Friday, September 22, 2006 1:15 PM ;a rose by any other name would smell as sweet just two days ago, i realised i had to do some sacrificing for being a loyal tutor; &of course, that one good tutor to my PSLE kid. her mom (in some way of another) really feels the need to have me in her house for tuition every single day. what?! are you serious? im not kidding. my vision almost went blur after bibik passed the message to me. then i remembered mom's words: it's your duty to guide your kid, not chase after their money. i guessed this is a test for me. in less than an hour, i came up with possible time slots, even to the extend of not breaking fast with my own family &having to tutor two kids in a day during my fasting. im sooo dead. but on a brighter side, focus on the rolling ka-ching ka-ching; that's the only one thing i badly need for my Hari Raya preparation. the kid somehow felt guilty after i passed her the new tuition timetable - kak, are you sure you can do this for me? im so sorry if i've been troubling you a lot these days. i swear that i almost wanted to roll my eyes in front of her but i thought that was a rude thing to do, so i threw her one of my widest smile &assured her that it's her PSLE that im freaking out, not the amount of time i had to sacrifice for her. so there..i guess my holiday this time around is less enjoyable. grr. today, momma has finally decided to drop by Arab Street for my $100plus maroon lace cloth. my heart was jumping &jumping (okay, tu bedek la) when she asked me if im positive about having that expensive cloth which i think to her, it's NOT worth for me. "alah mama, sekali sekala Hari Raya" is teenager's all-time favourite phrase. =) so preetyboy, we are going to be in brownish maroon for this year &you could put aside those worries about wearing green (i tahula yang you stress when i kater kiter pakai green this year. hahaa!). my bf so kental, itupun nak stress. alahai! oh, today shall be another blogger's day out (plus bring-the-boyfriend-along) - it's dinner time! well actually, i can't wait to see shab's lucky guy. hahaa. or most probably, she's coming alone. i told you to get a bf fast, didn't i? hmmph. nevermind, actually we might probably have a chalet or something once you've found your guy, just to be certain to your mom that YOUR DAUGHTER IS STRAIGHT. hehs! okay actually, im just kidding la gf. &ACTUALLY, im too broke for anything at this moment. really, actually.. actually, im going down to Kampung Glam for SuriaRaya today with preetyboy. see you people there! =) That's It For Today. Goodbye.