Friday, December 30, 2005 11:41 AM ;||*2005..2005..2005*|| What day is it today? friday, yes? and 31st December is tomorrow right? okay good. in case i won't have the time to update tomorrow, so let's just round up my 2o05 in this entry, shall we? i seriously think that 1year is damn freaking fast. like the train, u know? in malay, they say, 'dengan sekelip mata.' ha ha ha. okay, serious business now. all the ups and downs that ive gone through in this 1 whole year is enough to mould who i am now. if you were to ask me of all the years, which is the most unforgettable year, my answer would be this year, 2005. can't you just see it? my life is all written in THIS blog. and my previous 2 years were all written in a book you called it a diary. yes. the gurlfrens? they have been the most precious diamonds to me. although we don't really get together to party, gossip, lazed around, we still did those conference call. and a conference call can last up to 2hours. funny things like "dirah, aku tgh bebual ngan kau la. maner kau?" and there i went "ah? aku? kau ni pun, aku confuse la kau bebual ngan sape. ouh yes..what is it?" and poor gurlfren had to repeat all over again. or..things like in the middle of a havoc conversion, either one of us will always go "okaaaaay stop! aku tak paham. one by one la bebual. kecohrable sae. oke sape nak cakap dulu?" then silence. haha, majuk kepe? and then we burst into laughter. or or.."pipe aku bocoh sae". "ketiak aku basah. Kau punyer?". "leha, rabia, aku ader confession to make." and bla bla bla. ![]() my secret is their secret and their secret is my secret. how cool is that? we keep absolutely nothing from one another. i love them so much la! syasya? she's like my third heartbeat. wherever i am, she will be there. and when im down, she will be there to comfort me. let me recall some sweet moment. ouh..remember the day you cried in the toilet because of your bf? i was there too, trying to comfort you and in the end, i cried together with you. for godknowswhy. haha. ![]() and yup, we got sick on the same day. and..we always have pimples growing at the same place and at the same time. haha..are we like separated at birth? you think? and lately, i love this girl very much and this girl loves me too. the intimacy is suddenly there and i feel so belong. right? are you surprised how close we can get? what matter is, you're now part of me and my gurlfrens. kiss you can? ![]() how about the family? gosh, too much to say. to round up, mom is the coolest ever who i can share all my sadness to and dad, you're the most outgoing superhero. i adulate the way you handle me, this degil princess of yours. gee. and adeq, we're getting even more closer now and sister, she finally learns how to be strong and move on with her life. ![]() and in this 2005, preetyboy taught me how to be a better girl for him. how to think and react maturely. and keep reminding me that im already 18, so it's time for me to handle relationship seriously and not like cinta monyet. so there.. ![]() ouh, one more thing. i miss my art like this much. no. that much. okay no. veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery much. hah! let me scan some of my drawings. ![]() my shading effect is his favourite. ![]() ![]() and there.. models are quite stiff though. bear with it okay..? That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, December 29, 2005 10:24 PM ;||*indulgence is the best recipe*|| went to school today at 11am just to do our Sociology assignment. out of five people, only three of us could make it. ergh. in that assignment, we were told to watch a movie and use the sociology theories to explain the various concepts. and my group chose the movie entitled 'Money No Enough'. a typical Singapore film directed by Jack Neo. first thought, ouhmygod! nonsensenonsensenonsense. we were instructed to write a 1500words report. After dividing the work between the three of us, each of us has to write a 500words report. damn it! that is obviously and this pimples breakouts are so just now, preetyboy said this to me "i sayang you so much tau. u tahu tak?" and then he gave me a kiss on my forehead. alahai, sweet nyer..i melt and hugged him tight. once again, thanks for the ride lil man! *insertanumber* reasons why i love preetyboy damn muchalot. 1.because he has this ouhsonice smell that makes me wanna smell his armpit 24hrs. 2.because he knows me better than anyone else. 3.because he is not as muscular as any guys out there. (fyi, i eeewww muscular guys. turn me off! certainly do.) 4.because his kisses are dyem hot. sizzling hot hot hot. one more can? hott. 5.because he is my otherhalf. 6.because you are always there to laugh at my silly jokes eventhough it's the most lamest jokes ever. 7.because he is cheeky. cheekier than me. okay, that's not fair. we are equally cheekier. 8.because he has this sexy voice at night. 9.because he loves me so. 10. because you are Muhammad Farhan bin Mazlan and i love you for that. 11.because i don't need to list numbers to tell everyone why i love you. you are just so adorable and hunky-punky. and i know you better than anyone else. there you go..this is the most upbeat sweetest sin a gf can do for her bf. to tell him why she loves him. miss him. adores him. whatever. and it is all because of love at first sight or should i say infatuation? i cant wait for tomorrow's outing with you, preetyboy! time check. 10.25pm. opps! i need to call jepon and confirm with her about our double date lunch tomorrow. helluva fun! swensen can? i can smell the weekends! sniffsniffsniff.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005 9:50 PM ;||*more than words*|| i seriously cant believe that im so freaking pissed off at my mum that i left the house without spraying the MNG perfume on myself. plus, i forgot to wear my earrings and black necklace. ohmyfreakinglord. and i only realised it when i was walking to the bustop. so i msged sis and told her to bring my earrings, necklace and perfume to school since she's going to school later too. so throughout my journey to school, i was feeling so uncomfortable without those nice smell and felt so naked due to no-accessories on me. ergh. and yes. i don't usually answer back if either dad or mom nagged at me but i will answer back if your nagging becomes so unreasonable and unfair. things like she can do it, but not me. things like she will never get scolded doing the exact same thing that i do, but i get the scolding. freaked! nvm. forget it. let's just moooove on cause things are back as per normal now. so the reason i went to school was because of my IA project. spent around 4hours doing the project and then preetyboy came to fetch me. went to tamp cause he wanted to deposit some cash and i wanted to withdraw some cash. then off we went to have our lunch at East Coast. well, the initial plan was to have our lunch at Kallang's KFC but all of a sudden, i wanted to eat heavy food. so i settled for their Nasi Goreng Seafood. sedap okay laling! preetyboy wanted so much to bring me to Mount Faber Park. so that's our next stop. wow! i love the scenery there. so beautiful! i swear my legs were shaking looking at those cable cars, so freaking high! and i told preetyboy that i won't take the cable car even if he force me to. haha. but within minutes, i changed my mind and told him that i cant wait to take the cable car with him some day. and that change of mind only occur after he showed me the long queue of people waiting to take the cable car ride. and i got anxious for dunnoewhatreason. haha. right. now i cant wait for the cable car ride. gee. funny la preetyboy. he missed the TPE on our way home. and then he missed the U-turn. so we ended up at Changi Airport's departure hall. haha. i kept giggling at the back. because of that, he felt thirsty. boy oh boy, there's no connection okay. so we stopped by Simpang Bedok and have our tea. i ordered their Paper Prata. yummy! see la, im bloated again. cekik you baru you tahu. thanks for the ride preetyboy! speaking of which, i gave him a new nick. i called him laling (as in the cute version of darling) throughout the entire day with him. and he kept smiling at my uber cuteness. (give me a second of prasaan-ness, will you?) hehe. i love you, my laling preetyboy. as always. gee! second happiness of the day. i managed to get jepon and her bf back together again. im soooo happy for them. hey gurlfren, i did it willingly, without asking anything in return. but since you and your other half insist of blanja-ing me, then i guess there's no way i can turn down your offer right? hehe. i will make up my mind on where to eat very soon, promise! let's go out on a double date,shall we? i'll get my preetyboy to talk to your bf. sayang kamu! *mywetkisseshere* gurlfrens, ive yet to call up you gerls to inform you of our plan to Sentosa. wait for my call okay? and miss jepon, use my name if your bf refuse to let you go. haha. i miss my gurlfrens. all of them! now, it's camwhore time with adeq. ![]() ![]() ![]() 3 more days to 2006! all together now, say 'cooooooooooooooool'.