Saturday, July 30, 2005 9:43 AM ;||*emotions touring*|| im feeling rather stressed up rite now. emo. obsessed. out of love. tired-ness. angri-ness. headaches. pains. and all sorta negative feelings. and dere's onli one group of people im thanking fer all these feelings. de teachers of Engineering school. u made my life sooo miserable all of a sudden. n i dun tink de head of de Engineering school is as stressed up as i am rite now. Blergh! *eyes rolling* m having a spiltting headache. i guess it's due to facing de comp every single day. without failed, i assure u. and dats de life of being an engineerers. sulking every now n den. u mite prolly enjoy it fer de first year, but i assure you, dat feeling will fade off n u'll be most probably be focusing on otha matters. Lyke de people. Haha.. *whine whine whine* but it'll do no wonders to your assignments n projects. n u noe wad i feel lyke doing? i feel lyke hiring someone to do all my projects n assignments. Dat will be great, wun it??! THINK. Ouh, dirah's drifting away. n yupp, talking abt drifting away, i dunnoe y but i tend to daydream alot these days. n frankly speaking, i dunnoe wad ive been daydreaming about. it'll just zapped off from my mind de moment im back to reality. farnie aint it??! *evil laugh* Dats me though. u gotta accept it. anywae, to all de dearies who kip reminding me dat my bdae is cuming, thanks alot! i dunnoe dat i gotta sucha a big bunch of people who bother to remember my special dae. haha..yess, i sooo cant wait fer dat day to cum. Legally 18 beb! so yeah ppl, keep on countdown-ing yah..hehe! *cheeky laugh* had my 1st Java show-de-program-session just now. every satisfying program, 5marks will be awarded. n dis will go on fer de next 4weeks before presenting our final Java program to sir. luckily, everyting went well fer me. *phew* maybe i should thank dis few ppl fer helping me out. Luke, thanks fer sharing ur program wif me. Ah-boon, thanks fer helping me to un-jar de program. Jin Fu, thanks fer passing me ur program thru my e-mail n i guess without ur help n ur source code, im a dead meat by now. Syasya, thanks fer cracking ur brain wif me n ur support, although noting worked out from ur aku-semangat-nak-tolong-kau-tapi-aku-pun-seriously-tak-tahu-buat. who else?? did i miss out anibodie?? if i do, im sorie. but ive said thanks earlier to u ppl. in my heart. hehe.. so, thankyou u all!! *big hug* my money is getting lesser n lesser afta paying de hp bills n depositing some of it into my bank account. Urgh! dat makcik bot herself dis MNG tee just now. verriiee swit indeed. mango adores you. n i simply lurve de one in white, but i guess, ive to learn not to be sooo spendthrift. haha..momma will be smiling if she eva read dis part of my entry. 'nielarh anak mama'. probably she'll say dat. Five words to describe me at dis moment. ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS. *raise eyebrows* true. n coincidently, i repeat, coincidently just now, dis two idiots wore de same tone of a red top. such an embarrassing moment. orang kata, sehati sejiwa. or rather, a true Singaporean who cant wait fer National Day to cum. *eyes rolling* okays, let me end dis entry wif meaningful words. im blogging rite now becos i dun haf a date todae. fahn is werking rite now. so im all alone at home, missing him n at de same tyme, teaching myself to stay put at home. gudluck, dirah! fish: u dont noe im heartbroken bcos u cant see how much ive shed my tears. water: y isit so..? fish: bcos my tears is in you. water: (shakes head) no fish. it's true i cant see your tears but i can feel ur tears in my heart, cos dats where you are rite now. in my heart. *aaawwwwww* get it??! go figure. peace. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Friday, July 29, 2005 1:29 AM ;||*shake it n move it*|| told u i wanna change my layout to a brown one. hmm..dat reminds me of choco n more choco. *licks lip* just wen i tout Term Test's burdens are over, projects n assignments came piling up. to be exact, 5 assignments n projects are helplessly waiting fer me. n dirah is simply crying fer help. *whine whine whine* n im soooo NOT in de mood to do any projects. Bah! m happy fer syasya. afta waiting fer sooo long fer de letter from dat someone, finally it came. putting a wide smile on her face n tears of happiness. m proud of her fer still being faithful n patiently waiting fer dat someone. *aaawwwwwww* i miss my fahn. veriee much. i wanna hug you. i wanna kiss you. i wanna love you. rite now im craving fer Candy Floss. in total, ive eaten 3candy floss n it's NOT healthy miss dirah. blergh! i wanna go shopping and check out fer any latest stuff. im sick of not spending my money like some goddess. hellya haven-ness rite? Anyone?? *raise eyebrow* ouh btw, thanks Raihan fer asking Rabia to remind me dat Taufik will be performing at Jurong Point dis Saturdae. but sadly, i cant make it. *sad* my stomach's grumbling. Urghh! GoodDay n GodBless. - im aint a perfectionist. im just living under my own skin n im loving it - That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005 3:51 AM ;||*wen de weather is lyke dat*|| at dis moment of tyme, i feel lyke changing my blog template again. i sooo wanna try a brown layout now.. *whine* but i cant get de perfect template. *sigh* maybe sooner or later. im bored rite now. Tuesday is sucha looong day fer me. school ends at 7pm n i gotta rush to de kid's house fer tuition. Bah!! im sooo tired. restless. what's more; it's raining n i dun feel lyke doin aniting other den to sleep. how much wonders can it do to me??! too much! hehe.. as much as i wanna sound pathetic, i tink i haf to kip maintaining. i dun noe y but i tink friendster is sucking day by day. serious. rite now, y does all de photos suddenly changes to dis pathetic smiley face?? mcm kentalan bacin tau. n dere i am, deleting all my photos bcos i dunwanna to be part of de kental-s. *eyes rolling* n i cant decide if im blessed or wad. i feel lyke grumbling now. but fer de sake of others, i dun tink it'll benefit de rest. yerp. so i'll just save it to myself oke?? peace adeq. ppl are tryna get fresh wif you. dey're simply cant see u happy wif another guy. Guys nowades are similar to pest. Dun ya tink so..??! trust me. it'll stop verie soon. dey're tink it's sooo farnie, dat we cant find de space n tyme to laugh. or maybe we've forgotten to laugh. sheeeeshh!! rite. im out fer now. toodles. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005 12:58 PM ;||*still waiting...*|| ive waited sooo long to do dis. to wish my deary momma.. HAPPY 'i-luv-you' 46th BIRTHDAE *wait* is de age correct mommy?? Haha..nvm, it doesn't matter though. daddy is swit enuf to take a day off todae simply to accompany momma at home. to spend to morning, day n nite wif his onlie wife. im sooo touched larh daddy. n now dey're outside, probably enjoying de beautiful nite. *aaawwwwww* momma, sorrie i didnt get u anyting. all i haf fer u is one BIG hug n a tight kiss. to let u noe dat no matter how much i eva hurt you, refused to listen to u, being rude to u at tymes, i still do treasure u as my dearest mommy. n ure de BEST momma n bestfrend i haf. De place where i let go all my problems n who's willing to lend me her shoulder wen im feeling down. thanks fer all dat. i promise u dat i'll be a filial n responsible daughter. may god bless you. *muacks* oke fine adeq. i got a scolding from her fer writing 'rubbish' abt de Dinner n Dance. yerp, it was superbly n amazingly a blast, but i was too tired to elaborate more larh makcik. maybe u peeps can visit her blog. She's sooo smangat-er den me. *pimp laugh* adeq nirah apart from dat, wanna thank dis two important ppl in my life fer making my day todae. *smile* farhan (hunnie) - thanks fer de handphone thingy. it's in pink n u noe i adore pink stuff. thank u and i miss u larh busyuk! syasya - thanks fer waiting fer me early in de mrning. u noe im neva early, n thanks fer being soo patient. thanks fer de Red Ruby although i noe u went "eeewww" afta eating de feel-so-crunchy-yet-hard green jellies. *evil laugh* u noe, it feels rather nice n satisfied afta thanking ppl who actuallie made u smile throughout de day. n i feel honoured to haf dat kinda ppl in my life. sayang kamu semua. ouh, plus rabia n leha. guess it's been some tyme since i last saw u two makciks. been missing u gurls. Bah! ive noting betta to do now den watching Incredible Tales. it's fun to scare urself sumtymes. Hehs! n i soooo cant wait to watch "America Next Top Model". *shakes booty* im in love... That's It For Today. Goodbye.
3:13 AM ;||*Dinner n Dance 2005*|| Dirah plead guilty fer not keeping her words. im sooo sorie. oke, let me tell u de reason ferst. i got home from de Dinner n Dance at 2am. woke up at 2pm on Sunday. took a bathe, bla bla bla, n went out again at 4pm. so dats it. *shrugs* de DnD was a blast! heaven n i lurve it! it was held at Swissotel. and all of a sudden, i felt lyke a goddess dere. hehe.. altogether, dey served at 10 dishes. including Shark Fin's. *yum yum yum* den dere's MAS idol. i noe, it's crazee but i'll tell u one secret. *whispering* dey can't sing n half of de tyme, i was either enjoying de delicious food or went to de ladies. haha..and de guy who won de MAS idol was, urgh!! criously, i dunnoe how to describe him. he was singing dis Mandarin song n i swear i DUN understnd wads he's trying to do. *eyes rolling* a guy from my table won de 1st lucky draw. a pair trip to New York. gawd! he's lucky.. *nods head* we were amazed by him bcos wen his no. was called out, he showed n gaf no expression. crious. onlie seconds afta dat dat he jumped from his seat n shouted "baik arh!". we were shocked. obviously. de dance was at 10.45pm. n de ferst song dey played was 'tempted to touch'. tell me who wun move to dat song. ayun was swaying her hips lyke nobody's business. and by dat tyme, half of de ballroom was emptied. n came my aunt, who forced us to dance at de dancefloor. dere's lyke nobody on de dancefloor. tkan kiter nak make de first move kan??! hehs! n we were dragged to de dancefloor. and afta dat, a few came to join us. gerek larh oi..! de ballroom was very dark xcept fer some colorful spotlights. n dat reminds me of clubbing. *pimp laugh* dey played GREAT songs. salute dem sia! gerls, u were great wen shaking some booty. i lyke.. haha..kays, im tired. i'll leave u guys fer some pics. Enjoy! *kish kish* ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() *//__wif Douglas
