Tuesday, January 31, 2006 7:57 PM ;||*how do i live without u*|| at this very moment, i think my brain's going to explode at any minute. did i tell you that i hate to do assignments? thousand of times. urgh. you know what's the one thing that i always want to post here but kept forgetting? i was chatting away in msn with nassier when he sent me this photo and asked me if i remember those moments. have a look y'all.. ![]() i know. it's so candid. haha, that's the reason why i love this photo. okay, that was snapped a year ago, during rabia's chalet. at that time, i was so geram at nassier that i felt like slapping his face. and apparently, someone snapped it. anyway, to my goodfriend cum mr neverpunctual cum a joker, recover soon okay? 6weeks isn't that long, just learn how to stay at home and enjoy the entertainment you have there. gee! i'll make sure preetyboy personally deliver you his tonnes of vcds to kill your boredom okay? we pity you, we really do, but what the heck, you're never serious even after what has happened. haha. it's a sad thing that i can't seem to get through my gurlfren. to gurlfren ailah, it's been a long time since we last meet and i really do hope that you are doing fine wherever you are. do give me call when you are free okay? we miss you. sorry i have to do this here, simply because i can't get through you, let alone calling you. plus i hate to leave a msg at friendster, i feel like a total idiot at the end of the day. haha. preetyboy is now out with din, searching miserably for a helmet. good la. who ask you to sell your previous helmet to your good friend a day before CNY? kan all shops will be close during CNY. but whatever it is, take care darling. im missing you. it's indeed a real shock to see my lil kid's good progress in her mathematics. keep going and you will do well in your PSLE. by now, you should trust your tutor's stinky advice. toink toink. i make a good mathematics tutor, that explains why my aunt gives me full trust and let me tutor her Secondary3 daughter. Pythagoras' Theorem, easy peasy. called my girl and she is happily sleeping. so, here's a big shoutout to syasya. WAKE UP! time to complete your assignment, you smelly bum. right. back to TechEnt assignment. ergh. i think vanilla ice cream with hershey's chocolate syrup sounds great. perfect. on top of all that, you know what ive been thinking about lately? Valentine's Day. awesome! preetyboy, will you be my valentino? *giggle That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Monday, January 30, 2006 9:23 PM ;||*hold me close and kiss me*|| for now, i guess it's pretty okay for me to spend some time with preetyboy rather than cope myself in the room and force myself to complete the mountain of projects. which i don't even know how to start doing. so his surprise did work out. he called me at 11.30am, only to surprise me that he's already at home. i like surprises, cause that's when you will see me smiling from ear to ear. what's in for today's plan? out with preetyboy, simply to nowhere. haha. i was 15mins late, as usual. im never early when it comes to meeting preetyboy and syasya. anyway, we took about 10mins to suggest a place and finally, preetyboy came up with a plan. the Animal Farm, ouh..how silly is that? it was fun okay. i kept screaming and hiding behind preetyboy as soon as the stupid goat stick out its head and when the ducks were let off, wandering around and scaring people. we bought foods for the goats and horses. i was forced by him to feed the goat. omg, you don't know how scared i am. so i took a piece of bread and wave at one of the goat. it immediately bite one end of the bread and i immediately let go of the bread. gee, it fall on the ground and poor goat had to pick it up and eat. that proves how scared i am. the horse? no need to say. i was disgusted looking at how yellow its teeth were, let alone feeding them. they have bigger teeth than i have. eww! total gross. and the goats were happily licking fahn's palm. eee..i can't believe fahn said it was ticklish. i think it's more to disgusting. urgh. don't remind me. i did not feed the ducks. all i did was throw the bread at them and run away. cause they kept coming to me and asked for more. and for your info, they run faster than i do. rasa macam nak panjat pokok pun ader. and then fahn forced me to take a picture with the iguana. that iguana was freaking big and long sae. its long tail reminded me of the lizard's tail. eee! i stood like 1m away from the iguana and fahn kept telling me to go closer. i was so scared that i snatched the hp from fahn and asked him to stand beside the iguana instead. and he did la. astagaf! we had our lunch at Jln Kayu. then off we went to somewhere in Changi, i dunnoe what that place is called. sit around, enjoy the scenery and then, we had this craving for Rhumba Frap. suggested on Airport's Starbuck but because we have to pay for the parking, we made our way to Tamp's Starbuck. full house. bought the drink, and sit behind Tampines Mall. later, i had this craving for Long John's fries plak. tsk! had nowhere to go, so i told preetyboy to take me to Pasir Ris Park. the weather was like super friendly la today. chilled at Fisherman's Village and had their $10 fruit punch and pink guava drinks. too expensive la. we had nothing to do so we threw peanuts at each other. and unintentionally, a peanut ended up in my drink. haha. funny la tu. on our way to the carpark: me: b, let's skip to the carpark together. him: skip? okayla. me: okay, after i count to three, we skip k? but must hold my hand tau. 1..2..3! and we skipped happily to the carpark. da macam budak-budak cacat otak sae. haha. come to think of it, sometimes it's fun to do stupid and crazy stuff together with your other half. don't you think so? what's on tv today? DIA and Coyote Ugly. fun fun. okay, i think preetyboy looked extra cute in this photos. excuse my hp's low megapixel. ![]() ![]() i love you, i really do. time to bathe. goodnight. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, January 29, 2006 9:16 PM ;||*wish you were here*|| i called preetyboy and he told me he won't be back until tomorrow morning. urgh. i feel like crying okay. i hate to spend another lonely night without him. damn it. im soooo not in the mood for anything now. bye. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
8:56 PM ;||*browsing through*|| i was bored so i browse through all those e-mails preetyboy used to send to me. and i came across this email which i think is so farnie and true. let me share it with you. CINTA (sebelum kahwin) C = cubit kiri, kanan rasa. I = impian indah ibarat syurga. N = nikah impian utama. T = taat setia membawa bahagia. A = awal dan akhir bersama selamanya (selepas kahwin) C = cuka yang dituang pada luka. I = iblis yang merosak minda. N = nafsu semata-mata. T = tahu jatuh, tahu bangu sendiri. A = api dalam neraka. KASIH (sebelum kahwin) K = kongsi semua suka duka. A = abang adik, ayang anja. S = sumpah janji di bibir sentiasa. I = istana bahagia dah dicipta. H = hatiku hatimu jua. (selepas kahwin) K = kaki tangan naik kat kepala. A = abuk pun tara, nak makan apa?? S = simpati langsung tak ada. I = ironi membakar jiwa. H = hidup mati sama je. SAYANG (sebelum kahwin) S = sikit-sikit SORRY, sikit-sikit SORRY, mengada! :-) A = asal free mesti nak jumpa. Y = you lap me, I lap you! A = apa saja sanggup diduga. N = nak itu, nak ini.! .. mesti dapat punya. G = gula-gula, coklat, teddy bear hadiah utama. (selepas kahwin) S = salah sikit kiamat dunia. A = air tak sedap, basahlah mata. Y = yang betul dia je. A = anak je tahu buat, nafkah tak tahu kasi. N = nak dilawan, digelar derhaka. G = gaduh sampai lebam muka. HATI (sebelum kahwin) H = hanya dikau yang daku cinta. A = air paip pun manis macam gula. T = tak jumpa sehari boleh jadi gila. I = igauan indah tak terkira. (selepas kahwin) H = hantu jembalang lagi sempurna. A = air mata jadi teman setia. T = tempat mengadu dah tak ada. I = ikut hati mati, ikut rasa binasa... nak buat macam mana? That's It For Today. Goodbye.
