Friday, April 08, 2005 3:47 AM
;||*wen gym-ness sets in*||
Whine-ness us! 9.30am to e gym, no excuses!
Work out our bodies. Mahu maintain bodyshape peh pasal. Had our shower in dere.
Ailah was kind enuf to let me n rabia bathe first since dere is onlie 2 shower cubicles. So, dats e sweetest part of her. Sweet habis padahal she malas to mandi first!! Hehs.
E cubicle was lyke a bathtub, flooding wif e Body Shop shower gel. Haha wadeva it is, I did not pay fer the water bills. So excuse me huh..
Spent 1 hr to settle our makeup and hair-dos. We are REAL gerls!!
Our stomach were den grumbling. Criuzly we had no energy to walk. Goodness us! we should be energetic afta an exercise rite? mayb we had a gud bath, tats y. but we rather drag our feets.
Fahn joined us fer lunch at Food Culture n e food dere tastes really darn good! Trust me on dis. Wadeva it is, it's worth ur money.
Now dat e stomach is full, I wish I could just cuddle my bolster n tucked myself under e comforter. Heaven!
Were chilling nex to Starbuxs wen dis guy, rather middle-age guy, approached us. Fer the reason of wanting to interview us. 1hr interview, $60. great huh? Yeah,but abt wad? smoking.. izit fer real??!!
Do we look lyke we smoke? Even if we do smoke, u tink we care go all the way to ur office to interview? And $60 per hour?? He mus b joking..lyke duh, who noes if its some place lyke lorong 81? Creepy-and-disgusting stuffie goin on dere..
Yah, mayb bcos I wore a goin-to-be miniskirt, rabia wore a denim skirt n ailah wore a Levi's skirt wif high slit, dat he approached us?
Fark off larh! We aren't minah oke..
Thanks but its all passed.
Rabia threw his namecard in e bushes 5sec afta he walked away.. Haha! nice one gurl.
And fahn was lyke laughing real hard bside us. Wats dat supposed to mean boy? Heh!
P/S: gurlfrens, dun slouch wen u sit!
That's It For Today. Goodbye.