fer more pics, click on de link under Snapshot - MAS Dinner n Dance. toodles! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Friday, July 22, 2005 1:34 PM ;||*love is U and I*|| *latest news* LONDON kena bomb again. *shakes head* mayb London ppl should jus blame n point fingers at Tony Blaire fer annoucing confidently wif George Bush dat their country WUN kena bomb. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! i jus got back from shopping fer de DnD. rite. ive changed my mind on wad to wear. a flicker-minded person, so..dun xpect de same ting from me every sec. shant tell wad im gonna wear. wait fer de pics to be uploaded on Sun okays?? *wide smile* be patient. wif all my heart, i would lyke to say a million thanks fer de ppl who haf spent their precious tyme stopping at my blog n tagged me on de necklaces. really appreciate it. may god bless you. hehe.. and.. ive made up my mind to buy de 'white sun' necklace. i tink dat is sooo me. *sweet smile* awak! asal blum kol kol kiter nie?? kiter rindu banyak banyak pat awak tau! kiter nak hug hug awak kuat kuat boleh?? kiter sayang sangat sangat larh pat awak. *kish kish* probably i'll tell Usher dis in my dream later. the definition of love: Love is fahn n nadirah. aan and dirah. busyuk n hunnie. u and i. b's girlfrend n b's boyfrend. u noe wad i feel lyke doin now?? eating ice-cream wif Hershey's chocolate syrup. *licks lip* n lie on de bed, watching teevee. haven-ness! tata! *u chase me, i catch u* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, July 21, 2005 1:04 PM ;||*tom, dick or harry*|| how touching it is wen Usher do de talking. *melting* If love was a bird then we wouldn't have our wings If love was the sky we'd be blue If love was a choir, U and I could never sing 'cause love isn't for me and U If love was an Oscar, U and I could never win 'cause we could never act out our parts If love is the bible, then we are lost in sin Because it's not in our hearts (chorus) So why don't you go your way, and I'll go mine Live ur life And I'll live mine Baby, u'll do well And I'll be fine 'cause we're better off separated... If love was a fire then we have lost the spark Love never felt so cold If love was a light then we're lost in the dark Left with no one to hold If love was a sport, we're not on the same team U and I are destined to lose If love was an ocean, baby, we are just a stream 'cause love isn't for me and U (chorus) Girl, I know we had some good times It's sad but now we gotta say goodbye Girl U know I love U I can't deny Can't say we didn't try to make it work for U and I I know it hurts so much But it's best for us Somewhere along this windy road, we lost the trust So I walk away, so U don't have to see me cry It's killing me so, why don't U go (chorus) (out) I'm sorry we didn't make it. dunct ya tink de song is kinda true fer most couples?? yerp..perhaps. and perhaps, it's sooo difficult fer us to fall in lurve wif de perfect otha half.. *sigh* m feeling kinda pissed off n moody rite now. i dunnoe. tings just doesnt seem to be in my way AT ALL. n all i wish to do rite now is to entirely shut myself. i wanna be alone tonite. but at de same tyme, i reallie wans u to do sumtink about us. *still confuse* if i can sacrifice fer u despite wadeva dat comes my way, cant u even do de same back to me?? nvm, i nid u ppl to help me choose which one i should buy online. dere's lyke so freaking many 'wow' necklaces n i simply cant make up my mind.. hehs! help me choose by leaving ur comments in de tagboard oke?? ive leave de necklaces' product name below each pic. Enjoy! *thank you* ![]() *//__Maroon Love ![]() *//__Village People ![]() *//__White Sun ![]() *//__Cheyenne Loom ![]() *//__Mocha Halves so which one?? m thinking.. blergh! n im advertising dis ola-lola peeps. Say thank you fer me. *wide smile* ![]() im out. toodles! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 1:58 PM ;||*twinkle twinkle little star*|| de headache is still killing me lyke mad. i took 2 panadols yest bcos i seriously cant bear to carry de pain. n afta dat i felt sooo sleepy dat even if u were to give me dat 5mins break to close me eyes, i'll probably be falling asleep in less den de 5mins. n maybe, i'll neva wake up. hehs! i dunnoe why im having dis headache till now. yes dear, till today. n i told myself not to consume any panadols todae bcos im gonna haf a veriee long dae todae. n it's sucha burden to prevent dis two heavy eyes from shutting me up. lyke wad syasya told me, dere's onli one way to stop dis headache. dat is to bang my head on de wall. yeah'll probably takes a longer tyme fer my heal to heal. Longer den de tyme it takes fer my headache