Monday, July 18, 2005 11:29 AM ; why are Singaporean sooo inhumane?? yes, it's normal. i noe dat. But are dey really heartless?? inconsiderate?? unsympathetic?? Let's just talk some sense here. i was on de bus n de bus was a lil bit crowded, wif no seats left. so i was one of dem who's standing. it doesnt matter though. and de next stop, a young lady wif big tummy(pregnant larh) boarded de bus, wif her hubby. Dey looked kinda young. serious. oke, another normal stuff perhaps. and she was standing just bside me. i looked around. especialli de person who's sitting rite in front of de pregnant lady. and i was asking myself "didnt anione realise we haf a pregnant lady here standing wen she was supposed to be seating down?? and hello Singaporeans, where's your kindness??!" true enuf. noone bothered to gif up their seats. Tsk! if onli i was seating down, i WOULD gif my seat to her. rite. bcos i dunwan dat to happen to me in years to come. Looking at her standing helplessly wif her big tummy, i felt sooo sorry fer her. and it's a shame, i repeat, REAL shame, to admit dat im a Singaporean. and de ppl who's trying to alight de bus, was rushing towards de door. passing bhind me n hitting my back. Lyke dere's no otha bustops if dey missed dat particular bustop. Freaked! n believe it or not, dey cant be bothered if dey hit de pregnant lady or not. bcos dey haf onli one ting in mind, to alight de bus. cruel i mus say. doesn't dey feel aniting fer dis pregnant lady?? doesn't dey tink what de pregnant lady feels lyke to carry a big tummy?? whats worst; doesn't dey tink wad will happen if de bus suddenly came to a halt n she fall, hurting herself?? Who's to blame?? De busdriver??! me??! or those inhumane ppl in de bus??!! *raise eyebrows* Dearest Singaporean, it's tyme fer u ppl to tink fer others too. n stop tinking so highly of urself bcos u got no heart. *shakes head* u mite say im criticizing lyke nobody's business. correct. if ppl don't bother to care abt others, should i care wad others gonna tink abt me?? blardie hell no! sooo, i jus got back from Escape Theme Park. im worn out. i wanted so much to try de Haunted House. haha..crazie those ppl. it was a bit freaking. Yerp..n it was dyem dark inside dat u cant even see de person bside u. so how in de world m i supposed to see de 'ghost'??! dis pathetic 'ghost' were just busybody-ing following us. to whereva we went. Reallie. and making stupid noises n screams lyke "eeeeee","aaaaaa" n wadeva. First tyme, it's scary. Second tyme, it's freaking. Third tyme, it's irritating! Trust me. i even looked bhind n said "ey, irritating larh.urrggh!!" i guess if dey could laugh, dey'll prolly be laughing their hearts out. *pimp laugh* What's more. we got lost inside. too dark to even noe where we're heading. Here's wad de gerl said to us before entering de ghost house. "do not kick, smack, punch, touch or do wadeva to de ghost. Bcos if u did jus dat, de ghost will do exactly back to you. n no flashlights. no camera." sounded more farnie den eerie rite?? i tink so too. de flippers were driving me nuts. My head was spinning soo badly dat i felt lyke puking. it went round n round n round, turning here n dere, feeling lyke ure hanging in de air, n blergh! my head's spinning. *twirl* dats all fer now. gotta catch some sleep later. im too tired rite now. n school's starting AGAIN tomorrow. *sigh* and by de way Baybeats, forgive me fer not turning up your gig fer de 3daes. im jus not in de mood to get some booty shaking. heard from ppl it's dyem entertaining. well, great job dudes. to all rudies n rude gerls out dere, u gotta a ska fest on 7th aug. im just announcing fer de benefits of a 'nobody-business' gerl. im not into it. haha..but i'll get down fer de HipHop Fest on de 12th aug at Esplanade. probably. perhaps. maybe. Hehs! wishing you ppl an early goodnite. im out. That's It For Today. Goodbye.