Monday, September 25, 2006 11:28 PM
;calling out all cleaners - feel me!
according to my dictionary, fasting month = clean your room. even before the fasting month, i was told again &again to start clearing my "mess". oh boy, you should see how unexcited my expression was; i was afraid the minute i set my eyes on my study table and those shelves above. you see, i have stacks of books piling on top of one another and assessment books being stacked up, thus messing up my every shelf, drawer and cupboard. the last time i cleared everything, i stumbled upon 6 thick books from Year1, 7 thick books from Year2, 4 thick books from Year3, over 40 piles of magazines, 10 bottles of perfume and something like 6 picture frames, 15 bottles of nail polish, three bears from the loved one, 5 thickthick photo albums, 20 necklaces, 10 pairs of earrings ... you get my drift. &that alone doesn't involve my make-up stuffs.
im a make-up bitch. i grabbed almost everything from different brands; i like to explore. &that have yet to include the number of times i dropped my eyeshadows and blushers, thus breaking them up into small bits and then i will whine, ah! nothing's new. the parents couldn't stop nagging at how much their daughter spent on those beauty stuffs - THAT is for having a daughter, no, three daughters to be exact. i guess i shouldn't continue to the wardrobe of bags, shoes, and what else? clothings! goodness, i am afraid of cleaning up those "mess". and im one who finds it hard to chuck things out, &i bet im not the only soul here.
somehow, the more i clean my stuffs, the more unwanted stuffs start to show up all over again.
i badly want to scream &im trying to force myself NOT to think of how much work we have to do for dad. the downfall of having all wooden stuffs at home? you need to polish them &make sure the shine stays till Hari Raya ends. my house window grills are those made from iron rod, where the designs range up from flowers to the twirlers &that, we have to polish too. things will be different if the parents hire a maid to do the cleaning for us but of course that's not going to happen.
..and to top it all, we have one naughty cat which couldn't stop chasing after the broom when either one of us sweep the floor, purposely lie down on a whole lot of dirts/hairs/tissues due to sweeping the floor &jump all the way up to the top of the refrigerator and basically pose there. then last two days, dad brought home another kitten which is so similar to pussy, only that it's small. &that was the first time the whole family witnessed how much jealousy pussy had and those sampaibulusemuaterdiri growls the moment it saw dad carrying another kitten home. jealous eh pussy?
after much thought, we decided not to take care of it since pussy is very jealous on having another cat in our house. bah!
That's It For Today. Goodbye.