounded weird to me. still, i haf 113 friends more to go. i nid new songs on my mp3. it's killing me. no My Chemical Romance please. adeq was listening to a song from that artist and i went crazy. punk rock? not me. it's shaking the house okayy..that was why my head spun. i'd rather settle for rnb, hiphop n my all time favourite, reggae. excuse me. at this point of time, i rather not fall in love. damn it! it sucks! okay people, i tink it's time for me to design a new layout for my blog. im tired of this stripey thing. let's stick to black n a lighter shade of pink. right. but im not sure when. after raya? speaking of raya, do u tink it kinda suck to celebrate raya wen school will be reopen the next week afta rayer. i tink so too. where's the fun? where's the raya atmosphere? i can't feel it! what's more; i can barely find the time to go out with my friends. ouh ya..i haf lotsa friends. tonnes! even mom would nagged at me on every year of hari raya. cos my friends can't stop attacking my house. bukan kuih raye je abis, duit raya pun abis. haha.. now now, wad do you think of these pictures dat ive edited? nice? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i prefer the third one though. i'll be back with more. million thanks to Adobe Photoshop. it's creativity that matters, right? That's It For Today. Goodbye.