to heal. Bah! *eyes rolling* fahn skipped his Prototyping lesson n instead, we went to de Mac at WhiteSand to chill out. called Nassier to tag along as well. Being de nicest dude, he spent a few bucks on us. haha..thanks alot larh eh! met wakdol at WhiteSand. Lyke wow! it's been a long tyme since we last met. *shrugs* sat dere till 8.30pm. n frankly speaking, i was lyke a drunken gerl dere, who looked lyke as if i just finished up a bottle of liquor. at one moment, i dun even haf de energy to lift up my head, so i just laid my head on de table. it feels as if something heavy was on my head. blergh! so i told fahn, i really nid to go home.. i hope i can kip de lil secret to myself.. n todae, i skipped my Japanese lecture n went to Mr The Tarik coffeeshop wif nassier n syasya. Syasya was craving fer ice-cream. yes i noe, she's crazy. Lyke nobody will eva asked fer an ice-cream on dis kinda weather xcept her. mad-ness! *shivers* Told her to try de Mr The Tarik's banana split bcos it's soo appetizing! *licks lip* n gurlfren, thanks fer treating us de banana split as well. hmm..haven-ness! n if not fer your kental-ness, i wouldnt be laughing so loudly in de bus. can you imagine how slenger she is to press de bus-bell wen de bus is actually turning into de interchange and giving de fact dat she actuallie wanted to alight at de interchange??! Stupid dom!! *opps* had my tuition just now n it was sooo bored. i almost fall asleep in front of de kid. but i didnt okay. maintain arh. probably im too tired or probably i nid to sleep. but here i am blogging, trying hard to kip my eyes open. no. actualli im thinking. my aunt jus called me to bring me along to her workplace Dinner n Dance. Weehoo! who would be stupid enuf to reject dat invitation rite?? at de hotel in City Hall plak tu. sooo high-class beb! but dressing code: smart casual. phuck! m tinking of wearing jeans, pink spag wif white coat. Obviously wif some casual accessories to look complete la. n wif high heels. but wait, i dun haf a white coat in my wardrobe. Shitty bang bang!! n it's dis Saturday. i repeat. DIS SATURDAY! to tink back, i dunhaf de tyme to shop fer de coat. my schedule is too pack wif school stuffs. seriously, i cant tink of a way. n in times lyke dis la i nid my syasya. SYASYA, i nid ur help!! pretty pleeeeaassseee!! *begging lyke mad* help me tink of a way. a brilliant way. NOW! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Monday, July 18, 2005 11:29 AM ; why are Singaporean sooo inhumane?? yes, it's normal. i noe dat. But are dey really heartless?? inconsiderate?? unsympathetic?? Let's just talk some sense here. i was on de bus n de bus was a lil bit crowded, wif no seats left. so i was one of dem who's standing. it doesnt matter though. and de next stop, a young lady wif big tummy(pregnant larh) boarded de bus, wif her hubby. Dey looked kinda young. serious. oke, another normal stuff perhaps. and she was standing just bside me. i looked around. especialli de person who's sitting rite in front of de pregnant lady. and i was asking myself "didnt anione realise we haf a pregnant lady here standing wen she was supposed to be seating down?? and hello Singaporeans, where's your kindness??!" true enuf. noone bothered to gif up their seats. Tsk! if onli i was seating down, i WOULD gif my seat to her. rite. bcos i dunwan dat to happen to me in years to come. Looking at her standing helplessly wif her big tummy, i felt sooo sorry fer her. and it's a shame, i repeat, REAL shame, to admit dat im a Singaporean. and de ppl who's trying to alight de bus, was rushing towards de door. passing bhind me n hitting my back. Lyke dere's no otha bustops if dey missed dat particular bustop. Freaked! n believe it or not, dey cant be bothered if dey hit de pregnant lady or not. bcos dey haf onli one ting in mind, to alight de bus. cruel i mus say. doesn't dey feel aniting fer dis pregnant lady?? doesn't dey tink what de pregnant lady feels lyke to carry a big tummy?? whats worst; doesn't dey tink wad will happen if de bus suddenly came to a halt n she fall, hurting herself?? Who's to blame?? De busdriver??! me??! or those inhumane ppl in de bus??!! *raise eyebrows* Dearest Singaporean, it's tyme fer u ppl to tink fer others too. n stop tinking so highly of urself bcos u got no heart. *shakes head* u mite say im criticizing lyke nobody's business. correct. if ppl don't bother to care abt others, should i care wad others gonna tink abt me?? blardie hell no! sooo, i jus got back from Escape Theme Park. im worn out. i wanted so much to try de Haunted House. haha..crazie those ppl. it was a bit freaking. Yerp..n it was dyem dark inside dat u cant even see de person bside u. so how in de world m i supposed to see de 'ghost'??! dis pathetic 'ghost' were just busybody-ing following us. to whereva we went. Reallie. and making stupid noises n screams lyke "eeeeee","aaaaaa" n wadeva. First tyme, it's scary. Second tyme, it's freaking. Third tyme, it's irritating! Trust me. i even looked bhind n said "ey, irritating larh.urrggh!!" i guess