Friday, July 29, 2005 1:29 AM ;||*shake it n move it*|| told u i wanna change my layout to a brown one. hmm..dat reminds me of choco n more choco. *licks lip* just wen i tout Term Test's burdens are over, projects n assignments came piling up. to be exact, 5 assignments n projects are helplessly waiting fer me. n dirah is simply crying fer help. *whine whine whine* n im soooo NOT in de mood to do any projects. Bah! m happy fer syasya. afta waiting fer sooo long fer de letter from dat someone, finally it came. putting a wide smile on her face n tears of happiness. m proud of her fer still being faithful n patiently waiting fer dat someone. *aaawwwwwww* i miss my fahn. veriee much. i wanna hug you. i wanna kiss you. i wanna love you. rite now im craving fer Candy Floss. in total, ive eaten 3candy floss n it's NOT healthy miss dirah. blergh! i wanna go shopping and check out fer any latest stuff. im sick of not spending my money like some goddess. hellya haven-ness rite? Anyone?? *raise eyebrow* ouh btw, thanks Raihan fer asking Rabia to remind me dat Taufik will be performing at Jurong Point dis Saturdae. but sadly, i cant make it. *sad* my stomach's grumbling. Urghh! GoodDay n GodBless. - im aint a perfectionist. im just living under my own skin n im loving it - That's It For Today. Goodbye.