8:40 PM ;||*can i have it like that*|| urgh. if you could feel it, i am suffocating like fuck right now. plus, i could hardly cope with everything that is revolving me. i need a break, i seriously do. i can't manage all those projects and assignments. at times, i just feel like letting go everything and pretend nothing is bugging me. but i can't. i need all these grades in order to graduate next year. can you hear my screams? for the past 3 hours, believe it or not, ive just completed typing out a pathetic 'General Company Description' which is made up of only 2pages. obviously, plus the fact that i bloghopped and surf the net. you see, those temptations will never die on me. so whose fault is it anyway? bacin adeq literally plead me to download a Gerhana Skacinta's song for her. stopid. im in the middle of doing my research okay. ergh. but nice la the song, haha. credit goes to me okay, not you. anyway, i downloaded Daddy Yankee's Rompe song too. awesome reggae! naik giler aku terpekik-pekik nyanyi. basically, no one in the house bothers to entertain me. ouh rite, there's only me and akak now. the rest are out to somewhere. i had a big cat fight with sis on friday night. she pissed me off okay. she insisted that i hutang her $5.50, which i did not, and demanded me to pay her back. obviously, i cant be bothered to entertain her, so i totally ignore her. after that, what she did really pissed the hell outta me. she took my purse and started digging out my money. hello, where's your basic courtesy? how rude can you get? on the other hand, you should know that i have this bad tempered in me. especially if you were stupid enough to piss me off. you pay the price then. so i went to her, snatched away my purse and i think, i kind of swing my right palm to her right bottom cheek. okay, it happened so fast that i didn't realise i kind of slapped her. no, don't use the word slap, it's too harsh. hmm..it's more to push her face using great force. that's better. mom came rushing out from her room and tried to cool us down. but we just couldn't control my temper that we shouted and screamed like mad bitches. i totally ignored mom and she kinda give up on us and continued watching her television show. we continued argueing till im damn satisfied and mind you, it was at 11pm. confirm jiran-jiran pikir ada dua budak gila dalam rumah. haha. so up till now, im not talking to her. i totally ignore her and pretend i didn't see her. that is what you call when fighting with siblings are in action. haha. forget about that. ouh, there's a fight just now at kopitiam. si kpo ni, used the chair at the dining table and climbed up to see what was going on through the small window at the toilet. freaked! i carried the chair to the toilet okay. see la how kepo this girl is. that is the only window where you can get a clear view of the kopitiam in front of my house. the view from my room's window was covered by a huge freaking tree. hati pun puas dapat tengok tau. kerusi meja melayang-layang. cawan pecah. wah! macam funfair sae. and obviously, they walked off after that, without even be bothered to clean up the mess they've made. poor innocent servants had to clean up for those rascals. now, let's get on with my preetyboy. he's not back yet and im missing him truckloads! ouh, please come home fast and meet me. i just wanna hug you and kiss you. damn. it seems forever, you know.. during the phone conversation: me: ure sleeping b? him: ya, im so tired b. me: what have you been doing there hunnie? him: nothing much darling, i just feel tired and sleepy. me: ouuh, then when are you coming back? i miss you tau. him: i will come home tonight oke? me: you miss me? him: yes i do busyuk. Love you. aaww..now, there's every reason to miss him and love him. tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock im still waiting for you b.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
1:33 AM ;||*summer sunshine is back*|| you might just want to ask me why the hell am i blogging at 1am when i can just get my peaceful sleep. haha. simply bcos i miss my preetyboy too much. i really do. and the only thing i can do right now is keep looking at my hp's wallpaper, cause that's where i can see his ouhsocute face. urgh. he's in johor now with all his families and will only be back tomorrow night. imagine a day without him. omg, it'll be forever to wait for night to come. you know, i can't live like that. honestly. im still busy designing a website for my edd. sickening. i shouldn't have uninstall my Dreamweaver MX 2004. i thought i wun be needing it anymore since im taking networking as my elective, but im WRONG! this mr perfectionist insisted that i should design the website using Dreamweaver so that it's easier for him to copy the codes and work it well with oracle. wtf?! it took me an hour to finish downloading the trial version of Dreamweaver 8 yesterday night. pathetic. that's not only that. i totally forgot how to use the program. so in order to start designing a webpage, i had to browse through the handbook which was super confusing. but i think im doing well, as for now la. hopefully the mr perfectionist will like the website that ive designed. if not, i will fart at his face. and make sure my fart smells like a bad egg. haha. talking about internet, those person dealing with my monthly internet bill sure wanna get that punching from me. a real hard one, and make sure they cant see the daylight anymore. imagine this. i had to pay $63 for my internet when usually, i paid for only $30 every month. that's not it. i got a fucking scolding from dad for using the internet too often. the next mth bill came. $63 again. got fucking scolding again. this mth, $63 again. wtf?! pikir photocopy per? i got so pissed off that i compared all the three month's bills. true enough. everything is the same. what's more; the online checking states that i have another 3hrs of free usage. and it's not even a month yet. so how do i explain this month's internet bill? a big fuck to them. and i will not hesitate to scream at them over the phone. pikir fun-fair per? buat suker hati mak bapak dorang je. moving on.. the date yesterday with jepon was cancelled due to what eh..? CNY celebration eh? haha, see. sape suruh masuk millennia institute? look at polytechnic, we just mind our own freaking business and let a celebration happens by itself. takyah kecoh-kecoh. so i kind of force syasya to accompany me to bugis. we searched high and low for a faded denim skirt, according to my liking, but we couldn't find it after an hour of searching. so we settled for BugisCafe. this girl here wanted to try out their salad, knowing that i didn't eat vegetables. and i ended up eating only quarter of the salad. what a waste. tsk! finally i found that skirt. nice la..it looks so season. i like the tattered part. only that, the length is not what i intended to buy. but nvm, length is not a problem at all. smile. i seriously need to find a purple and an orange top so that i can match them with preetyboy's top. pakai sama-sama kan cute. hehe. i'll do that as soon as all my projects and assignments are over. they are killing me, and im suffocating like a slaughtered sheep. i have to come up with this marketing plan which i swear i know nuts about marketing. in the first place, what's that gotta do with my course, info-communication? arse. so the only way out is to do research and you know what's our business is all about? something like GMask Beauty Warp. sounds fun right, but it's NOT. especially if you have to do research. my biggest enemy. okay, i have to sleep now. tomorrow will be a long day for me. precisely, a project day. sigh. and i miss preetyboy. i wish i could kidnap you.