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:00 PM ;||*the tile of love*|| we had our late dinner at Changi. it's been sucha long time since i last ate their delicious Nasi Lemak. been craving for them since months ago. and then off we went to Changi beach.. the night at Changi beach was superbly fun. what's more; dad asked preetyboy's dad to come along too. double the fun. and obviously, three other uncles and family were there too. we played games after games after games. yes. non stop. and if you're wondering who are the we that im referring to, they are me, kak iya, nirah, farhan, abg sufi, yana, fina, sharul and shamsul. bibik was brilliant to bring along her UNO cards. so the first game we played was the UNO game and i won first. yay! and that game lasted for 30mins. thanks to the neverending of sabotage. we kept peeping at one another's card and whenever one of us left with a card, we will sabo that person with a 'wild' card or a 'draw 4 or 2' card. and since ive nothing to do while waiting for the rest to finish their game, i took some shots. here you go.. ![]() ![]() ![]() then we played the game of heart attack using the UNO cards. very shiook! next game, we played the game of concentration. we have to concentrate, concentrate and concentrate. haha. i suck at that game though. it's either i concentrate too much that i forgot it was my number they called out or i called out the wrong number. then adeq came up with another game similar to that game. it's called the 'big and small fish' game. the word doesn't go with actions. meaning, when u said 'big fish', u have to show the size of a small fish using your two index fingers and if u said 'small fish', then u'll have to show the size of a big fish. it's damn confusing. the action game was our next game. it became funny when preetyboy started to do stupid and crazy actions. omg. we played the game called 'Blanket' after that. but it was already drizzling, so we had to call it a day. sigh. if not, we can cnue playing stupid and crazy game till 4am, u bet. haha. and my Monday was splendid. the whole family watched an Hindi filem and obviously i started crying at the MOST touching part. haha. i need tissue mann. or my tshirt sleeve can be the alternative. gee. went off to have our lunch outside and dad took us to Mustafa Center cause i wanted to buy a pink Creative earphones but they didn't sell it. ergh. so dad just bought me a Panasonic one instead. i had difficulties walking yesterday cause i was having cramps all of a sudden and it really hurts la. i kept groaning in pain and kept complaining to preetyboy whenever he called me. i wanted to cry seriously. even so, that didn't stop me from having our late supper. stopped by a coffeeshop and i ordered their chapatti with chrysanthemum tea. feel much better after that. haha..giler kot. i badly wanna shop but im broke. like totally flat broke. and my shopping list is getting longer and longer and longer, and i bet you, it will never stop. aaahhhh! as you can see, im having my one week break. a short yay will do though cause ive to sacrifice my two days to do projects. Internet Appliances and Sociology. ergh. dyem pathetic and irritating. and im going to spend the rest of the days with my preetyboy. now, that's a loooong yay. haha. miss him muchalot. well, im going to play pool today. it's on adeq, so why pe! cant wait to make her lose rabak-rabak. sooo mean! then i'll be meeting my preetyboy. and i still have my hp bill to settle. at the moment, i have $50. hopefully mum will let me use another $50 from my bank saving. gee. ![]() yours truly, the tile of love. dirah and farhan. im feeling for some Shakira. ![]() okay, i think this entry is superbly long. we'll just end here shall we? That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, December 24, 2005 8:44 PM ;||*a kid a day keeps a doctor away*|| since ive nothing better to do, i thought editing pictures will be a great idea. don't you think so? ![]() i love those kids. they are soooo adorable. and i really mean adorable. a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e. just see how candid they can get. better than me. especially this lil man. Hilman Afiq. ![]() ![]() okay, playing with a kid a day keeps a doctor away. haha. London bridge is falling down Falling down Falling down London bridge is falling down My fair lady That's It For Today. Goodbye.
10:56 AM ;||*burn you to ashes*|| i will stick with preetyboy through thick and thin. and VICE VERSA. and we can't wait to see somebody fall to pieces for having a BIGGER ass than me. LOVE IT! and what matter most, we're happy. and our happiness will not and shall not leave a hole in your underwear. this i promise you. in other words, it doesn't concern anyone. take note! orang cakap, banyak bebual banyak bohong la oi! macam paHAM! im going out with preetyboy NOW. bye. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Friday, December 23, 2005 11:31 PM ;||*raw and fresh like me*|| im back! let's start off about today.. went to school with preetyboy cause he had a paper at 9.30am. me too. wireless paper. that paper wasn't bad though. atleast for the first time after sitting for 2papers, i finally walked out of the room feeling 60% confident. well, 60% is a much betta digit that 30% right? haha. this is the worst part. i had 5hrs break before sitting for Internet Appliances' paper. goodness. i planned to study my IA during that break since i didn't even open my book yesterday but i fall asleep while memorising. that was at Breadboard. omg. preetyboy was so sweet. he came down to TP again at 2.30pm just to see me before i sit for my paper. sayang kamu! and yah, he was extra cute and gorgeous today. only god knows why. i cant help it but to keep staring at him and kissing him. haha. IA paper was disastrous. whatever shit you call it. plus the fact that the facilitator has crossed-eyes. it took me 2 freaking minutes to make him realise that i was waving my hand frantically , trying to tell him that im done with the paper and that i wanna get my butt out and get over with the paper. ergh. the chinese guy behind me was giggling hard. okay, the facilitator is the clown, not me. was supposed to meet preetyboy but he had to rush to work. then adeq called me to tell me that she was at Bugis and i can come down if i want to. izzati, hilman and hilfi were with her too. those cute kiddos. and she told me over the phone that those kiddos were so naughty that she couldn't handle them and that i will be really doing her a favour if i could come down and help her deal with those kids while she's trynna find her stuff. haha. funny shit la. however, i gave it a miss. yours truly is too tired to go all the way to bugis. so i accompanied syasya to MacDonald instead to have our lunch. i settled for their Filet O Fish meal. and then we walked around aimlessly. lalalalala. let's just move on, shall we? like ive said, preetyboy really made my day yesterday. we went to Tampines library at 11.00am to study. but most of the time, preetyboy was flipping through books on Wedding and kept asking me to choose the wedding gown that i like the most. and he showed me pictures of wedding held in hotels and their decor. wow. really amazing. the next moment, he was planning on our wedding. yelah, what has wedding to do with studying for your term test? sigh. 2hours later, preetyboy kept grumbling cause he was hungry. so we went to KFC since MacDonald was really pack. we talked and he made me feel so much better. afterall, im the selfish party. walked around in TM to kill time. at 3pm, we were already in school and preetyboy had to sit for a paper. while waiting for him at the concourse, i studied my wireless and fall asleep for 5mins. haha. im always falling asleep when studying. head off to the bike shop behind Safra to take a look at his new bike. he gave me the honour to choose which bike i want him to buy. i was smiling, obviously. and right now, i cant wait to ride on it with preetyboy. he told me it will take atleast 1week for the paint work to be done. so i have to wait patiently. you are right darling. the new bike will make us happy too. i should have listen to you. yours truly is very gatal today. she is still working on the new template. hang on ya.. nvm. can you please help me with the calculation? brown corduroy skirt $49 + flower printed top $30 + green tank top $16 + Panasonic VS6 $298 how much will that be? and how much do i have with me now? less than $10. and how much more do i need? im dead. absolutely. how can i find at least $400 in 1week? That's It For Today. Goodbye.