if dey could laugh, dey'll prolly be laughing their hearts out. *pimp laugh* What's more. we got lost inside. too dark to even noe where we're heading. Here's wad de gerl said to us before entering de ghost house. "do not kick, smack, punch, touch or do wadeva to de ghost. Bcos if u did jus dat, de ghost will do exactly back to you. n no flashlights. no camera." sounded more farnie den eerie rite?? i tink so too. de flippers were driving me nuts. My head was spinning soo badly dat i felt lyke puking. it went round n round n round, turning here n dere, feeling lyke ure hanging in de air, n blergh! my head's spinning. *twirl* dats all fer now. gotta catch some sleep later. im too tired rite now. n school's starting AGAIN tomorrow. *sigh* and by de way Baybeats, forgive me fer not turning up your gig fer de 3daes. im jus not in de mood to get some booty shaking. heard from ppl it's dyem entertaining. well, great job dudes. to all rudies n rude gerls out dere, u gotta a ska fest on 7th aug. im just announcing fer de benefits of a 'nobody-business' gerl. im not into it. haha..but i'll get down fer de HipHop Fest on de 12th aug at Esplanade. probably. perhaps. maybe. Hehs! wishing you ppl an early goodnite. im out. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, July 17, 2005 1:22 PM ;||*eighteen..or 18??*|| before i forget n before de day ends, and wif de permission of Mr Farhan Rahim.. HAPPY PAKCIK-ING 18th BURFDAE, FARHAN a.k.a Han! *pops de drinks* here's a reminder from Dirah. *eyes rolling* u just wait fer my turn. my BIG day! n yah..happy long-lasting relationship wif mally! *fweeee-weett* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
5:10 AM ;||*treasure de moments while u can*|| m having a real headache now. so i'll jus make it short n simple. met rabia at 3pm. ailah had a last minute changing plan. she was asked to werk till 3pm. so while waiting, de both of us went to sit around at Bugis Mac, catching up wif de old times, eating fries. Felt soo bored, went to Topshop fer some 'eyes-watching'. Haha.. finally ailah came at 4pm. walked around at Bugis Village, basically de 3 of us refused to shop. No money mahh..! but in de end, dis rabia bot herself a tee n a belt. Unfair u mus say! Hurhur..n everyting dere were sooo eye-catching. n everyting were goin at sucha low price. gilerr! Hehs! n de guys came down at 6.30pm. two words fer dem, star karat. n it was raining non-stop. *sigh* no umbrella fer gawd's sake! ate at a coffeeshop bhind Parco. E cheapest place in town where u can find delicious food. *yummy yum yum* Had no plans to go afta dat. so we just walked around lyke lost tourists, heading to nowhere. Serious. Let me tink back. From bugis, to suntec, to city hall den to raffles place. dere we go. Obviously, it was sucha long journey, but we did enjoy it muchalot! Dcided to slack around at Esplanade wen i remembered dere's BayBeats goin on. n we dun want crowds. Hehe..n ended up slacking at de Fullerton Hotel's bridge. Nice scenery dere. n perhaps, too romantic. Haha.. Ouh gosh! u mus see how beautiful de Padang is!! Too beautiful. Really. i admit, i was ter-pegun. Hehe..n suddenly i remembered Taufik Batisah. How gorgeous he gonna be wen on dat high-platform stage wif all de colorful lightings and scenery. *blows whistle* amat keyoooot!! Hehe.. blahx! de headache is killing me. mayb photos can tell more. ![]() rabia n dirah ![]() de gurls it's sooo obvious dat im too tired to even smile. blergh! ![]() de guys or should i say de 'Star Karats'?? ![]() opps..ailah. *covers mouth* didnt mean to leave you out. ![]() ![]() man n rabia man said dis pic he was lyke kena caught in action. hehs! bebual lagik la biler org nak petik.. ![]() BUT.. dey looked weird wen talking. simply - grow UP rabia! ![]() dirah n fahn..petik u, jgn tak petik haha.. ![]() pinkarita rabia ![]() drng lau da jln together, tak ingat orang lain pity-ness! ![]() ![]() wen boy meets boy. okay, let me tell u wad exactly happened. nasier was trying to kiss fahn n fahn was lyke goin "eh! kau asal??!" it was supposed to be candid larh. no gayboys huh! ![]() dis is wad u get if u force dirah to smile n she said "NO!" muker kemek! ![]() urs truly, dirah And bfore i go, wanna send my condolence to atif's family n his gerl. yupp syasya, i mite not noe him, but it hurts alot to see you losing a dear friend of yours. i noe exactly how u feel, but dis is all fated. Takdir Tuhan. Just pray dat his soul will rest in peace. Amen. dis made me tink n realise. u wun noe wen ure goin to leave everyting bhind. Everyting. De tings dat u luv, de ppl dat u luv n all de ppl dat lurf you. soo.., ppl, treasure de moment u haf now bfore dey are all gone. Make full use of it bcos death doesnt come by age. it's anytime, anywhere n anywhen. *looks down* Treasure. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, July 16, 2005 3:39 AM ;||*u got served*|| was so xcited yest wen i saw de advertisement fer de next season of 'American's Next Top Model'. woohoo! gonna be another blast! Note dis down. Starting 25th july at 1o.30pm.. just wen i tout de Manhunt is getting grimmy n dirty, Matt had to leave. *aawwww* He's de another cutie guy apart from Kevin, de embedded model. *sigh* Kevin's rite aftarall. Matt is betta off being de 'prettyboy'. not de 'macho' guy..n Parlo. he got de looks xcept dat he got dis hair problem. Haha.. *move on dirah* oke..i woke up in an empty house. everyone's out. dyem! dis is de perfect tyme fer boredom to set in. hurhur..woke up n straightaway watched 'U Got Served'. gilerr sia dat movie. drives me crazy jerr. Gotta admit dis. Dis is lyke de 30th tyme im watching it without jelak-ing. No doubt. even borrowed de vcd from fahn again. cant u ppl see de dancemoves??! soo incredible! dat is wad u define as 'baik arh'. n obviously de house filled wif de songs to full blast. Till yest dad went "adik, turn down de volume larh. tgh maghrib kan nie." n i just went "alah, tak gerekla gtu. orang nak dgr lagu dier, nak tgk dancestep dier. baru feeling." n he sat down bside me, naik sekaki ngan aku. wen de movie ended, he went "finish??"..haha, gerek kann??! Luckily i didnt turn down de volume. *phew* Back it up, clap it up, switch it up, change it up Do that thing for me, Do that thing for me Flip it up, give it up, I'mma grip it up, while you rip it up do that thing for me, Do that thing for me "if you want respect, you've got to take it" -quoted from You Got Served basically ive notink to blog about. hehs! just done wif my CDS selection. Good-ness. all of de choices slacked gilerr. n boring nak mampus! dis is wad i chose.. 1. Fundamentals of Hospitality & Tourism Business 2. Introduction to Project Management 3. Introduction to the Law of Singapore 4. Freehand Drawing 5. Human Environment Planning i noe. i can hear ppl goin 'ewwww'. sucks. as much as i want to sound pathetic, ive to try to sound interested. cum'on ppl, ive yet to sit fer dem okay? Support larh ckit klau iye pun..haha! rite. i gotta iron my jeans n a top now. dunwan to turn up late meeting dem. Toodles. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Friday, July 15, 2005 1:21 PM ;||*shut de dyem ting UP*|| why isit dat she alwas has to compare me and her??! dun she noe n realise dat i haf my own way n attitude?? phuck it. it's getting soo freaking piss-y larh. isit onli her dat u see in ur eyes??! cum'on larh mum, she's not ur onli dearie in dis house oke?! *heart ranching* wish i could jus voice out everyting. but u mite tink im being rude towards you. so wat??! i should jus kip my mouth shut n pretend everyting's oke??! perhaps. *eyes rolling* it makes me realli sick tinking abt dis. dis is alwas u get wen tings just doesnt sit rite in ur mum's eyes. blergh! and at de same tyme, im feeling sooo proud of my preetyboi. Finally, finally, he's achieve his aim to buy himself a scrambler – KTM. woohoo! Here we go dude wif ur new bike. *kish kish* Lurve ya too much. *big hug* Sigh. dunct ya tink everyting is lyke happening sooo fast?? Lyke 2yrs back, we're still in sec sch, in uniform wif all those stoopid rules. n now, too much freedom. wif u, changing here n dere. n me too. n dat u already owned ur own bike, n me gotta take de driving license veriee soon. phew. Too much haf change yet im still left bhind, tinking of de changes. n wad's next?? naik pelamin?? Haha..parents i da sukakan u n i pun da rapat ngn family u..hmmph! gosh..looking back, everyting's too fast. *gasping fer air* but on top of all dat, im happy to haf him by my side. We're already two years n we're still standing tall n our relationship is still as solid as de rock. Remember how othas looked at us as?? Often we get comments lyke "alah, tak lama larh dorang" or "skejap je drama dorang". U`huh! we shall prove u ppl wrong. im still lurving him lyke de first dae i fall fer him. n de feeling is still sooo strong n pure. *wide smile* wish me all de best wif him. insha'allah. Thing happens n my fwendship wif 'dat person' is shaking. im soo confuse. sorie if i hurt ya..i didnt mean it. at all. gudnyte peeps. meeting my gurls tomorrow n im sooo xcited. *skipping around* at de mean tyme, haf fun ya ppl..!! *bounce bounce bounce* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, July 14, 2005 5:38 AM ;||*will he..? will she..? will dey..?*|| didnt i promise u dat i'll put up de pics?? so dere u go.. basically ive noting to blog about. im so fcuking tired n restless. dis is wad u get from me if im stucked at home fer 2daes. ive been sleeping lyke nobody's business. n im not hiding anyting yet. my heart is still soo sore. life's been sucking alots..n im not enjoying every minute of ur forgiveness. so.., please stop sayin sorie to me. i dun nid any forgiveness from u but a place in ur heart to feel wad im feeling. shitty bangs! shoot me fer all i care. i cant wait fer weekends. craving fer dem. heard mom said dat we're goin Theme Park on Sunday. crazee-ness. Heard from ppl dat de Ghost House is soo freaking n it freaked out. into it larh ppl. no doubt. or not it'll be bowling. n i guess im gonna sneak in de pool place n just hit some balls in