Wednesday, September 20, 2006 2:16 PM ;it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness after much thought, we decided to spend more time together to boost up this little thing we share called relationship - picnic at East Coast! sun lover like me will definitely go for the idea. took quarter of Monday's night to plan swee-swee about yesterday's outing; 11 in the morning, we'll have breakfast first before heading to the beach. it was so smart of us to pitch a tent so as to escape from all those perspiration. preetyboy was so sweet - he brought along two magazines to kill our (just in case) boredom; Australian's New Weekly and New Idea &i brought along my Cleo September's Issue. while waiting for the sun to slowly set in, we slacked around in the tent.. ..& then preetyboy decided to be my personal cameraman. oh well, he directed me to pose with the trees so yeah..that explained the drama-mama pictures. time passed by so fast that it was time to bathe! you should see how excited that boy was because he left me and jumped into the sea first. jahat kan? we had so much fun in the water - splashing each other as though we wore goggles (ew, in the sea?), laughing at how retarded we tried to swim in the sea (which tak menjadi) &doing different kind of stunts which ended up threatening me instead: you kalau taknak pegang i kuat-kuat, i lepaskan you eh! and i replied: ehwah budak ni, dia yang sungguh-sungguh nak angkat orang, aku pulak yang kene. okay, so this boy was so obsessed with the sand but b, you don't have to show the pervert side of you right? hahaa. if you could see what he was trying to show here, then i think that's umm..pretty good! ya..i mean, who don't know what's THAT thing, right? hehs! while waiting for our bodies to dry up, we continued snapping irritating pictures. amacam? ader tokoh-tokohnya tak? ho ho. then this boyfriend step paham wore my sunglass &read my Cleo magazine. by 5pm, the stomach couldn't stop grumbling for food so we decided to pack up and have dinner at Lagoon (where two of his friends then came by for sugarcane's drink i think, cause they didn't eat. hahaa). this one again, my boyfriend step bagus fold the tent all by himself but i tell you eh, after i snapped this photo, he straightaway grumbled to me asking for my help. hahaa, tahu takpe! finally.. i just want to say 'Thank you for the picnic, love!'. That's It For Today. Goodbye.