7:53 AM ;||*i'll do it just for my lil man*|| i regret hurting preetyboy and landed him in a difficult position. i regret it all. im sorry i didn't give you the moral support that you need. im sorry for being that selfish girl. im really really really sorry preetyboy. on top of all that, i do love you and forever will love you. thank you for making it my day yesterday and thank you for making things better. you're one superhero that i truly adore. gee. whatever that's going to happen, i will always stick with you and make all the decisions with you. i will go through thick and thin with you. okay lil man? i'll be back later with more updates about yesterday and today. you guys should really know how preetyboy made things better for me. wonderful. marvelous. i suppose today is green day cause preetyboy and i will be wearing green to school. hehe. it IS nice to wear the same colour top with you other half though. im soooo right. okay, i have to go for now. my paper will be at 9.30am and im meeting preetyboy like NOW! omg. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, December 22, 2005 9:16 AM ;||*tell me it's NOT happening*|| ![]() That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:28 PM ;||*romance is part of us*|| riding on preetyboy's ktm was really syiooook! minus the fact that his engine is tooooo powerful, causing me to jerk numerous times. and the front of my helmet kept banging into his back helmet. ergh. told him to slow down for like the 10th times but i guess to him, it's already slow. searched for a Converse store at East Point to buy for adeq her school shoe but there was none. so we went to Simpang Bedok to have my Soup Tulang. yumm! then we had nowhere to go, so he suggested on something romantic. gee. we went to see the beautiful scenery at Stadium Waterfront. wow, and im really amazed. jakon pun ader la. haha. it surprised me that preetyboy actually knows romantic places like this. love him. we talked, laughed, danced (okay, not him. it's me la actually. haha) and teased each other. we came out with this stupid idea. that is to carry one another, to prove that you are strong enough. im amazed that i can carry preetyboy, and luckily, he can carry me too. if not, it's proven that im stronger than him. haha. merepek kan? tapi fun la.. okay, my EDD is totally in the drain. i cant memorise even a single sentence, let alone memorizing from Lect1 to Lect5. bleh mampus! and my FTT is tomorrow. omg. im soooo lost. will catch up with everything soon. tata. p/s: preetyboy, don't forget to pick me up tomorrow morning okay? my paper's at 12.30pm. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Monday, December 19, 2005 7:44 PM ;||*it wiill never stop*|| internetworking paper just now was horrible. disastrous. terrible. whatever you call it. only 40% of what ive memorised came out. pathetic right? it took me 30mins to solve SectionB ques2. and in total, there's 3questions in SectionB. luckily it was a 1.5hr paper. even so, i left the room 20mins before the paper ended. so i guess, i don't have to be eager to see its result. i have the feeling, it gonna suck. the next paper that i'll be sitting for is on Wednesday. Enterprise Database Design. i swear i dunnoe what im suppose to study. they told me to just read the lecture notes. haha. the big problem is, ive never attend their lectures. so i guess, this time around will only be plain memorising without understanding anything. i didn't get to ride on Andirah today. cos it was sent to the workshop yesterday because of clutch leakage. and it can only be collected tonight. so preetyboy had to take the bus to school with me. gee. went to MNG just now with moneyless. hoping that i'll find nothing interesting dere. haha, you bet. saw this denim blazer for only $59. so freaking chic. and the numerous golden thingy sew to the blazer made it looks kinda vintage style. very nice kan syasya? showed it to her and she went 'kau nak aku pakai blazer ni ke maner sae?' haha. kinda true la actually. it's not a casual top though. so, i just let it pass. and obviously, syasya being the MNG addict, spent around $70 there. and who has to alter your pants and kak rosie's pants? akuuuuu jugak. isk! must thank me after that okay? hee. complained to preetyboy just now that i can go mad without any money right now. worst, without any incomes. quite true la. sooner or later, i will rob the bank and the first person i'll ask to tag along is Lyana. cos we're going crazy due to $$$$$$-less. ergh. i ate really alot today. McChicken, fries, tissue prata, 2 bbq chickens, prawn noodles and banana spilt. all thanks to preetyboy cos he cannot stop buying junk foods for us. nanti lau i gemuk, you jugak yang bising. hehe. project runway's today. which means, no study for tonight. instead, just a lil revision on my FTT. two more days to go n im so worried! feel it. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, December 18, 2005 7:53 PM ;||*i am wondering if you are*|| finally ive decided to put on music video on my blog instead of either no song (which is plain boring) or the iwebtunes. even so, iwebtunes has been my 24hours music source since the first day i blogged. so thank you very much. will come back to iwebtunes when im sick of videos. haha. i should be studying right now. really. who cares? for the past 4hours, ive been memorising pathetic stuffs. oh well, i need a break too. does that sound convincing enough? captured notes will only be temporary though. everything will be vomited out tomorrow as soon as i step out of the hall. i swear. was feeling kinda miserable just now. that explains why i slept on the couch just now with my notes on my stomach and the earphones stuck into my ears. woke up after 2hours of sleeping. and i thought i shouldn't be miserable. it's unfair to whoever it concerns. that includes me too. some random thoughts to pen down. "the best thing a gurlfriend could give you is sharing her problems and miserable moments and thanked you after that." but "the pathetic or should i rather say pitiful thing a friend could give you is backstabbing you. like saying good stuffs infront of you, or trying to show that 'hey, im still your friend you know.' but behind your back, she gives u names. or sharing everything that she knows about me to another person. sucks. totally sucks." the first thought obviously meant for my girlfriends. but the second thought obviously doesn't concern my gurlfrends at all. no. it's dedicated to someone who still stick around me or should i say, my blog. yes. and you know what? you are equally as pathetic as i am. duh. go do some soul searching. no offence okay? like ive said, you don't give your attitude, i have mine. fuck it lah. i dunno what are the MPs thinking when they allow those pathetic people to put up a show at WestPlaza. here i am, trying my very best to study and there you are, hosting a freaking sucking performance. like hello, it's too loud for other residents. and what?! they played akon's belly dancer for the fifth time. omg. are they running out of songs or what? shoot them. i came across this blogger and i love the way she edited all her pics. so absoimazinglutely nice. and that's where i get my inspiration. i sounded like mr razak, my previous art teacher. haha. i miss his art. legally blonde's on tv right now. will catch it very soon. and why oh why do i always get excited when seeing the advertisement of ANTM? haha..i guess i just love tyra la. flawless. i'd be lying if i say i didn't miss my preetyboy. i really miss him. and lil man, i miss BugisCafe. that's a hint okay. take note! haha. here are the cousins plus makciks-makciks taken on Saturday. ![]() ![]() alrighty, time for tv! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, December 17, 2005 5:00 PM ;||*a simple note to my preetyboy*|| preetyboy is soooo lazy because he depends on me to print for him his term test timetable. and he pretended he didnt hear it when i told him i will print it for him. and when i asked him what paper is he sitting for on Monday, he shrugged. which means, he cant be bothered to check it out. omg. preetyboy, can you please stop being a lazybum? but you're cute at it la. haha. and so, i miss him muchalot. okay, this entry is soo meaningless to all of you, but not to my preetyboy. ouh preetyboy, your home key is still with me. arent you afraid that i might sneek in your room late at night and scare the hell outta you? haha. it'll be fun though. too bad halloween's over. ergh. give me a ride on Monday, lil man! okay, enough said. back to studying..sigh! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