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:11 PM ;||*all that matters*|| wednesday night wasn't pleasant at all. i spent the whole night editing adeq's blog and all she did was eating in front of the television and check on my progress every 20mins. how sickening is that? to add more frustration, her blog is similar to mine, except that her blog is in orange and mine is in purple. don't believe, click here to enter her blog and see for yourself. even so, i don't grumble okay. siblings are supposed to share their stuff and tolerate with one another right? right. smelly lil adeq can't stop irritate me. perhaps, that's one disadvantage of having a lil sis at home. urgh. on a heavier note, i slept at 2.45am yesterday, all thanks to preetyboy. i waited for him to return home safely before i can have a nice sleep. on that note, i had only 5hours of sleep. now, that explains why im so sleepy right now. yawn. and those eyebags are showing. i did some thinking yesterday night. you know, things like what makes a guy different from his other half. i mean, look at the way they think, the way they react upon an argument, the way they come to a solution, the way they assume things according to their thoughts and i just couldn't understand why guys have this big, pathetic and idiotic ego wherever they go. i guess that's what makes a guy different from a girl. too contradicting. yet, it's too much for a girl to handle everything about a guy. plus their attitude, their personality and their sarcastic. waaaay to much, don't you think so? and fact is, i realised two things about guys. first fact they can never agree with us when we say that we care and love them more than they do. they can even argue with you and end the argument with stuff like 'guys usually don't show their care and love to his other half. but in our heart, we do care and love you as much as you care and love us.' damn. how true is that? and they expect the girls to buy their sweet words? second fact they insist that we should listen to them but when we tell them to listen to our simple instruction, they can never follow. never. now, how do you expect us to listen to you? to us, this is not a fair treatment. don't talk about compromise. totally off. maybe there's more. but you see, i have guys reading my blog, so it's only right for me to watch my words. no offence ya. it's just some random thoughts. had an early dinner with syasya and nassier at East Coast Lagoon. it was supposed to be on nassier okay, but in the end, he didn't even fork out a single cent. hmmph! then off we went to Tanjong Rhu. i love the wind. awesome! we talked. we giggled. we joked. we laughed. we crapped. otw home, i kinda force preetyboy to speed at 120km/h. haha. it's fun though. dad gave me an extra $20 to spend. tomorrow is my date with jepon. sounds perfect for a lil shopping. i cant wait. oh gawd, im missing preetyboy and he's asleep right now. will i be that mean girl if i wake him up just to tell him i miss him? hmm..nvm, there's always tomorrow. ![]() it's been a long time since i last post a big photo of myself. kind of miss my arstsy face. meanwhile, have an early sleep you lil rascal. hugs and kisses. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:37 PM ;||*you turn me on*|| this is when i hate school to the fugging core. urgh. ive got lotsa assignments and projects to complete. date due is in two weeks' time. im doom. im just going to settle with a short and simple entry today. i had fun watching Victoria Secret Fashion Show. really. i can even jump on my bed watching those babes on the runway. especially the part where Aaron Carter's I Want Candy and Rihanna's Pon De Replay songs were playing. i mean candies lingerie? super cool. easier said, i loooove their lingerie alot alot alot. one more, ALOT! and i love the dancers during Ricky Martin's part. double super cool. preetyboy missed that show and im sooo happy. haha. i purposely didn't wake him up. im so mean, i know. i doubt your bro taped that show. too bad cause it's OVER. *evil laugh i kept switching channels to Suria the moment TCS5 had advertisements. i don't want to miss the show DIA. funny shit but every character in that show is slowly turning into someone evil, except for dia, dwi, eka, ivan, marsha and gita. i think i can predict how's the story going to end. hmm.. finally, i bumped into jepon yesterday. i miss her muchalot! you're so thin la now, not fair! and because of your thinness, it somehow motivates me to do sit-ups every night, just to slim down my tummy. 30 sit-ups yesterday, im proud of myself. gee! just now, preetyboy accompanied me to Century Square cause i wanted to buy a white nail polish. so sweet. thank you so much la darling. purify pink and white will go perfectly well. i have a quiz early in the morning tomorrow and ive yet to study. urgh. why can't they just settle with an open book quiz? wouldn't that be thousand times better for us as well as the facilitator? whatever. i was so fucked up at school just now, but only for an hour. thanks to someone who kind of backout at the very last minute. what kind of attitude is that?! you should atleast think for the rest before making another decision and just gave us a very lame reason. like shit. obviously, i was cursing like a mad woman just now. gino was playing the sweet guy just now. thanks for treating me and syasya. do you know what's the reason behind it? because we're feeling down and he wanted to make us smile and feel better. aawww..no wonder syasya likes you so much. haha. as for now, i think doing two things at a time sounds great. study for my quiz and paint my nails. awesome! okay bye. my love bite can last up to 4days. so cool. haha That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:52 PM ;||*natural flirt that i am*|| ![]() so today, this gurlfren of mine has turned 19. fwee-weeet! hope you will be bless with more happiness in your life and keep that relationship of yours going. you always have me, keep that in mind. now, let me give you a kiss. *muacks* as for now, the temptation never die. temptation for a new layout. i love changes, can't you see? and for now, it'll be shades of purple, although i admit that im not a big fan of purple. yea..i guess it's okay to play around with colours right? preetyboy made me blushed today. he said im always creative when it comes to a new layout. and he loves every changes that he sees here. wow. you dunnoe how wonderful it is to get such sweet compliments from your other half after spending 4hours in front of the computer, just editing a new layout. he lifted me up so high..awesome! something about jam n hop please. okay, it drools. so much so for a happening shit. minus the part whereby Flying Dutchman took over the stage. he's cool. i swear i feel like rolling on the ground, cause he tickled me so much. that was the only fun part. i hate it when it comes to the jamming part. no offence. you know, they should really play more rnb songs rather than some..ohnevermind. i'd rather save it. and it'll be more hip if they could add songs like Daddy Yankee's Lo Que Paso Paso, Don Omar's Otra Noche and Rupee's Tempted To Touch into their song lists for the finale part. then you'll see more souls shaking their booty. whatever, it's over anyway. i met some of my bloggers there. cool. and i like the way intan said hi to me. haha, she's sweet la. don't worry, i don't bite people. really. i chose to stay home on a freaking Sunday. i don't have other alternative after preetyboy told me that he had promised his dad to go fishing together. he asked me if i want to tag along, and i told him a straight 'no', cause i don't want to end up sleeping in front of his dad. gee! initially, i planned to do some shopping with preetyboy. but ouh well, some other day perhaps. and im feeling for BugisCafe's. ergh. i always have this weird cravings at the most weirdest time of the day. haha. i am normal, excuse me. things i really really need to do and catch up with: 1. assignments and projects. 2. the gurlfrens. where are they?! 3. meet up with miss jepon to..gossip! 4. strangle my groupmates who do not play their freaking part in the project. dumb ass! you think by staring at the papers and computers will do wonders?! miracles?! fucking crap. 5. sleep and rest. okay, time to call preetyboy. im missing him. before that, i took a quiz about my personality the other day. have a look.. "You are one sultry and sensational woman! When it's time for parties and limelight, no other girl (and we mean no other) even comes close. With your love for glamour and fun, you'll always be able to shine in the crowd - and you love being the center of attention. Your self-confidence emanates everywhere you go: because you're sexy and you know it. And being the natural flirt that you are, you are able to socialize with just about anybody." natural flirt. hmm..i like that phrase very much. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:21 PM ;||*the melody of love*|| i have some confessions to make. There will always be one soul who tries to ruin a friendship. There will always be one soul who will try to ruin a relationship and there will also be one soul who will try to be the third party. it always happen, thus I will not deny that freaking fact. Now, who agrees with me? okay whatever. That just came across my mind, it has nothing to do with me. hopefully. i guess that's just parts n parcels of life. moving on.. yesterday was our day. it was simply awesome. and I love every bits about preetyboy. i love farhan la. he wanted to buy me a new helmet cause he thinks my current helmet kinda looked so round and idunnoewhat. He thinks the one with fins looks pretty much better. the decision is yours hunnie, but I want a black one. I think a grey helmet looks kinda funny. haha. around 7pm, we headed to bugis and I saw anndreanna! Okay, initially I was staring the back view of this girl, while waiting for preetyboy. "who is this girl ar? Her bf looks so familiar." Seconds later she turned around, and i looked at her, and then she looked away. then she turned her head again, and I went "ann!". throughout the 5mins conversation with her, I kept swinging her right hand. omg, I miss her muchalot. ann: that's your boyfriend? (and she squinted her eyes) me: yarlah. Don't you remember? he's the one la who always pick me up after work. her: sure tak? macam lain je muka dier. Me: oitt! I miss those moments where we used to disturb each other and sneaked out during our working hours. so fun! in case you are still blurr, she's my awesomefreaking working partner. Managed to get adeq her floral prints top. so nice la.. Had our junks at BugisCafe. we settled for their oatmeal cookies and their brownies with ice cream topping. yum! And as usual, preetyboy kept "collapsing" the ice cream. Haha. I know I wasn't suppose to do this in front of preetyboy, but I couldn't help it. I burped infront of him while holding his left hand and skipping around in the carpark. Me: *burp* opps! him: did you just burp? Me: ermm..no. eh..i think so la. haha Him: ey, ure not suppose to burp in front of me okay? Me: alah, cannot tahan la. later my stomach grumbles. Sorry. Him: hmmph! (and he hugged me) again, I love you. dropped by esplanade and that barrier became our 5secs laughing stock. haha. I love yesterday's band. They sang this hip hop and rnb songs. so cool. waited for nassier and din (aka as gm - golden monkey. Haha) for nearly an hour. All thanks to din's 70km/h vespa. Headed to east coast park next. here's the funny part. due to that slow vespa, din was left waaay behind and he missed the ecp. Instead, he took the road that leads to hougang. Actually, he has no sense of direction. haha. and he got sesat. At last, he called nassier and told him that he will not join us cause he's already in tampines. Kpala hotak! had char kuey rojak. Everything's on nassier. i forked out only a pathetic 2 bucks. haha. thanks dude! Preetyboy sped all the way home, at 110km/h. so fun..gee! And in exactly an hour's time, I'll be meeting preetyboy for jam n hop. Yay, I cant wait. Okay, the rain has stopped. Finally. time to dress up. Good day people! Psst psst! I love farhan. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:58 PM ;||*infatuated with you*|| after that fall, i suffered another injury. my lower right hump hurts like hell. inner injury will only be felt days after a fall. so true. now it hurts real bad that i think i cant do much stuff such as.. 1. stand on one leg, that's my right leg. 2. sit on something hard, like the floor. 3. walk up and down the stairs. 4. walk in a fast pace. 5. squatting down 6. and ofcourse, ive to be extra gentle when tossing in bed. Hopefully the pain will go away in 2days time. I received an email from my subject leader stating that my MC on 6 jan has been approved. The problem is, I don't remember taking an mc on that day, let alone sending an mc approval to the general office. This is sooo weird. Apart from that, I suppose the next few weeks will be a one disastrous and hectic moments in my fruitful life. i hate those assignments and projects that are piling up. plus the fact that i have absolutely no idea where to start digging for help, or better still, i don't even know how to go about doing them. im doom! honestly. i need help, seriously! urgh, this is killing me softly.. apart from that, we had dinner at simpang bedok. Should I add in the word 'again'? ya, i guess so. but tis time around, we went there with syasya and nassier. funny shit la nassier. he was lost at tp's big carpark. really. im mean if I say he has no sense of direction. So let's just settle with a lighter and nicer one okay? you see..you do have a sense of direction, it's just that you're not familiar with tp's carpark. will that do? haha. "my life is now in your hands" gurlfren, what were you thinking when you utter that sentence to him? haha. he's after which, we had desert at Macdonald. No school tomorrow but im going to tcc for the engineering project show. hopefully, it'll be an interesting one, or not, im prepared to swear and curse. ha, kidding! And..i cant wait for our date tomorrow! *skips around* Okay, time to sleep now. i hate my eyebags to the fugging core.. I love you preetyboy. and i miss you truckloads! "you'll be the brush and i'll be the ink. We will together paint a picture of our life and if heaven is on our side, nothing is impossible to create an art book." That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 9:53 PM ;||*the man of my dream*|| preetyboy somehow told me to write an entry about today's sonotglamour incident. so on account of him, i will do just that okay, eventhough i know at the end of this entry, some reader might just burst into laughter, or worst, fall off from the chair and starts laughing at me. yes me cos ive been a pathetic fool today. let's just go straight to the story, shall we? preetyboy came up with this idea - to teach me how to ride his bike. and the upper storey carpark is the perfect place. wider space, smooth ground, and obviously no cars and passers-by. First, he taught me how to handle the clutch and its gear. then he went on to teach me on how to engage the break, together with the clutch. It was definitely a difficult one for me, cos as you know, i cant do two things at one go, minus the fact that i can play the piano la. That is after 2years of studying. anyway, things went smoothly after the first trial. Took a 30mins break. i didn't know that learning to ride a bike can be that tedious. Let alone all those sweats. gross! we crapped, i fall asleep, he tickled my ears, i woke up and stare at the bike. this thought was racing through my mind, "i know I can do it. and im never a person who gives up easily." so i stood up, reached for my helmet and start the engine. preetyboy helped me push the bike to the center of the carpark and gave me some encouragement before letting go of the bike. initially, he tagged behind me, in case i lost balance and fall. but nothing of that sort happened. few minutes after that, he let me be on my own. wahh! i can ride the bike myself la! from one end of the carpark to the other end. i am so proud of myself, so do preetyboy. he was happily video cam-ing me and i was cheekily smiling at the camera. that proves how proud i am of myself. i thought i wanted to try something new without fahn's help, that is to make a small u-turn. "bye b, i nak pusing!" with so much confidence, i made a small turn and i suddenly lost my balance, mistaken the clutch for the brake and toot! i fall off the bike like a rotten jackfruit. Just to let you know, that wasn't one of my glamour falls. fahn ran to me with his goofy laugh. omg! it hurts real bad, i swear. luckily, i ended up with only a bruise on my right leg. the bike? haha. small scratches at the right side, a bent screw and a broken right foot rest. i felt so sorry about the bike, plus the guilty feelings. i dunnoe why but i cried seconds later. so paiseh and preetyboy helped me wiped my tears. awwww.. that's it, the unglamorous fall. but for one thing im proud of, from today onwards, i am one of the thousand girls who knows how to ride a bike. gee! thank you darl. due to that, dinner was on me at Simpang Bedok. On a lighter note, ive yet to form a group of 3people for my SIP. i need someone who can handle the java codes pretty well, but who? *scratches head* and i think it is compulsory for me to visit the engineering project show at tcc on Friday, so that i can atleast have a brief idea on what those 5topics are all about. hmmph! What a hard time. With all these stuffs moving at a very high speed, i think im not ready for year3. i need a break from everything, i seriously do.. time to take a break and wait patiently for ANTM. ouh ya, do you know who's gonna win this season of ANTM? let me tell you. however, you have a choice here. highlight the next line to reveal the answer. If not, ignore it and keep watching ANTM till the final episode. hee, you decide though. the winner is - Nicole. surprised? me too. so start admiring her photo shots. till then, i love my fahn. goodnight darlings! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006 11:22 PM ;||*stripes and flowers*|| imagine having such sweet-color bedsheet. that'll probably be the primary reason why it's so difficult for me to get up every single morning. cute. ive been feeling so worn out at the end of each day. and i can just go flat on my bed without even realizing that ive fallen a sleep, even if it's just 5min. just now, i fall asleep at Short Circuit while resting my head on the table. and i guess i slept for 30minutes. omg. i swear I was really sleepy and tired just now. don't ask me what ive been doing yesterday, cause i don't even know. probably due to the lack of sleep and rest. really need to catch up on that la. preetyboy sent me to the kid's house at tamp for tuition and picked me up after 1.5hr. told him i was bloody hungry cause i skipped my lunch and decided to eat at Downtown. We settled for their rotijohn cheese plus chicken and babat satay for us. yummy, i must say. then i have this killer stomachache. i seriously feel like rolling on the ground at that moment and i keep groaning in pain. funny thing is, it went off seconds after i peed. haha. the night is still young, so i refused to go home. told preetyboy to bring me around on his bike since im enjoying the tremendousnicely wind. he made a turn to Pasir Ris park, then to pasir ris heights and then to Riverina crest. Throughout the slow journey, we kept talking about how wonderful our life will be if we have the chance to stay in those semi-detached house with our kids. haha, atas motor pun ble berangan tau! finally he sent me home. i love you. Im sooooo looking forward for our date on Friday. Really can't wait! saw this frilly black top at GG<5. so freaking chic. and ive made a promise to preetyboy that i will splurge half of my pay on him. you need a new pair of jeans, really la darl. and the mag states that i loewe you's perfume and sunflowers are perfect for a leo girl like me. well maaaybe, maybe those will bring me luck. i don't know. all im waiting for right now is my pay on the 7th feb. then I'll splurge like some kind of a goddess. isit still too long? i suppose... That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, January 15, 2006 7:24 PM ;||*you always see thru me*|| i received a msg from preetyboy while i was having my 5pm lunch or maybe dinner. preetyboy: Baby i busyuk tak ni..? Nak kish ble tak..? cheekygirl: Haha! Tak busyuk ar, tapi masam ckit je..hehe..abe baby ganyut i pat sane busyuk tak? i miss you so much la cute! Ermmuah! preetyboy: i tak busyuk la b..can't wait to see you. Muacks! as you can see, i love those happy stuffs. I love being with fahn. I love it when he laughs like a mad boy. I love it when he accidentally burp and then said 'opps, sorry!'. I love it when he just can't get enough of me. okay fine, to make things simple, i love everything about fahn. I wish we can get married tomorrow.. *grin ok enough! time to bathe.. good day y'all! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
3:12 PM ;||*merry go round*|| late dinner at Eunos coffeeshop is undeniably delicious. minus the fact that paper prata doesn't go well with honey. but the chicken curry is really yummy! i ate one paper prata, one egg prata and mee kuah. i guess for now, it's okay to go against my diet plan cause ive been feeling hungry lately. urgh. headed to Mustafa Center at 12.15am. omg. da macam bazaar geylang sae. plus all those unwanted smells. I was, obviously, feeling so tired after 1.15am. walked around aimlessly when i decided to test all the perfumes there. okay, next on my shopping list, Britney Spears' Curious. That perfume smells more to fruit scent rather than flower scent. I guess it's okay to smell like fruits on some occasion right? haha..then that'll make preetyboy wanna lick me. okay, crap! as i was saying, after spraying those perfumes all over the place, i saw this awesome bedsheet. it was sooo cute that i thought i should buy it. stripes plus flowers. like Happy House bedsheet la oii..so i bought it. yabadabadoo! im contented for the day. atleast. i miss this lil bitch right here. wth. she keeps wearing and using my stuff. ergh. ![]() yours truly, miss tired dirah. ![]() back to my IA assignment. *sigh* and early in the morning tomorrow, i have to sit for a lab test which i know nuts. mati gua! i miss my darling farhan. i really do! calling you every 30minutes isn't a sin right baby? *wink That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, January 14, 2006 11:54 PM ;||*we really do*|| i was supposed to do some research for my internet appliances but apparently, i can't deny the fact that i could not resist the urge to update my blog. yesterday was simply awesome, i swear! my entire friday was spent with preetyboy. tell me, how exactly do you feel spending the whole day with your other half? preetyboy called me at 9.30am to tell me that he's going out and will be at my void deck in 15minutes time. and at that time, i haven't even put on my make-up, let alone ironing the clothes. omg. so i hurried and at exactly 9.45am, the doorbell rang. at that point of time, i was in the middle of ironing my top, and to make things worst, i wore nothing except youknowwhat. wrapped myself with my towel, rushed to the door, gave preetyboy my home key and then rushed back to my room and locked the door. this is to prevent preetyboy from happily turning the doorknob of my room and find me naked inside. haha. poor lil man had to wait for me in the living room for 5mins. heh. howeverso, he quickly rushed in the minute i unlocked the knob. cheeky! and for goat's sake, he started rummaging through my drawers. "b! don't open my drawers la. it's so messy!" and the more i repeat that sentence, the more he opened all my drawers. omg. i gave up, seriously. headed to polyclinic but it was freaking pack. tunggu sampai 2jam pun tak habis la gini. so i suggested on consulting the private doctor instead. atleast, we have to wait for only 45mins before our turn. down at the waiting area, preetyboy couldnt stop talking. me: b, you sakit ke tak nie? asal bebual dari tadi tak stop-stop nie? bechoknyer u. wad happen? him: alah, abeh mendak sae kat sini. they should switch on the tv, so that we can entertain ourselves tau. they budget agaknyer. me: b, u tahu tak, i lau sakit kan, i takde mood sae nak bebual. u plak tebalik. i tgk you hyperactive gini, i yang sakit kpala tau. i rase kan, you nanti blg doctor i yang sakit, bukan you k? him: (laugh) okayla okayla. (and start massaging my head) things like that do happen btw us, though. haha. he then sent me off to school cause i had a project discussion at 12.20pm to 2pm. while waiting, preetyboy went to johore to refill the tank and then picked me up at school. since we're hungry and decided to save our money, preetyboy suggested on eating Maggi at his house. his idea, however, sounded pretty good. imagine two teenagers in the kitchen. the girl doesn't exactly know how to cook and the guy is