Friday, December 09, 2005 8:33 PM ;||*all the fun things will never stop*|| what?! ive been tagged by kyn to do that pathetic stuff? okay, takpe2. not to worry. nah, ambik kau! haha. Rules of the Game 01. Post 5 weird or random stuff about yourself. 02. At the end of the post least 5 ppl whom u want to do the quiz. 03. Next, leave a comment "you are tagged" in their blog and ask them to read ur blog for rules. rule 1 01. i hate cats although they are cute but once they rest under your chair in a coffeeshop, they aren't cute anymore. 02. they say preetyboy is my brother. and i call them BLIND. 03. im a girl full of jealousy. 04. i dun mind checking for any hidden food stuck in between my teeth in front of preetyboy. 05. i will fall asleep while talking to preetyboy if im too tired and seconds later, i will mumble something, which proves that, aku ngah ngigau! rule 2 01. syasya (first target. haha) 02. nurul (ambik kau!) 03. lyana (laptop baru kan? nah, do more work.) 04. adeq nirah (lau aku kene, kau pun kene) 05. last but not least, hmm..zac. (payback time!) rule 3 this is so chicken-mak-dodol. so please eh people, do your thang. haha. see, im done. simple right? gee. i think i will have fun reading theirs, those five people listed above. i want to laugh, so please write down 5 funny stuffs about you at rule1. atleast make me smile or laugh till i golek-golek okay? had so much fun with preetyboy just now although it's jus for 4hours. thank you darling for accompanying me. saaaayang kamu! had my cheese prata and im contented. rhumba frap will be on another day perhaps. i bought cheese sausage and kropok lekur instead. yummy! gemuk jugak la aku ni. went to preetyboy's house to allow him to take his bath before accompanying him to his workplace. his father is sooo funny la. he was repairing the television and suddenly, halfway through, he threw the two screwdrivers in his hand and said "alamak, aku give up arh!" terperanjat aku. and i laughed. haha. kecian pakcik. as usual, i kept looking at Garfield cos im afraid that cat will just pounce on me. then i'll be dead. (click on the image to enlarge) That's It For Today. Goodbye.