dere. probably ppl will be enjoying my games. hurhur. it's been sucha freaking long since i last touch de pool's stick. beats me. and another dae i cant wait bfore de weekends. on fridae. or isit betta off wif 'Gurlfrens dae out'?? perhaps. missing dem muchalots. *lot n lot n lot n lot* craving fer their makcik-ness n their blurr-ness n de shopping bitches. kill me. how can i shop wif no money??! shitty shite shite. ya momma. guess ive to use my atmcard ferst n promise u i'll put back de money wen im supeerr loaded. which will neva be. opps! *covers mouth* Oke oke..i'll try, i'll try. Hmmph! Been getting a yackity-yack-yack from momma wen she FINALLY realised dat ive forked out too much money. "Kau nie kan, blanja je tahu. Nanti duit da takde, aru nak save sini, save saner". Blerk!! peace momma im spendthrift. cant help it but somewhere inside my underpanties, ive to agree wif her. n im turning 18 in less den a mth's time. which is just de perfect age fer me to take a driving license. n i sooo can't wait fer it. veriee eager to drive around in town. Haha..n who has to pay fer my driving stuffie??! me. bah!! Dat is why momma can't stop asking me to save money. *hits head* aduhai... rabia. listen to dis. or fine. read dis. de radio was playing ur song "Rabiatul Adawiyah" n mum was saying to me.. She: Adeq, u tahu tak, pompuan namer Rabiatul Adawiyah, pompuan dier semua alim-alim tau. Me: namer Rabiatul arh tu. She: owh..namer Rabiatul ader Adawiyah skali eh?? So she ader dat full name larh? Me: a`ah la. Tkan stengah-stengah plak kan.. She: owh.. den peace. a moment of silent. guess she's taking back her words saying all gerls wif de name Rabiatul Adawiyah are all alim. hurhur. no, im just kidding. dun take it to heart arh. u noe me, my jokes are soo mean. meaner. n de meanest. *evil laugh* ey, u cuming over to my house or not sia??! n dombo syasya, please dun sms me early in de mrning again. haha..i nid to sleep tau. Kau taknak tdo, tu kau peh pasal. Jgn kacau ketenteraman (is dat how u spell it?) aku. Hehe.. anyhoos, it's sooo nice to haf a msg early in de mning. *wide smile* dis syasya arh, early in de morning da de hott news. PANAS beb! hehe. he mite gif u a moment of happiness, but a lifetime of sadness. n gerl, cant believe dat he is de cewek type. Guys nowades u see, expect too much from a gerl wen he is just those normal n typical guy. pu-iih arh! mayb gerls are betta off being de choosy type. *nods head* yah gerl, jus let him be wif dat gerl la oke?? or not, trust me, u'll be in a reallie reallie deep mess. Dektu kalau kluar dapat tahu everyting, tgl tulang je kau. Hahar! phuck it! im having a block nose. hate dat soo much. Jus feel lyke taking de vacuum n sucked everyting dat wasnt suppose to be in my nose. grrrr!! guess i HAVE TO move on bfore my comp also gets infested wif my 'ah-chuu'. to preetyboi, i miss u lahhh sia!! but im still angry at you. mix feelings i guess. and to miss stupid dom, aku bilang mak kau, kau tpu dier!! aper nak jadi nie??! hurhur. and adeq! cepat urh alek. akak boring larh pat umah. so wanna story-telling wif you n ends up wif 'boleh tahan urh'. *looks at each otha n cnue de sentence* teruk. haha..! crazie crazie larh budak-budak jahanam nie. Till tomorrow okeh. Toodles. wait. De song on my blog powerr arh sia! hit it ppl! Im a woman And Lord knows it's hard I need a real man to give me what i need Sweet tension, love and tenderness When it's really unconditional I'm telling ya, oh Cause a man ain't just a man if he ain't man enough So love you when you're right Love you when you're wrong Love you when you're weak Love you when you're strong Take you higher in a world that you're feeling low She's giving you a best, even when you are at your worst Giving comfort when she's thinking that you're hurt That's what it's like when you really really love someone I'm telling ya, I'm telling ya Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Cause you're a real man And Lord knows it's hard Sometimes you just need a woman's touch Sweet affection, love and support When it's really unconditional I'm telling ya, oh Cause a woman ain't a woman if she ain't woman enough Sometimes you're gonna argue, sometimes you're gonna fight Sometime it's gonna feel it'll never be right But something so strong if you hold it on It don't make sense what to make a good song Cause a man just ain't a man if he ain't man enough So love you when you're right Love you when you're wrong Love you when you're weak Love you when you're strong Take you higher in a world that you're feeling low He's giving you his last, as he's thinking of your first Giving comfort when he's thinking that you're hurt That's what it's like when you really really love someone I'm telling ya, I'm telling ya I'm telling ya that if a woman ain't a woman if she's woman enough So love you Love you when you're right Love you when you're wrong To hold you Love you when you're weak Love you when you're strong Take you higher and higher in a world that you're feeling low She's giving you a best, even when you are at your worst Giving comfort when she's thinking that you're hurt That's what it's like when you really really love someone I'm telling ya, I'm telling ya Mm, mm, yeah Mm, mm, yeah Mm, mm, yeahMm, mm, yeah That's It For Today. Goodbye.