being cerewek. kecohrable! i was like 'b,air gini cukup tak?','u, i nak letak telur la. cepatla cuci telur, nanti maggi nie kembang', 'eh!i taknak kicap la. asal you letak? gross sae.', 'b,camne nak kecilkan api nie?' and blab blab blab. luckily there's only two of us in the house. okay, plus Nyet aka Garfield. ![]() maggi da masak, hati pun gembira. perut da boncit, riang ketawa la kiter. haha. ![]() not only that, preetyboy has this habit of sleeping right after eating. ishk! and i, being the nakal girl, took photos of him sleeping in various position. ha! ![]() while waiting for him to wake up, i watched the movie 'sleepover'. cool. typical teenaged movie involving some handsome dudes and the rivals whenever there's a sleepover thingy goin on and scavenger hunting. i had to wake him up at 6pm cause it's time for his medicine. yet again, i had to feed him the 3pills and hold the cup to his mouth. aduhai, kalah budak kecik! preetyboy took his bath while i ironed the tshirt for him. then off we went to kallang's drive thru kfc and headed to esplanade. okay, this is the tragic part. i fall off from his bike at the esplanade's carpark. this is how it goes.. since he's riding a bike, he should always keep to his left whenever he enters the carpark, cause bikes usually do not have to pay at the parking entrance. happen so, there was a car in front of us, so preetyboy totally forgot about the red n white barrier. when the barrier was raised, the car moved off and preetyboy tagged behind. forget all about the barrier, it hit preetyboy's helmet and then my right shoulder. on a heavier note, that barrier was already in between me and preetyboy. and if he just move off, i will, ofcourse, hit the barrier and fall off from the bike. but if he immediately stop his bike, i will consider myself to be in the safe position. however, preetyboy just move off, not aware of the barrier that is now in btw us. on the other hand, in order to avoid hitting the barrier, i tilt more to my left and was already screaming at preetyboy, tryna tell him to stop his bike or i will fall. i guess he didnt hear my cries, and at that point of time, he was making a left turn. left turn + tilt to the left = fall to the left i swear i was going to fall so i was frantically waving my hands, just like when you got drown in a swimming pool, and lost control of everything. i managed to grab his right shoulder before he make a sudden stop. and i fall off from his bike. omg. it hurts real bad and i felt like crying. preetyboy quickly get off from his bike and attend to me. throughout our day at esplanade, preetyboy kept saying sorry to me and kept rubbing my right arm, since that barrier hit my right shoulder n arm. and i kept telling him it wasnt his fault afterall. everybody is careless right? furthurmore, im still in one piece, so there's no need to make a big fuss out of it right? however, the shock can still be felt up till now. and i will never forget that incident. i was so scared cause if i were to fall off from his bike while the bike is still moving, my head will definitely hit the kerb and god knows what will happen to me. despite all that, we love spending the day together. ![]() really, we do! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Friday, January 13, 2006 8:57 AM ;||*vintage is the trend*|| i did promise to you that i will update today but right now, im in a rush. so i dun tink i have the time to post an extremely long entry. preetyboy just called me and asked me if i wanna accompany him to the polyclinic. He's down with fever since yesterday..ouh boy, get well soon yah? so that's the reason why im in a rush, cos i just wake up and he called me. ive yet to bathe, eat, ironed my clothes n dress up. and he'll be here in 45mins time. omg. i swear i cant do all that in 45mins. howeverso, ive promised to put up some pics. promises are never meant to be broken, right? here you go.. ![]() Aidiladha this year was happening. for me la. we talked, we laughed, we joked, we gossiped, we camwhore, we ate nonstop and yes, i hate the smell of sheep. ew! they always say i edit my photos too well that sometimes, i tend to hide all those pimples and whateverthatsnotsupposetobethere on my face. it's just so unnatural to them. afterall, that's what editing is all about right? anyway..nvm. here's a collage of me and me and noone else but me. haha. this time around, i did not edit them, except for the white and black border. ![]() your comments? i looked like an idiot when taking all those photos. ouh well.. okay, i swear im goin to be late now. meanwhile, you just stay around.. *wink That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:10 AM ;||*definition of ADORABLE*|| ive absolutely nothing to blog, so..please bare with me for just awhile. ive been feeling so sleepy and i mean really sleepy these few days. don't ask me why. and look at my notsoglamour eye bags. eww! Preetyboy sure gonna hate it, i bet you. cause he will always say this "b, what's up with your eye bags ni? go and do something about it cause you don't look good with those." haha. and i will go, "iyelah b." *grin* omgoodness, i love him alot alot alot alot! i adore him even more if he fall asleep beside me, cause he looked sooo cute with his two big eyes closed. hehe. and yesterday, he sped home from work just to call me, and fooled me. read this conversation and you'll know. him: hello? nadirah eh? did farhan call you and tell you where he is right now? me: ermm..yes, he did. he's on his way back home from work. probably he's riding that's why he didn't pick up uncle's call. him: is it? that's y la. been calling him but he didn't pick up. me: (giggle) truth is, i was practically stammering throughout that conversation with his dad, cause his dad has this firm and deep voice, which i think my dad's voice is sexier. okay, anw..in the midst of giggling, i heard another voice at the background. a man's voice. him: oitt! me: huh? him: ni farhan la. me: omg. u just fooled me with your hunky punky voice? how dare you?! eh, i really thought that was your father sae. i tergagap-gagap sae bebual. him: hahahahahaha! funny la u b. my voice also you cannot recognize. me: ey hello, ur bro, u n ur dad share the same voice okay. alamak, seela, im so paisei already. Him: he's on his way back home from work. probably he's riding that's why he didn't pick up uncle's call. (he repeated my sentence, trying to mimic my voice which I swear is not funny at all but i laugh la) see..how do you define the word 'adorable'? im clueless. he's everything to me! i love you. preetyboy's in johor right now, celebrating his Aidiladha there. and i miss him banyakalot. muchalot. tonnesalot. ergh. whatever you call it. ![]() so there..my absolutely meaningless entry. ouh yes, the drama dia is reaching to its climax pretty soon. I like..however, i personally think susi is dropdead vogue. whatever. And i always suffer from heart pain everytime i watched this drama. And suddenly I feel so emotional and hatred that I feel like killing dwi rather than monster fifi. Cause dwi is stupid, plus dumb! fullstop. okay. SALAM AIDILADHA to all muslim! Happy seeing all the sheeps being slaughtered. I know it's gross, but it's exclusive, must see! Haha. