Wednesday, August 03, 2005 1:09 PM ;||*Happy 18th Bdae Dirah*|| Let me do dis fer once. im 18 alreadie!! *jumps up and down* noe wad dat means??! im legal fer all those 'hott' stuff! Haha..kidding! but true rite??! cant deny u see.. *stick out tongue* Okay dokey driving license! Here i cum.. *dance around* fahn called me at 12am sharp to wish me a swit 'Happy Bdae'. Now all I haf to say is dat, im touched larh sayang bcos u sanggup wait till 12am, although i noe ure sleepy already. Hehs! *kish kish* So, i was reallie reallie bz wif my assignment dat i dun feel de 'heat' of bcuming 18 veriieee soon..haha! *all my Jap group member lyke pig sia! cant rely on dem* ARSEHOLE. *cursing* While talking on de fon wif hunnie, I was busily typing out my assignment. i noe im bad. But i realie reallie nid to complete it by hook or by crook. Guess dat's de worst bdae present! Haha.. *pimp laugh* Den i realized dat my hp's light kept appearing. n i wondered. so i paused awhile, took a look at my hp n OMG! 5 messages received. FIVE..! n it's just 12.04am..haha! Poor hunnie..he was already too sleepy to stay up wif me. Hung up de phone n started reading all de bdae wishes. Half of de tyme, i was smiling to myself. *dirah's sooo happy* BAH! managed to reply to dem n said thanks. Oke, so back to my assignment. I dunno dis mite sound crazie but de moment i laid my fingers on de keyboard, my hp will beep again. n mind u, it's continuous! Blergh! i cant complete my assignment if dat's de pace im going. Haha.. saved my assignment n switched off de comp. I'll do betta wif handling all de messages if im on de bed. Hehe.. *wink wink* And i was sms-ing all de bunchies of kanchiong-yet-adorable fwends wen all of a sudden, my hp went *toot*. Bonkers! i swear it's NOT my fault. *shrugs* And followed by dis notice. "Please insert your sim card" WTH??! Isint my simcard already inside?? and akak was laughing at me.. "Maintain adek! Niari je hp kau gitu. Lain2 hari mesti da oke nyer.." *shhheeeesssshhh* She's soooo mean! she made me cry..yess. Hasanah. i was reallie surprised! How can I not cry wen she actually wished me from Johor n it's been lyke a yr since i last contact her?? *tears* im glad fer everiting. Perhaps im blessed. Hehe.. my class managed to touch my heart. *aaawwww* we were having Java lesson in de lab. as per usual, half of de class will alwas went missing, either to e canteen or jus hanging out. so i was busily doin my Java proj. Sir was dere too. n den somebody switched off de lite. n i swear i was about to scream at dat person wen suddenly, i heard a bdae song. Dedicated to me. i turned around n wad i saw realli brought tears to my eyes. Syasya was holding a cake, lighted up wif candles. i was dumbfounded. Clueless. Speechless. n tears began to roll down my cheeks. i was sooo touched. *thank you fer everything* and thanks sir fer being sooo understanding n supportive. Kamu gerek larh oii..! hehe.. I'll thank all de bunchies who's nearest to my heart first oke?? Hunnie, thanks sooo much fer de MNG perfume. U noe exactly dat's wad i longed fer. n u'll alwas be in my heart. Syasya, thanks fer hugging me n wishing me. Ure alwas there thru thick n thin. *muacks* rabia and man, u guys are sooo keyooot! Thanks fer everything n man, kau jgn nak macam2 eh pat sini. *a note fer him* im legal to enter Zouk n Hard Rock kays..! amcam??! Nassier, thanks fer ur 'mengarut-ness'. U made me laughed n sure, I'll ride fahn's ktm OK? Hehe.. Wak dol, i will remember ur 'old-grandma-n-old-grandpa-one-in-a-million' advice. Hehs! Momma, thank you fer wishing me n kissing me on de cheek early in de mrning. Papa, i noe im turning 18 but dat doesn't mean ive to noe all de housework rite?? im soooo NOT free larh. Atleast I didn't cook burnt egg! Haha.. *stick out tongue* de sistas, kish me fer all u wan okay?? Just dun leave ur salivas on my face. n no pimple-passing please..! to ailah, ure keyoot wen sms-ing me. eve, thanks fer sabo-ing me at my cheeks n nose. If dere's pimple growing, i'll go afta you..hehs! zac, gino, simin n i-duno-who-else, i noe u guys had to run under de rain to buy me dat cake, n i realli appreciate it! n to my whole class..u guys made my day sooo fantabulous. i neva imagine u guys could do sumting so touching like dis. *phew* Not forgetting, to de rest who haf showered me wif gifts n wishes, here's to u ppl..Thank you soooo much n i reallie reallie reallie do appreciate it! Dun worry, i'll do exactly lyke wad Han did on his blog. LIST DOWN ALL DE NAMES in sequence of their timings. Sooo, peeps check out u're no. wad.. *cheeky smile* Let's DO THIS dirah (excluding momma n papa bcos dey're special larh)! 1. farhan hunnie 2. fana 3. wak dol 4. eeduh snazzie 5. farhan rahim 6. syasya 7. erwynto 8. rabia 9. akak 10. dek yana 11. man 12. hasanah 13. malihha 14. ilah 15. lyana 16. zac 17. mother-in-law *winks* 18. father-in-law *hehs* 19. shasha 20. fahmi pharrel 21. evelyn 22. nassier 23. alif 24. firdaus kassim 25. adek 26. joy 27. wendy 28. de two gerls 29. bunchies of my classmates (all!) 30. mr. Lim TC 31. dek fina 32. arif 33. izzat ...... n seriously, ive lost count..haha..! anw peeps, thank you sooo much! Rabia n leha, im sooo looking forward fer dis Sat. gerls' outing! mr n ms WR, dis Sun okay..? picnic tyme! *wooohhooo* Lyke hunnie said, dere's MORE to cum.. ![]() *\\__urs truly, Dirah ![]() *//__de present from hunnie. swit letter, bdae card n MNG perfume! Toodles! That's It For Today. Goodbye.