Thursday, December 29, 2005 10:24 PM ;||*indulgence is the best recipe*|| went to school today at 11am just to do our Sociology assignment. out of five people, only three of us could make it. ergh. in that assignment, we were told to watch a movie and use the sociology theories to explain the various concepts. and my group chose the movie entitled 'Money No Enough'. a typical Singapore film directed by Jack Neo. first thought, ouhmygod! nonsensenonsensenonsense. we were instructed to write a 1500words report. After dividing the work between the three of us, each of us has to write a 500words report. damn it! that is obviously and this pimples breakouts are so just now, preetyboy said this to me "i sayang you so much tau. u tahu tak?" and then he gave me a kiss on my forehead. alahai, sweet nyer..i melt and hugged him tight. once again, thanks for the ride lil man! *insertanumber* reasons why i love preetyboy damn muchalot. 1.because he has this ouhsonice smell that makes me wanna smell his armpit 24hrs. 2.because he knows me better than anyone else. 3.because he is not as muscular as any guys out there. (fyi, i eeewww muscular guys. turn me off! certainly do.) 4.because his kisses are dyem hot. sizzling hot hot hot. one more can? hott. 5.because he is my otherhalf. 6.because you are always there to laugh at my silly jokes eventhough it's the most lamest jokes ever. 7.because he is cheeky. cheekier than me. okay, that's not fair. we are equally cheekier. 8.because he has this sexy voice at night. 9.because he loves me so. 10. because you are Muhammad Farhan bin Mazlan and i love you for that. 11.because i don't need to list numbers to tell everyone why i love you. you are just so adorable and hunky-punky. and i know you better than anyone else. there you go..this is the most upbeat sweetest sin a gf can do for her bf. to tell him why she loves him. miss him. adores him. whatever. and it is all because of love at first sight or should i say infatuation? i cant wait for tomorrow's outing with you, preetyboy! time check. 10.25pm. opps! i need to call jepon and confirm with her about our double date lunch tomorrow. helluva fun! swensen can? i can smell the weekends! sniffsniffsniff.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.