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, January 08, 2006 4:34 PM ;||*screaming for your name*|| ouh look, what a coincidence. i read it somewhere in a magazine which states that my lucky colour is red, orange and brown. lovely lovely colours. i like.. it's been raining since morning and im dead worried for preetyboy. plus, it totally ruin my today's plan. ergh. they said, one should not sigh whenever it's raining cause hujan adalah rahmat tuhan. haha, well said la dirah. so im trying my very best here not to complain and complain and complain. fullstop. see, preetyboy's in Johor right now with his bunch of friends. their intention was to visit a bike shop there and do something to their bike, which i swear i know nuts. anw, the weather there in Johor is much more worse than in Singapore. you can say it's raining cats and dogs there. that is partly why im worried for preetyboy la. but im glad that he's been calling me since morning just to inform me that he's fine there and there's nothing to worry about. sayang kamu. and his initial plan was to return to Singapore before 5pm so that he can fetch me and head to Esplanade to watch a performance at the waterfront. he's loving it. haha. but the weather kind of force us to change our plan and stay home instead. nvm, we'll see how it goes. on a serious note, i was doing my techent assignment when i feel the urge to blog. omg. when can i be serious? im always good at my resolutions but this time around, i doubt if i can be more serious in school and focus more. gawd. trust me if i say i love school okay, so please spare me. i think my entry is getting duller and duller without any random pictures to post. u think? and yes, i miss dealing with my adobe photoshop. all because ive no new pics to edit and upload. alahai.. ![]() i swear i don't know what we're thinking when we did this pose. anyway, you are the best thing that ever happened to me la b. i love you. i love you. oh, i just remembered. i was clicking here and there at tp website when i came across this ouhwowlookatthis event. Jam n Hop 2006. you see, i missed the previous and previous jam and hop, and they said it was absolutely awesome. i don't know if i can just trust their words, so..i will feel it by myself this year. Jam & Hop Venue: Triangular Garden Date & Time: 21 Jan 2006, 7pm Come and let your hair down at our Jam and Hop! Various TP and regional artists, music groups will be performing on stage. Sing and dance to the music and songs. Do note that only those holding their bus passes will be admitted to this happening event! smile for me okay tp? argh. eman is here. i absolutely love this lil man. i cant help it but to pinch his superbchubby cheeks. and he loves me too. i guess im a good godsister to him, who lets him play with my hp eventhough he might just press the wrong button and land me in trouble, who always stand up for him whenever he fights with his bro, and whatelse eh? but anyway, i know im good to you. so you better be good to me when uve grown up. on that note, i want to have cute kids with preetyboy. so that i can love my children more and let the father be jealous. haha. just kidding. spare me for my 3sec of fantasy. see, im a happy bird now. gee. now i feel the crave for a pink candyfloss. i need sugar to lighten up my dull Sunday. okay, when will the rain stop? i need to go out with preetyboy, ouh please...and in an hours time, i'll be all alone at home. this is soo boring, omg. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, January 07, 2006 4:35 PM ;||*i am who i am*|| so i think having an all red layout is too striking. on the other hand, having a white and red layout reminds me of a true Singaporean. haha. thus, im sticking with shades of red and white layout. it looks kind of awful to me though, but nvm. im too tired to carry on editing. let's just say this will be a temporary layout okay? say..3weeks? we'll see.. the obvious - I haven't been updating my blog since days ago. that was really a sad thing for me. well, rules are meant to be broken right? then there'll be fun. so i kinda ignore dad's words and keep using the comp at home. notice i use the word 'comp', not 'internet'. anw, i was born to be this rebellious girl, or maybe, that's just the way i am. i'll be dad's angel for only 1week, and that's it. i mean, how long more must i put on an innocent face? can i just stop pretending that im so free, as in free of assignments and projects? goodness me. i can show you my mountain of assignments. im not kidding. now that is when i hate school the most. i saw Lyana at the concourse yesterday, busily doing her assignment, i guess so. and i saw her cramp face. that really slap me right in the face. a tight slap indeed. just look at how serious she is when doing her assignment, and just look at me when im doing my assignment. the total opposite. haha. i should be more like her. be serious in studies and focus more. but can i? that's one of my 2006 resolution though. hopefully, i'll fulfill it. yes, talking about studies, my term test results weren't that good at all and i can still smile eventhough i fail a paper. not only that. to add more laughter, i told everyone that i fail EDD with flying colours. see la how bangga i am. and obviously they laughed at me and told me im crazy. i bet so. and miss dirah, getting a just pass mark is not equal to a pass. i wish i can get that thing out of my mind. because i smile when i get 25/50 for my IA. and my smile = thankful. i have to buck up. is that a promise i made to myself? absolute no. cause i know i will break my promise some day. haha. let's just put it this way. i will try to buck up. sounds perfectly better. finally im down with one NE forum. thank god! yest NE forum wasn't that bad afterall, maybe because it ended one hour earlier. haha. i had fun looking at those sleepyheads in the TCC and listening to the mp3. that's what majority of the people do when attending NE forum right? hehe. so, im not alone. preetyboy picked me up at 5pm. we were supposed to meet nassier and suhailah. but, the plan kinda cocked up, so we're on our own. i always suck at coming out an idea where to eat. but i have this craving for SImpang Bedok's paper prata. i badly want to spend the night with preetyboy. and so i suggested on Marina Square. it was drizzling when we reached somewhere at Suntec. and poor preetyboy missed the Marina's carpark. haha. i like it whenever he miss any entrance or exit, cause he will slap the front of his helmet and from the back view, it's funny la. haha. okay, nvm. so he parked his bike at the Esplanade's carpark. silly him, he didn't take out the cashcard and it got stolen when we returned. poor boy! so we skipped Marina Square and chilled at Esplanade. i just love the atmosphere there. and i love looking at other mushy-mushy couples. haha. we watched a performance at the waterfront. i must say, they played well. but too bad, it was drizzling again. so everyone was rushing to a shelter. macam semut sae. we headed to the Millenia Walk and walked around aimlessly. it's 9.30pm, what do you expect? only half of the shops there were opened. then we went in this shop, SINS. omg. chocolates everywhere. i swear i will get fat if i were to work there. headed to Candy Palace and we bought those Mix n Match candies. a nyonya was smiling at us when she saw us fighting for the candy. i want that candy, but preetyboy said i cant have those cause it tastes awful. ergh. and he can't stop with his gummy bears. so cute lor. i got dirty and silly when night falls. i literally pose on his bike just like how models are supposed to pose just to attract the customer's attention. and preetyboy did took a photo of me and my big butt. he loves it though. haha. i nearly fall asleep on our way home. the wind is so awesome and hugging preetyboy is another awesome thing to do. thanks for the ride darling! i dunnoe why i feel so down whenever he's going Johor and overnight there. perhaps, i'll feel lonely, that's why. okay, those nights are enough to prove to me that i do love my preetyboy. very much. now and forever. i love you. i love you. