Monday, October 31, 2005 7:04 AM ;||*please give me a break*|| im seriously not in the mood to blog at all. but i'll jus'll be pretty bored if im not writing an entry right? let's get some serious business going. we'll talk about my outing yesterday, shall we? i went out with my outside friends. mixture of boys and girls. we hit the town at 6.30pm, and dat place was so fucking pack-o. walked around at far east plaza aimlessly while waiting for the rest to reach. settled at cahaya for our dinner. hmm, i duntink it's for breaking our fast, bcos firstly, it's already 7.30pm, secondly..paham paham je lah. haha.. all the food places were dyem crowded. we had to wait for atleast 20mins to get our seats. and i ate steam chicken rice. eeww! gross..i should jus stick to mee hokkien next time..darn! we walked all the way to heeren next. dun ask me why, probably bcos they wanted to stay around at HMV. yes..those guys get themselves another ear pierce. ishk! i wish i could get myself another ear pierce too yesterday, but to think back, three holes in one ear, wouldn't that be a lil too much? hehe.. $150 for one zippo?! u must be kidding me.. walked all the way to dhobby ghaut and hang out at Istana Park. things got a lil crazy dere.. ouh pause. i dun smoke tink positive. matreps and minahreps are humans afterall. is it a sin to friend with them?? they're a bunch of fun people..not those boring people where for half of the tyme, u jus stare at each other's nose. by dat time, it was already 10.30pm. we chilled at dhobby ghaut mrt station for another 30minutes or so..perhaps for some cool environment. now this is the thing about me..i alwas get lost at dhobby ghaut mrt station. that mrt station is so freaking me. wad?? im sleepy. im not drunk. dats y i was swaying too much. ouh, i saw the video hakim took about us. sooo nice. very stylish.. too not in the mood to blog. wad an entry! sucks my underpanties mann.. i got home at 12.30am. last train..phew! and things are getting worse day by day. i seriously nid a break. i wanna haf time for myself. will u let me do dat?? yes u are so right. im out for revenge. i wanna take revenge on you. dat's the only thing i can do to make u hate me even more. but im wrong. things doesn't alwas go my way. and i alwas say things i didn't mean. i hope u can find somewhere in your heart to forgive me.. and yes, wad does bitch means exactly to you? do some soul-searching please.. ![]() That's It For Today. Goodbye.