1:20 PM ;||*twinkle twinkle little star*|| im a happy happy bird today. so i'll blog. gee. preetyboy made me smile. you see, the thing about me is that, i cant get mad infront of him cos his face is too charming for a scolding session. cos end up, i'll be the one who'll feel guilty and apologise to him. haha. he came to meet me at downtown. so sweet la. alamak, he looked dyem sachok sae on his ktm (andirah). takle angkat! will post a pic of Andirah next time okay? so, his intention was to take back his home key from me, but si slenger nie, left the keys in the locker at Escape. haha. we sit around at Burger King. preetyboy bought the Hershey ice cream for me. yummy! for once, preetyboy was so masam! penat bawa motor agaknyer..hee! he had to rush to his workplace though. so that was only a short meeting. i took almost all the rides except for Inverter. told them i dun wanna risk my life taking that ride. that's so lame, i know. took the Wet n Wild once only cause i was totally drenched. and it did wonders to my back hump. see.. ![]() it's so embarrassing to walk around with wet pants. it looked as if we just pee in our pants. ergh. so we took the Pirate Ship twice to dry ourselves. omg. the kids behind me were having a great time competing their screaming with the kids at the opposite side. pekak jugak aku. took Go Kart twice. while queuing up, we made a deal. we planned to race, and not to drive slowly. haha, i beat them during the first race. yes ah! but unfortunately, those karts behind me didn't step on the brake when coming to a stop, thus, their karts bumped into the kart in front and the force was passed on. and i, being the first one, got jerked forth time and it really hurts. kpala otak dorang la! it was fun though. then we planned to scare ourselves in the haunted mansion. the last time i went in that mansion, it was dyem scary. but this time around, it wasn't that scary but funny. i'll tell you why. because the ghosts were all malay guys. can you imagine them making such freaking noises?? haha. very funny. once we stepped in, one of them said 'Assalamualaikum' and i went 'ey, ader hantu mlayu beri salam ke?'. and they can reply 'ader pe. aku.' goodness. can they not make a joke when they're supposed to scare the hell outta us? the funny part is, while finding our way out, my cousin accidently left her right flip flop behind and we paused. her: ey jap, slipper aku tertinggal. Cari kan ah. them: slipper? Maner eh? haha. they can even help us find her flip flop. funny giler la. what kinda ghosts are they? luckily her flip flop was in white. after seconds, it was my turn. and my flip flop was in brown. it was so dark, so the chances of us finding my flip flop was thinner. i thought i was the only one who spotted my flip flop. i was about to wear it when i saw a hand tryna grab my flip flop. so i stepped hard on his hand and left him shouting in pain. hehe. the second time we went in, shasha and adeq left me behind, so i was trapped all alone in the mansion. i swear i felt like crying and peeing in my pants. i was squatting down, covering my face, while the two ghosts were trying their best to frighten me. and they sempat ask for my name. giler. it was after five minutes when they let me off. the cousins were worried sick for me. next, we took the spinning tea cup. mampus! and the seat that adeq sat on wasn't that secure, so we shouted at the top of our voices, asking them to stop. took it again for the second time and this time around, the cups were spinning at a high speed and they were raised so high up. my head was spinning and i felt like vomiting after that. it took me a while to cure my spinning head. we spent almost 5hrs in Escape. we had fun though. ![]() ![]() ![]() that left me with two days to study for my upcoming term test on Monday. sigh. and today, im going out again. i cant discipline myself la. im so dead. sis' Hugo Boss perfume is so freaking nice. im falling in love with it. can i steal it for a day? gee. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Friday, December 16, 2005 9:55 AM ;||*when things doesn't go my way*|| i was in my very low mood yesterday night. very. dat i dun feel like communicating with anyone and i dun feel the need to blog. i got home at 8pm after i was given a false hope by someone. literally. i hate the bus ride at night. it was freaking crowded especially at tp's bustop. but i managed to get a seat after a while. even so, i was pissed off by this guy, who carried a bulky slingbag and stood beside my seat. didn't he know that his bulky bag was hitting me all the time? it was dyem painful. i kept staring at him, but he was way taller, so i guess he can't be bothered with this short girl. darn! worst, at this one part when he was giving way to a passenger who wanted to alight the bus. he leaned forward, towards me and dyem it! the side of his hard n bulky bag hit my precious breast. it was really painful that i feel like rubbing it and cursed the hell out of him. right. i gave him this cold stare. even so, he didn't get the hint and didn't even bother to say a pathetic sorry. i was very much pissed off. i didn't talk to anyone at home. i went all quiet and i guess, dad probably saw my looong face, that is why he is cracking all those jokes in front of me, which i didn't even laugh at it. had my bath, dinner and then off to bed. that was an early night for me. 10pm. preetyboy didn't even bother to listen to me. infact, im not wrong to say that he ignore me the entire night. so i was all alone..and i cried under my pillows before dozing off. it's painful to listen to someone and in return, that someone didn't even bother to listen to you. that is an unfair treatment. and it hurts when you lift me up so high and then you just let me go and left me flat on the ground. im just expressing it out. you may choose not to believe, though. it wun be appropriate for me to let out everything here. easy to say, i do have my private life too. on top of all that, im happy that preetyboy managed to pass his tp. so right now, he's a legal rider. fullstop. wait till im in the mood for everything, then you will see that im a really happy ktm bride. not now though, cos im still feeling pissed off. i guess ive to start adapting to this new situation. i will not be meeting preetyboy for four straight days. i am missing him a lot now, that is why i get frustrated easily. moving on.. the cousins have free tickets to Escape. and i was asked to tag along. i really dun mind tagging along if i don't have to fork out any money cos im still a broke woman here. but the problem is, i don't feel excited about today's plan. cos i rather stay at home and not interact with the outside world. period i guess. talking about period, im having mood swings lately. maybe that explains why i get agitated easily. even if you're talking about a very teeny-weeny matter. so much to do yet so little time. does that ring a bell, anyone? term tests are coming but i haven't even start studying. let alone printing all those lecture notes and past year's term test. my FTT is on wed, but i swear i don't know a thing. ive yet to open my revision book. if I was given a special power by the fairy, it will probably be the ability to stop the time and let me finish my work. haha. what a kid's fantasy.