Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:00 PM ;||*loveME, kissME dear*|| can you ever hear my scream if i were to scream now? oh nevermind, i need a break; i seriously do. this project is not working at all, and im so fucked up. codes are driving me crazy; can't they teach better and good codes like blogging? i can sooo imagine the fun i'll be having. put that aside. at this very moment, i have only this in my mind - god is being so nice to me. nice things don't usually happen to me, you see. i feel a whole lot better after chatting with you dear girl; you make me smile. =) and just now, love texted me; im being missed! aww, i simply enjoy that feeling of being missed you know. love, we'll gather those girls and picnic next week okay? i can't wait. plusplus, my dear mizzie was thinking of me yesterday. how sweet can that get? im touched, very much. it's been a long time since you hugged me, you kissed me here on the cheeks and lips, you pinched my humps and hear you shrieked from a distance. we should do that often you know. i miss you too babe! just now after lunch at Pastamania, Famous Amos was on tekstersya. thankyouverymuch darling! and thankyou for those jokes; u made me laugh of tears okay. guess what, we cam-whored! photos will be up as soon as she transfers me those pics. better hurry eh makcik! new news: im officially broke. flat broke indeed. right now, i have a pathetic 6bucks in my purse. how's that? day check: thursday! that means, the boxers are in. preetyboy, pretty please bring me to that store again next week okay? love you la. to teksternurul, ive yet to see you pinkstripepanties cum mypinkstripemngtop okay. wear it to school and show it off to me, im sure tekstersya wants to see it too. hahaaa. okay, so i think this song is hott; so does everybody. hott songs must never go to waste hor. dear god, thank you for being so nice to me. i promise to be good from today onwards so that you can let me have more money to shop. downside, i NEEDmoney! Made my mistakes, let you down And I can't, I can't hold on for too long Ran my whole life in the ground And I can't, I can't get up when you're gone loveME sweetheart. That's It For Today. Goodbye.