Friday, July 22, 2005 1:34 PM ;||*love is U and I*|| *latest news* LONDON kena bomb again. *shakes head* mayb London ppl should jus blame n point fingers at Tony Blaire fer annoucing confidently wif George Bush dat their country WUN kena bomb. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! i jus got back from shopping fer de DnD. rite. ive changed my mind on wad to wear. a flicker-minded person, so..dun xpect de same ting from me every sec. shant tell wad im gonna wear. wait fer de pics to be uploaded on Sun okays?? *wide smile* be patient. wif all my heart, i would lyke to say a million thanks fer de ppl who haf spent their precious tyme stopping at my blog n tagged me on de necklaces. really appreciate it. may god bless you. hehe.. and.. ive made up my mind to buy de 'white sun' necklace. i tink dat is sooo me. *sweet smile* awak! asal blum kol kol kiter nie?? kiter rindu banyak banyak pat awak tau! kiter nak hug hug awak kuat kuat boleh?? kiter sayang sangat sangat larh pat awak. *kish kish* probably i'll tell Usher dis in my dream later. the definition of love: Love is fahn n nadirah. aan and dirah. busyuk n hunnie. u and i. b's girlfrend n b's boyfrend. u noe wad i feel lyke doin now?? eating ice-cream wif Hershey's chocolate syrup. *licks lip* n lie on de bed, watching teevee. haven-ness! tata! *u chase me, i catch u* That's It For Today. Goodbye.