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005 10:02 PM ;||*you are the reason for everything*|| i skipped blogging yesterday cause for once, i have to discipline myself. i mean, which is more important? the test or blogging? talking about the obvious, i fall asleep yesterday while trying hard to memorise the whole junk. again, i went flat on my study table. tell me, what's the main difference between java source codes and midlet? shoot me. now, what's their similarity? bingo! both are made up of codes. darn! i hate to study their source codes cos i will never understand them. never. that is why i chose networking for my elective, yet, i still have to deal with all these codes. thus, i screwed up on my midlets just now. my mind totally went blank. it's funny that i can't seem to remember a single thing, except for some easy-peasy stuffs. im pretty sure that im gonna fail that subject. gone case. it's more like im creating my own stupid codes rather than applying their codes. ergh. school was at 8am. and im sooo beat. it took me 10mins to get up from bed and to the toilet. took 15 from the interchange cos i wanna get myself the most comfortable seat, which is the second seat after the back door. listened to the mp3 and tried so hard to study and memorise the source codes. but i gave it up after 10mins of staring blankly at the source codes. i thought it will be nicer to sleep, rather than torturing my brain early in the morning. and so, i fall asleep in the bus. the test was at 1.15pm. easier said, i had 1.5hour break before the test. to kill time, i accompanied preetyboy for his lunch at Breadboard, cos at 12.15pm, he had to rush to Ubi for his practical revision. that left me with syasya. was listening to her mp3 when i fall asleep again. this time, it's at Breadboard. kecoh sae. imagine dirah sleeping with her head resting on the table with all her notes around her. teramat dasyat. the touching part was that, syasya didn't even wake me up. aaawww.. the third time i fall asleep was on my way home, in the bus. my intention was to only rest my head on preetyboy's shoulder, but instead i fall asleep throughout the 20mins journey. haha. so sorry darling. im sucha sleepyhead today. we sat under a void deck before heading home. it's been a looong time since the two of us had a nice conversation. i tried on the helmet preetyboy intended to give me, but it was pretty big. so he told me that he will buy me a new helmet in size S. let me see. i will have a 'KTM Bride' sticker pasted at the back of my helmet and a 'dirah' sticker pasted at the right side of the helmet. cool kan? im so happy today(under some reasons la). thank you preetyboy! im still wishing you good luck darling. the term break is coming! shoutouts to all my gurlfrens, can you hear the Pahlawan Beach calling out our names? jadi mesti jadi eh. dier da kasi green light tu..haha. will decide on the day after my term test okay? meanwhile, hang on! loving you is easy cause you're beautiful making love with you is all i wanna do loving you is more than just a dream come true and everything that i do, is i wanna loving you lalalalala lalalalala lalalalala now, time to hit for some reggae. no more of lovey-dovey and slow songs. yawn-ness! here's for you. she's hot by TOK. lately, i cant seem to get enough of Photoshop. and since ive nothing better to do, i guess editing the sisters' pics will be a good idea. gee. ![]() ![]() ![]() That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Monday, December 12, 2005 10:05 PM ;||*something hot and cheesy*|| right now, im printing all my InfoTech lecture notes. believe it or not, ive never attend that lecture since the very first day of the semester till now. plus, i cant even be bothered to print all the lecture notes. i wonder why the facilitator did not print it for us and just bind them. wouldn't that be perfectly betta? arse! im doing so because i'll be sitting for a mini test on Wednesday, which covers all the way up to Lecture9. and i can swear to you that i know nuts about this subject. you know kacang? aa..macam gitu la. i hope my printer will not run out of ink, if not, i'll be cursing like a mad woman here. im sooo sleepy. really. preetyboy thinks my eyebags are dyem ugly. i think so too but i cant bring myself to sleep if the clock doesn't struck 12 la. im like a princess you know. probably i'll be able to sleep if you share the bed with me. haha. getting a lil kinky here. *wink* lately, preetyboy gets mad over something very fast. like at one moment he was smiling from one ear to ear and the next moment, u'll see his looong face. come on darl, i know you too well. i'll keep stroking ur hand, ur hair and play with your gothi if you're down okay? but please don't ignore me and ask me to do an unreasonable stuff. you know i hate those right? *kiss* im feeling a lil guilty here cos syasya had to spend her 50bucks on that MNG top all because of me. i know, if i didn't drag her there, probably that 50bucks is still safe in her purse. haha. BIL gonna scream at you for spending that 50bucks in less than 24hours. but trust me, i love that top. pakal la aku ngah broke, if not i'll probably get that too. you know, it's a lil sexy to show a small portion of your body, say..the top part? but not too much la. that's like, trying TOO hard. haha. okay, im crapping here. however, im proud of myself cos i managed to save $2 today. they say, sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit! gotta strongly believe in that NOW! ya..only now since im superbly broke. im out. gonna let this printer do its stuff all by itself. cos im watching Project Runway. how can they start the show without me? ergh. ouh. btw, the new season of ANTM, tyra will host the show with her straight hair. and omg, she looks dyem flawless. im sooo in love with her. that does not make me a lesbian okay? i have farhan remember? gee. ![]() don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me? don't cha.. im stuck to that song. somebody, shoot me! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, December 11, 2005 5:16 PM ;||*absolutely nothing left*|| believe it or not, i just had my bath, and that was supposed to be my morning bath. which means, i walked around in the house just now without bathing. haha. as you can see, im always at home on every Sundays. i hate to follow mum and dad to any weddings, cos im a big girl now, and i dun think Sunday is perfect to go out with friends or preetyboy. so i rather stay at home, gather all the energy for the coming weekdays. it sounds pretty lame, i know. hee. someone gave me this flyer. ![]() take note! it's a hiphop dance party. ouhmyfreakinglord. and it's on the eve of new year. COUNTDOWN. tickets will be needed though. but you see, the problem is, kak mila is getting married on the 1st of January, which means, on the 31st of December, i will be at her house, doing whatsupposedtobedone. and all of my relatives and cousins will be there. most probably, i will spend my night there. so..there's no way i can go to any countdown party. UNLESS..yes, there's an unless. unless kak nanie is nice enough to bring us around on the eve of new year in her car. wohoo! *hint hint* haha. well, i hope she's reading this. gee. im officially broke. broke as in NO money! im gonna die veriee soon because im suffocating right now. dad came home yesterday with my hp bill in his hand. and guess how much is my bill for this month? nvm. i'll tell u. it's a freaking 100bucks! that's more than double my usual bills okay. im soo dead. and the major problem is, i have absolutely no money right now, minus the fact that i have savings in my bank. because according to mum, that savings are meant for my driving pracs n i wasn't allow to use my bank money to pay bills. damn it! now i feel like cursing. on top of all that shits, maner aku nak gie cekau duit? pat lubang kubur? goodness. ive never feel this kinda money stress before. now i cant wait for all mommies out there to call me for tutoring. cepatla oi! atleast i have incomes every month. sounds betta right? grr. i need money like NOW. wadeva. preetyboy's mom and dad asked me along to east coast for cycling. but i don't feel like going. even worst, i dun feel like cycling under this humid weather. so hot. sorry preetyboy, perhaps some other day okay? hope you have fun there darl. whats important is, i love you and i miss you. ![]() my stomach's grumbling. and mom didn't leave me with any food. darn! okay then, time to call the mcdonald. duit lagi... *sigh* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Friday, December 09, 2005 8:33 PM ;||*all the fun things will never stop*|| what?! ive been tagged by kyn to do that pathetic stuff? okay, takpe2. not to worry. nah, ambik kau! haha. Rules of the Game 01. Post 5 weird or random stuff about yourself. 