Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:09 PM ;||*break it loose; i dont mind*|| honestly, somehow i do think that people faces do differ from pictures and in real life. in those cases, i admit that it is so hard for me to recognise such being, thus leaving me a bad name - what an arrogant dirah! seriously, if you think you can recognise me when im outside, do say hi or atleast smile at me okay? make me remember that's you. =) preetyboy was craving for Tom Yam cup noodle hours ago; so was i. but on second thought, panata made us crave for Roti Naan. so evil! but anyway, it was worth my money; cheap and nicenice. ah, talking about food, i managed to force preetyboy to take a bus to Afghanistan instead of riding to there. i mean b, that's just a short distance from our school right? so being the geramnyerakumacamnakketukkpaladia bf, we went up to the upper deck of the bus plusPLUS, he pulled my right arm so that i will sit with him riiiiiight infront; so irritating you know. dah gitu takpe, after a minute of being excited that he got to see the view of the road ahead, he complained that he's feeling nauseous and giddy. wahlao, over sia my bf. hahaaaa. but i still love you la preetyboy! on a totally different note, have you seen the artwork done on the ground over at the back entrance of Esplanade? awesome! no doubt that i was amazed by that duo's skills. oh, you can click on the provided link below to get a brief idea of what im talking about; trust me, you'll be amazed. i wish i have those hidden talent. but wishes don't usually come true; only once in a blue moon. you know, when i was very young with that gullible attitude, i used to think that Santa do comes down from above every Christmas Day to surprise those lucky kids with christmas presents and make wishes come true. i even waited at the window patiently on the eve of Christmas Day, hoping to see Santa with its three reindeers crossing the sky; macam ET gitu eh. that was how gullible i used to be back then; but not now okay. anyway, back to where i was, art has been my passion since i was in primary school. in secondary school, i took up art as my elective and scored a B3 for my Olevel. not satisfactory enough although they said i did a good job. b, maybe one day we should meet up with mr razak and force him to return back my thick art sketchbook and if possible, i badly want to see back my Olevel artwork. my ifeellikepinchinghisbothcheeksveryhardhard bf made me laughed like one mad woman in front of the computer just now. read this... __dirah* spoiltBABE in town; i want to bring home this boy *wink says: b, what's the name of that artist ar? Fahn says: entah. ahmad agaknye. __dirah* spoiltBABE in town; i want to bring home this boy *wink says: takla. karim la. Fahn says: but that time when the police screened him, he said his name is zul tau. __dirah* spoiltBABE in town; i want to bring home this boy *wink says: tu lah. sometimes when people asked him what's his name, he said his mum calls him nor. Fahn says: aku KAN.. __dirah* spoiltBABE in town; i want to bring home this boy *wink says: ha! menjawab-menjawab! lame as ever, i know. anyway..i have two birthday babies to wish. one, happyTWENTYFOURbirthdayZAC and two, happySEVENTEENbirthdayIZZAH. i'll give you your birthday gift (the testimonial that you asked me to give you) in a jiffy okay? hahaaa. may all the sweetest and great things be yours today! now, im feeling for a countdown. countdown to my birthday. eee..orang tak heran okay! diamla bangau(s). That's It For Today. Goodbye.