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006 10:41 AM ;||*hunky punky reddy red*|| dad was mad pissed at us (that includes adeq too, haha) for using the internet too often. he thought of cutting off the internet connection but too bad la daddy, don't tell me you forget all about the 2years contract that you signed with SingTel. haha. and if dad breaks the contract, he has to pay a fine which cost ermmmidunnoe. so for now, i guess i have to discipline myself and stop using the internet too often. well, hopefully. okay, once more. thank you preetyboy for helping me to search for my wadeh practically all over Tampines. haha..still, we didnt manage to find it. and what's up with my cravings for wadeh? toink toink. it kind of suprise me when adeq told me that she did not get caught for her soobvious dyed fringe, her goingtobeamini skirt, her tooshorttobecalled ankle socks and her Kappa shoes, which was in creme (not white) with its thread in brown (yes. again, not white). and i told her, your luck will not always be with you. haha. but whatever it is, call me if you get caught. i had a very badddddddd dream last night. i woke up in tears for goat's sake. really. with still those watery eyes, i grabbed my hp which was just next to me, and msged preetyboy. i told him i love him very much. haha. that is true la, like duh! okay, kyn..guess what is my colour? nvm, it's RED! cool right? what a romantic colour, i suppose. Your color is red, the color of racy sportscars, blushing cheeks, and luscious roses.Red symbolizes passion, romance, and love.So, since you're ruled by red, you probably trust yourfeelings more than your brain and tend to act spontaneously.If you see something you want, you go for it without thinking twice - impulsive is your middle name. You don't wait around forpeople to make decisions, either; you dive right in. Quite the romantic, you pay close attention to your emotions.In fact, if your heart isn't in what you're doing, you won't be satisfied. Of course, even when you do pour all your energy into the projects you tackle, your impetuousnature means your passions can shift as frequently as the wind.That's why some reds have trouble with commitment. Our advice? Next time you're feeling fickle, think before you act, if possible.You might be surprised at the results. Overall, though, it's great to be red. No one lives life more completely than you do. ader dgr tu? ouhh..so real! for now i guess, a red template is on the waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Monday, January 02, 2006 2:35 PM ;||*a promise is a promise*|| opps. i forgot to add this. playing pool was always fun, as usual. haha.. okay, as promised, here you go.. Harmila and Muhammad wedding ceremony ![]() click here for more pictures. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
2:29 PM ;||*feel mt soul*|| ouh yes, i have lotsa questions to ask. maybe, you can help me answer them cause i think, you hold the perfect and right answer to each of these questions. 1.am i your only rival? 2.do i have only one rival? 3.what makes you think that i always bitch about you? 4.why is it that my thoughts always bother you? 5.did i even mention your name? 6.did i ever make you feel ashamed and make you feel so low? 7.what wrong have i done to you and you and you? 8.is that the way you handle everything? 9.are you the only human here who dance? 10.if you're not in the wrong, why feel that as though you're in the wrong? 11.have i ever slap your face that makes you realise 'hey,she hates me'? 12.are you a grown up? 13.have i ever involve your boyfriend and make up stories about him? 14.you feel insecure. Is that my problem? 15.why didn't you come and talk things out with me if you really have a problem with me? 16.you think it's cool to give people names? 17.*insertyourownquestion* there! if you hate me, then just don't drag me to hate you too. seriously. fullstop. stop being so childish in front of me. im just sick of you la. get that?! and yes, i can just choose to ignore you and your nuisance but i chose not to cause right now, you're colouring my name with a really black charcoal. you're trying to be nice to me? ouh well, it'll be snowing if you did that. really. stop putting an innocent face. hello, it's not like as if im an outsider that you hate. im someone who used to talk to you in secondary class. im someone who did art with you. im someone who sometimes sit beside you at parade square. yes me! so i do know you afterall. and i know if you're talking about fact or fiction. can you just accept the fact that im not your true rival? can you just move on and lead life just like some ordinary people? mann, do you need me to teach you? you don't need perfect English or wadsoever to deliver that message to everyone. ouh look, maya and her friends hate me. im not kidding. why hide the hatred you have for me? you feel great bitching about every single human that you hate right? just to let you know, yes, you are perfectly good at bitching and also, you are perfectly good at trying to make people see that 'hello, she starts it first, not me.' ouh girl, you have class don't you? then why bother about a middle-class girl like me? look, we are two different people, living in two different world. you are someone who's trying to be someone you're not and im someone who's trying to realise that im born to be like this. i don't need class, i don't need fame, and i don't need people to know that im great. my English are horrendous. and if you think yours is far better than mine, well, it's good then. let it be that way. be thankful and not look down on others. here's one question for you. have i ever ruin your life in any way? no? then good. so why are you trying to ruin my life? or betta still, my relationship? why are you involving my other half? did he ever kill you with his words? no? can you just see yourself at the mirror for once and ask yourself, do you deserve a slap from me? wake up! and if you think you're that great, by all means, why don't you meet up with me and talk it all out? don't tell me you're afraid. show me how you bitch with others. What's more; we're in the same school now, wouldn't that be great? you're not a faker, are you? That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, January 01, 2006 11:49 PM ;||*anything that'll make you happy*|| i just think i should blog a little cause im still very tired here. my legs are aching. like hell la, seriously. the night was spend with my cousins. those crazy bunch of cousins. and they get more crazier after 2am. we played the game 'truth or dare', but i suggested we should just do the truth and throw away the dare part. haha. questions such as: 1.what's the colour of your panties right now? 2.when was the last time you dig your nose? 3.when was the last time you shave your armpit? 4.have you ever feel itchy at your jubur? if yes, show us how your scratch it. 5.show us one mole on your body that is under your clothes. one word to describe us. CRAZY. lil ayun taught me how to dance the 'pumping' move. just like how beyonce always do on her 'baby boy' and 'crazy in love' music video. cool la oi. and lil ayun really dance well. awesome! haha. i laughed when this gurlfren of mine told me that she's trying too hard to dance. haha, like expected. people who bragged too much are the ones who's ashame to let others know that they're just a letdown. so true. maybe we should really meet up one day to GOSSIP and catch up with almost everything. i know i have lotsa stuff to laugh at. i just need you to pour out everything and tickle my heart. ijustcantwaittolaughatthatgirl. fun's over. kak mila got married today and she looked dyem gorgeous. well, actually not only her la..the decor was in white and shades of pink. i was gasping for air for almost 10mins. yes, 10mins of envy, jealousy, freaked out, and shestolemygoingtobeweddingcolour! ergh. im just really tired to do a storytelling here. and i'll upload the pics as soon as possible okay? ouh yes, to kyn. don't scream after i tell you this. i went to the Anugerah show at East Point la oi. haha. it was so pack-o and i was just 2metres away from the stage. alamak, you should see Khairil Yusof, he was amazingly goodlooking, now that he had cut his hair and bleached it light blonde. and azmir, ouhmylord. speechless aku. we did this twist sign at him and he recognised these ciko's cousins. hehe, paisei sae. and he did the twist sign at us back. gee! lucky me i didn't end up with a sorethroat cos my cousin lost her voice after the screaming and shouting. haha. but..im sorry i didn't get you the Anugerah vcd. it's not that i don't want to buy it, it's because the queue was absofreakinglutely looooong and i was told by my uncle that not all of them who queued got to buy it cos it was sold out within minutes. ampunila hambamu ini ye.. right. back to watch some music videos again.. and two reasons why i love this beyonce's music video. her dance moves and it's pink! meanwhile, goodnight lovelies and enjoy your holiday tomorrow. probably im going cycling or picnic-ing tomorrow with preetyboy. i love preetyboy. like always... That's It For Today. Goodbye.