02. At the end of the post least 5 ppl whom u want to do the quiz. 03. Next, leave a comment "you are tagged" in their blog and ask them to read ur blog for rules. rule 1 01. i hate cats although they are cute but once they rest under your chair in a coffeeshop, they aren't cute anymore. 02. they say preetyboy is my brother. and i call them BLIND. 03. im a girl full of jealousy. 04. i dun mind checking for any hidden food stuck in between my teeth in front of preetyboy. 05. i will fall asleep while talking to preetyboy if im too tired and seconds later, i will mumble something, which proves that, aku ngah ngigau! rule 2 01. syasya (first target. haha) 02. nurul (ambik kau!) 03. lyana (laptop baru kan? nah, do more work.) 04. adeq nirah (lau aku kene, kau pun kene) 05. last but not least, hmm..zac. (payback time!) rule 3 this is so chicken-mak-dodol. so please eh people, do your thang. haha. see, im done. simple right? gee. i think i will have fun reading theirs, those five people listed above. i want to laugh, so please write down 5 funny stuffs about you at rule1. atleast make me smile or laugh till i golek-golek okay? had so much fun with preetyboy just now although it's jus for 4hours. thank you darling for accompanying me. saaaayang kamu! had my cheese prata and im contented. rhumba frap will be on another day perhaps. i bought cheese sausage and kropok lekur instead. yummy! gemuk jugak la aku ni. went to preetyboy's house to allow him to take his bath before accompanying him to his workplace. his father is sooo funny la. he was repairing the television and suddenly, halfway through, he threw the two screwdrivers in his hand and said "alamak, aku give up arh!" terperanjat aku. and i laughed. haha. kecian pakcik. as usual, i kept looking at Garfield cos im afraid that cat will just pounce on me. then i'll be dead. (click on the image to enlarge) That's It For Today. Goodbye.
11:30 AM ;||*its blooming once again*|| the weather is so cooling that i feel like tugging myself under those pink blanket and sleep till the sun comes out. haha. but the problem is, i can't sleep. goodness. i woke up to realize that preetyboy's left me a goodmorning msg before he went off to school. so sweet. maybe because of that i cant get back to my sleep. hehe. i was smiling widely when i read his msg. things like "why didn't you call me before you sleep yesterday? hmmph" and "muacks! love you baby!". gee. im blessed once again. you see, the thing is, i even skipped brushing my teeth yesterday night after eating cranberry's chocolates. i was too sleepy and dad was still in the toilet when i wanted to take my toothbrush. so i thought, it's perfectly fine if i just lay down on my bed while waiting for dad. but instead, i fall asleep and never wake up. haha. that is the typical dirah u'll get every thursday night. im bloody tired. right now, im at home with adeq. and in just awhile, i'll be left all alone bcos adeq wanna go out. ergh. but nothing is unfair cos im meeting preetyboy later. yay! miss him loads. umm..i love this new dove shampoo. it makes my hair more smoother and silkier. and the smell is so nice, that the smell will be on your hair for almost 3days. im not kidding. go and try it if you don't believe me. i feel so depress everytime i open my purse. i need more money, money, money! if i was a rich girl, i wouldn't be facing this kind of sadness. haha. im having random thoughts at the moment. let's list all my random thoughts. 1. i badly wanna go swimming wif preetyboy. 2. i need to suntan my back. 3. having a girl's partee in pajamas is soo cool. right kak nanie? 4. yet again, wouldn't it be nice to spend the whole day with only preetyboy and nothing else? 5. there's more random thoughts, but i just cant think straight. so let's stop here, shall we? moving on.. i have two plans tomorrow. that is either to accompany yana to orchard or to accompany preetyboy to his friend's wedding. so which one? i'll leave it to preetyboy to decide for me. things like this, i cant decide myself. haha. i really miss my gurlfrens. just random pics to make me and them smile. ![]() ![]() ![]() will have cheese prata and rhumba frap with preetyboy later. yay! great. now i cant wait. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, December 08, 2005 11:39 PM ;||*follow my footsteps*|| i fall asleep in technopreneurship tutorial AGAIN. and this time round, it wasn't during watching-the-video period. it was precisely during the talks given by sir. he was talking all by himself and i tried my very best to listen to him, but halfway through, i lost track of his words and suddenly feel so peaceful. i fall asleep! haha. and i bet he saw me falling asleep. ergh. im totally agreeing with Lyana. i thought i were the only one who feels beautiful after watching ANTM. hehe. i mean, naima was amazingly gorgeous and Kahlen was damn vogue with her new short hairstyle. her previous long hair kinda gave her this sweet and innocence girl. dunct ya think so? and the sight of naima and her twin made me feel the urge to have a twin sister too. i must be crazy, i know. im glad they're back with ANTM season5. yay! im soooo goin to love the show all over again. the feeling is nice though. bloghopped to kak nanie's blog and came across all her chalet pics. wallau! partee in pajamas? sounds superr cool. something different to try out wif my gurlfrens. obviously the mad gurlfrens will never stop laughing at each other's pajamas. haha..i can so imagine it right now. wait till we're 21 okay? then the word 'freedom' is ours. hoho. OMG. can somebody please keep reminding me that term test is just two weeks from now? and ive yet to open all my books and do some revision and memorising. grr. i wonder what will our lives be if we were to go to school without any term tests and exams. any words to describe those imagination? hehs. i was so pissed off in the morning. school was at 9am today so i purposely left the house at 8.10am so that i can catch the 8.30am no.15 bus which will not be that pack-o. pathetically, 15 only came at 8.35am and mind you, that freaking bus doesn't even stop at the bustop because people were already standing at the front door of the bus. and i was only waiting at the 2nd bustop after the interchange. ouhmyfreakinglord. so i took 518, which used up my mrt fare. damn! even so, i was 15mins late for lab. that's not all. i entered the lab only to find 4 souls infront of the computer. so i asked "where's everyone? and what time was school supposed to start today?" she replied "at 10am." it freaked the hell outta me. what?! i just wasted my fare okay?! it was someone who told me school's at 9am. grr. should have ask papa jin next time. lesson learnt. again, i starved myself. this time, i was lucky enough not to faint. im this close to being officially broke. and im depressed right now. there's so many things i wanna buy but i'll have to put that money aside for my upcoming hp bill. darn. things like a flower print blouse, a new pair of sandals, a new bag, more skirts and blab. if only i could exchange the leaves with money. wonderful. atleast i feel much betta now. see, i just nid you to assure me that i AM being loved. gee. right. now im craving for cheese prata and rhumba frap. will fulfill my crave-ness tomorrow wen i meet preetyboy. picking preetyboy up after school although ive no class tomorrow. smile for me for being sucha nice candy to him. haha.. i love him and dat's it. sweet dreams sweethearts. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005 9:23 PM ;||*im all yours if ure mine*|| currently, im in love with this song. somehow, it carves a smile on my face everytime i listen to it. boohoo syasya. first come first serve eh. as you can see, im not in my best mood. don't bother to ask me why. the answers are all written on my face. ive an important stuff to blog about. please stop picking a fight with me whoever you are. you're no different from a lil kid who loves to fight over sucha small stuff. and im not ur entertainer. if u're not happy about me, i'll give u a suggestion. leave my blog n never come back. simple for u? i never ask for anybody to love and adore me. no. im no desperate for friends. in fact, im blessed to have my gurlfrens and all those who are my friends. so please, stop making a big fuss here. i think we're grown up gurls, so it's betta if you could show others that ure a grown up gerl too. unless ure still a kid, then i cant blame u la. i mean, come on. let's face the fact. you're being too childish. ew! easier said, i don't respect people who don't respect me. and if you think you are better than me in any way, then i'll tell you that im being myself here. i cant meet your expectations and that's it. just leave. stop wasting your time here. i guess you have better things to do right? go not stopping you. ive enough of everything. you hate me, that's your fucking problem. if you think you have a big problem with me, then by all means, we can always sit down and talk. take note, that's how adults settle problems. this applies to every soul out there who hates me. im all ready for you. show me your guts and bring it on. AND my prettyboy is preetyboy. cara aku pe. just like fucking and phucking. get it? bah. moving on.. the way we held each others hand the way we talked the way we laughed it felt so good to find true love i knew right then and there you were the one i know that he loves me cause he told me so i know that he loves me cause his feelings show when he stares at me you see he cares for me you see how he is so deep in love i know that he loves me cause its obvious i know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts and he's missing me if he's not kissing me and when he looks at me his brown eyes tell his soul im blessed to have you. trust me. i ate 11 slices of garlic bread. 6 of it from Delifrance and the other 5 from BugisCafe. plus a brownie with ice cream topping. im soooo growing fatter now. no faded denim skirt for me. instead, i bought myself a faded jeans. preetyboy loves my butt. haha. no comment. if i could scrap one word from the dictionary and flush it down the toilet bowl, it will be KARMA. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005 8:59 PM ;||*i wanna hear yours*|| i can never stop eating McDonald. keep's like, sooo freaking nice! haha. school was at 8am today and i was late. again. it's okay though cos terence is sucha nice facilitator. really. he will take attendance only after 8.30am. so it's okay to be 29mins late. i had my lunch at design school. err. i was practically being dragged by those monkeys. and great, they never let me decide where to eat again cos i will never stop with my ITAS. well, i thought their food are much betta than design's. i had to force myself to eat their rice. serious. and that is the second time i ate at Design in my two years of poly. horrible me. so please monkeys, don't ever drag me to design's again. i swear i will vomit blood. not my kind of food. i skipped 2hrs of lectures. it felt so heaven-ness. slacked around at ITAS to complete my INNK assignment which ive been working on it since Saturday. gawd! what a mess. im glad that syasya already has her iPod Nano. cos it feels so nice to snatch that Nano from you. haha. i thought i could not finish my Lab assignment in time cos it seems as though we're facing a big trouble that none of us can figure what is it. but amazingly, we were the second group to show our assignment to sir. and it all went well. yay! but, i gave up halfway while doing my Lab5. sickening. i cant get the routers to ping each other. UNsuccessful as always. bah. so i left the lab without sir knowing. preetyboy was waiting for me at plaza. he was already late for work, thanks yah. i sent him to work again. told u im nice right? gee. still waiting for our lil baby so that me and you will never be late for anything again. goodluck preetyboy! love you. adeq called me up while im having my lab. as usual. she wanted to have dinner at MacDonald with me since her friend couldn't make it. so we headed to Downtown's Mac. i saw the freaking loooong queue outside D'Marquee. all wanting to watch Barney and friends. those lil kids were heavenly cute. now i cant wait to have my own kids. adeq showed me her very-maximum-bloated stomach in the bus. eww! that's so gross. never do that again. you'll only make me laugh at you. i miss my gurlfrens. and i really cant wait for the term break to come. so many plans yet so little time. nvm. we'll see how it goes. im going to find my faded denim skirt again tomorrow with prettyboy. hopefully the stocks are here. if not, im goin to get the jeans instead. no. i badly badly badly want the skirt. it's been ages since i last wore a skirt. gee. someone msged me last night. "elooo..ble kenal2? erm ni allif. tu nadira kan?" excuse me, don't mind if i say this. firstly, zaman biler nie minta kenal2 over sms? ages. secondly, who the hell are you, or rather 'do i know you?'. thirdly, you spelled my name wrongly. that's a BIG turnoff for me. "im attached. and i don't know you." "okay, forget it then. i'll take it that you taknak kenal2 ngan i." haha. he sounded so desperate. sorry to say that. and i told prettyboy about it. he laughed and told me that guy was trying to get fresh with me. and i agree with him. absolutely. ![]() alrighty, i nid to take a bath before the mosquitoes come chasing after me. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Monday, December 05, 2005 10:22 PM ;||*as the wind blew it away*|| currently, im having a terrible headache because i skipped my lunch and went empty-stomach for almost 7hrs. no im not fasting. it's jus that i couldn't find the time to eat. that bad. so, please let me off with just a simple entry today okay? moving along.. i became a kendarat yesterday at a wedding in bedok north. together with seven other people - rabia, ailah, wak, nassier, nuremi, hafiz and din. we were told to wear jeans and they'll provide us with the t-shirts. and it was in red. first thing that came across my mind was "ey, skali ketiak basah nampak sae. why is it not in black instead?" and the gurlfrens totally agree with me. everything ended at 5.30pm and it was really tiring. i swear. my legs were aching after the whole thing ended. ![]() preetyboy was sweet enough to come by just to fetch his darling here. haha. something happened that really pissed me off while we were walking to the bustop. i shan't mention it in this entry cos i think it's not worth my space here. preetyboy was cute when he said sorry, sorry and sorry to me. he even msged me saying that he was really sorry, knowing that i sat just beside him in the bus. so yah, i kissed him on his forehead and told him he's forgiven. i was really hungry by 7pm. so we crashed Downtown to have our dinner. nassier and ailah tagged along, while the rest headed home. too tired i guess. settled with their fish and chips while preetyboy settled for their mee wanton. the foods there are really delicious! yummy! nothing's new when it comes to camwhore. ![]() ![]() i failed my wireless quiz. damn it! and i forgot my ezlink when i was about to board the bus early in the morning. thus, ive to walked back home to get my ezlink and im left with only 25mins to reach school. and and..preetyboy was waiting for me at the interchange. i made him wait for me. sorry lil baby. okay..ive yet to complete my internetworking assignment which is due tomorrow. sigh. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, December 04, 2005 10:28 PM ;||*he's part of me*|| i just reached home and im dead tired. i'll update more about today tomorrow okay? ive lotsa pics to stay around. meanwhile, please allow me to sleep. school's at 8.30 in the morning tomorrow. dead. goodnight sweethearts!
i love you more and more n i will never stop loving you. let others say their piece, cos it won't bother us in any way. right baby? That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, December 03, 2005 5:41 PM ;||*let me say my piece*|| ive just finished reading through Lyana's blog and my eyes are watery. but there's one thing that disturbed me. "he loves me too much that's why he has to let me go" as quoted from her blog. im pretty sure that's not true at all. come on, let's just face the facts. so what if this sentence exist in everyone's heart? "the one who loves you is the one who sets you free" to me, it's bullshit. because as far as im concern, the one who loves you will NOT let you go. i repeat, will not. if that someone really loves you, then of course that someone will never want to let you go and wants to spend his/her entire life with that particular person. right? just think of this. are you ready to let go the person you love into someone else's hand? girls are born in this world to taste the flavours of life. yet not to be left brokenhearted. i don't know. let's just keep the guys thinking, shall we? That's It For Today. Goodbye.
2:43 PM ;||*things we couldnt see*|| im so beat. got home at 1am. The Unseen was splendid. the 2hours show was worth the 19bucks ticket. although i didn't pay for it la. haha. the best part was when the Hantu Tetek appeared. everyone laughed because her breasts were made of a pink bolster. it was freaking long that the bolsters were able to touch her knees. ouh, it's amazing cos she has no nipples. well, either the crew forgot all about the nipples or they were too engross in deciding what to use for the breasts. funny shit! it was overall hilarious, not scary. Sidek was waaaay good in acting. *thumbs up* basically, i dunwanna be the old grandma, telling stories to her grandchildren. so, here you go. ![]() we had dinner after that at Lau Pa Sat. and yes, although it was raining. i was dyem hungry like nobody's business. managed to catch the last train at Raffles. phew! we ran to the MRT station okay. obviously. cos i dunwanna waste my money on the midnight charge. I'd rather save those money for something more worth it. things didn't seem to be nice late night. nvm. maybe it's all my fault that things turn out to be difficult for you instead. nobody wants that to happen. you gotta trust and understand me. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Friday, December 02, 2005 1:55 PM ;||*cater to all of you*|| as simple as ABC. i changed the upper collage because i think the first one looks kind of simple and boring. and my life isn't as boring as that. currently im at home with adeq. we cant wait to crash esplanade tonite. yay! it will be a total blast, trust me. not to worry. i fall asleep on my study table while cracking my brain on the innk assignment. all those subnets are driving me crazy. it was after 15mins that i realised ive fallen asleep. was awaken by sis' loud voice. couldn't stand the sleepiness, i jumped onto my bed and fall asleep again within seconds. that's how tired i am. lucky me, i don't have to go to school on Friday. the 7.45am message from nurul woke me up. sengaja kan? but i replied only at 9.04am. and i fall asleep again. haha. im so lazy. beats me. woke up again at 11am, cos momma wanted to go out, thus, she has to remind me to do the housework. alamak! anw, thanks for paying the hp bills for me. i mean, thanks for going to SingPost to get it done for me. aftarall, im using my own money to pay my hp bills. yup, incase ure wondering. im so bored. still waiting for farhan though. miss him so much. i wanna go swimming with you again. when will that be? and to my gurlfrens, it's been sucha loooooong time since we last met. how about next friday? let me know. i badly wanna shop but im only left with erm..around 50bucks. darn! and yest, i saw this girl wearing a faded denim skirt and i seriously cant take my eyes off her skirt. so nice! im still waiting for my turn. i think im growing horizontally. but i refuse to do some exercise. okay, maybe just sit-ups for me and fullstop. and whenever i passed by Meridien JC at night, i always have this inspiration to jog on their tracks. just like the apeks and nyonyas. well, atleast they exercise at sucha old age. and look at me, as lazy as my dad. sis told me that she failed her nafa test. haha. because she never exercise during her poly life. which means, in order for me to get atleast a silver for my nafa test, i need to start working out, if not, i will fail miserably just like how she failed hers. and year 3 is just next year. don't u just love this song by Ciara? i do. thanks for recommending it to my syasya. (must say thank you, if not she'll scold me or refuse to send me all her songs. haha) the lyrics are powerful. here's to you. I dont need me a basketball player All I need is somebody thats down for me And he don't have to have money his love is just like honey its so sweet to me he can have everything in this world but he'll sacrifice it all for me and I made up my mind im in love this time and it feels so real and I know that he won't break my heart and I know that we won't never part its time,time for us to settle down and I wanna be with him forever they can say that i am crazy for making him my baby but its how its gone be see I done been through many changes but this one i aint changing it's gone stay the same I can have everything in this world but i'll sacrifice it all for him and I made up my mind im in love this time and it,it feels real i love you and all of the things that you do oh baby please i need you [ i need you] so believe me [ i do ] i do [ oOoOOo] cause i love you [ i love you] and every lil thing baby [you do] no no OoO whooOooa OooOo they dont know how i feel cause i know this is real basically, ive nothing to blog about. my exciting life will only be tonight. so probably, by tomorrow, i have lots to blog about. hang on. good day candies! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, December 01, 2005 10:20 PM ;||*about the happiest bird*|| i wanted to blog yesterday but i got addicted with designing this template. and by the time im done with it, i was already dyem tired and my eyes are so freaking heavy. so i thought i'd rather post pictures than nothing. right? i was having so much fun with preetyboy yesterday. and i really mean soooooo much fun! unbelievable. im even smiling to myself right now. 7hrs of togetherness. laughter. joy. bullying. punching. wrestle. and the list goes on and on and on.. hah! finally it's here. i longed for the laughter and joy that we used to have a year ago. where our days were only about smiles and laughter, not tears n sadness. it feels so much better to see those smiles on our faces again. and the ouhso UNmelodious laughter. haha. im enjoying it preetyboy. really. it weird though cos ive been missing u alot lately. and thanks for waiting for me till 7pm. and having dinner with me. ure the most sweetest guy. im just too dumb not to realise it. no offence eh boy! he suggested that we should get engaged after our diploma. and that will be next year. ouhmyfreakinglord. im lost for words. told mum about it and she was surprised, obviously. duh. but it all depends on me. one side of me tells me that getting engaged is a waste of money and doesn't mean it will last you to marriage. but another side of me tells me that it'll be nice to let everyone noes ure officially someone's so that it wouldn't be embarrassing to walk around holding hands. which one sounds nicer? u think? whatever it is preetyboy, i already see my future with you and hope that everything will go smoothly. insya'allah. i fall asleep again in Technopreneurship tutorial. we were told to watch this video about a successful business man, but i ended up falling asleep. gawd. that subject was freaking bored. let's count how many assignments waiting for me. edd, ia, ifctech, innk and sociology. 1 2 3 4..5! im dead. it's piling up week by week and the date due is just around the corner. i need a break. seriously. ouh right. i played pool two days ago. the game was a total cocked up thing. i guessed it was because i was not in the mood. and the old chinese men were trying to get fresh with us. i mean, come on la, do you need a mirror? i was blardie pissed off and just wished that i could change to another pool table. told preetyboy that ive applied a debit mastercard and he was mad about the whole thing. he freaked the hell outta me. serious. i was shocked when he suddenly raised his voice and told me to cancel the application or don't activate the card. obviously i asked him for the reasons. and he told me that he don't want me to have any mastercards or credit cards because he believes that people who own these cards are the ones who have a higher chance of declaring a bankruptcy. really? haha. i was stunned and dumbfounded for a minute. i guess he has a point there. afterall, there's a four digit number in my bank right now. that will only make me spend even more. ive made the wrong move. damn! my nails are killing me softly. i broke a nail again. and i realise, the best place for pimples to grow is at my cheeks. perhaps..i should smile less. still waiting for syasya to send me her songs so that i can upload it into my mp3. dun forget eh gerl. always expect the unexpected. im never wrong. thus, i was right all along. we'll see how long it will last them. That's It For Today. Goodbye.