5:22 AM ;||*sweet n sour moments*|| here u go.. ![]() preetiboy too syiook wif de cookie ![]() de face tells all.. ![]() nie larh anak king ![]() wen dere's noting much to take (blergh) ![]() miss dirah's too shy larh ![]() ![]() de shadow of us ![]() ![]() ![]() *//__just us ![]() ![]() credit goes to vivalicious-dirah That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005 6:06 AM ;||*smiles n whines*|| freaking pissed off. told dad zillion of tymes to get a new PC but he insisted on using dis PC while it can still function. Seriously daddy, we dun haf to wait fer dis PC to burn in de house by itself oke, we jus nid to dump dis PC aside. Pfft! wad-so-eva. woke up to find out dat im all alone at home. guess mom's outside at her fwend's home, dad n sis r at werk n adeq's at skul. n here i am, waking up si fringy late. anyhoos, i haf a new exercise to do. 30 sit-ups every mning. yea beb..cant help whining over my bulging tummy. rabia said it's due to stress. prolly, i haf to agree wif her coz i dun eat much lately. reallie true. grrrr..!! lyke i said, i had a date wif preetiboy yest. Hellya funn! preetiboy drove me soo crazy n childish. he even called me a sicko. perhaps preetiboy, bcos i miss u so much! met him at de doorstep at 12.30pm. went to Century Square awhile to collect a 'surprise' stuff fer me. yea..he kinda bot sumtink fer me n it's handmade. so it needed collection. But everyting cocked up. de stuff hasnt arrive yet. it's oke preetiboy. atleast i noe ure swit enuf to gif a surprise presie to me. *wide smile* went down to Bugis. he was simply craving fer de BugisCafe's OatMeal cookies. n i was craving fer de Double Chocolate cookies. *delicious* ate nuggets dere too. it's soo phucking cheap larh dere. n as usual, it's always preetiboy who bot himself a tee n i bot myself noting but food. haha.. gudness! saw dis oversized sunglass n it's superb-ly sucha eye-catching. lawa maut arh syasya. yesh yesh! Fer de first tyme i went crazie over oversized sunglasses. remember de thousands of tymes i tried dem wif u n i kept saying ewww, so not me??! haha..not dis tyme babe. u should reallie see it fer urself. tot of getting one but den preetiboy assured me dat he'll buy it fer me wen he already gets himself his scrambler. ya gerls! scrambler! *scream* imagine me in my helmet wif pinque stuffies, specially decorated by him. wearing de oversized sunglass. Orang tak pandang skali arh beb. dua kali orang toleh! (eywah! prasan nyer dekni) but tink!! power kann??! so yest he went wif zar to take a look at de scrambler. dat sungguh-baik guy wanted to sell him dat scram fer 2.5k. n according to preetiboy, de condition is still gud afta he tried it. hmm..m glad n proud of him though. ouh, back to shopping at Bugis. n i saw dis soooo keyooot German white sandal. So pur-fect fer me larh dat sandal. n it's so phucking cheap. trust me. basically u dun get xpensive stuff dere pe. Kan?? But i was soo kering kerontang. perhaps next week i'll grab it. Preetiboy wanted to buy it fer me but i insisted on buying it myself. Bcos i dun feel gud larh u buying it fer me n i, wearing it on my feet. haha..lyke rude rite??! *shrugs* Had nowhere to go afta dat. so we planned to go Changi beach but de weather gonna rain any minute. so we went to Changi Airport instead. Ate at Popeye's since i havent had my proper lunch. *burp* took a stroll at de Airport n was amazed at how beautiful n huge dat place is. Reallie satisfying until we got lost dere. hehe..crazie n typical Singaporean i mus say.. was already late by den. Preetiboy sent me home n he went to meet nassier n co. their fwends larh n zar too. n he came back sooo late dat i fall asleep while waiting fer him. *kish kish* Too tired perhaps. it's already at 12.30am mind you. n my head was killing me. suddenly i felt soo dizzy dat at one moment, i felt lyke banging my head on de wall. Yea..true. fer once, i tot m having migraine. *spinning* saw adeq trying veri hard on her art. She had to sketch six drawings of de two objects she chose. Basically she chose humans n musics. so she came up wif dis distorted faces of humans wif some music stuff. looking at her drawing dem made me feel i-really-miss art gtu. Haha..n finally, she asked me to help her out. sketch fer her another two drawings. Cos her brain couldnt function niemore. Haha..aper lagi. Sharpened de 2B pencil n started sketching so madly-deeply-in-luv wif de paper. told her dat in art, dere's no such ting as eraser if u drew it wrongly. u jus nid creativity to cover-up ur mistakes. n she was amazed by my 5mins drawings. hehe..felt soo satisfied afta dat. yerp, rummaged thru my sec school's art pieces. u guys mite be tinking why de hell Dirah keeps dem. simple. i treasure my art pieces n even tot of framing dem wen im married. So dat all my kids can see how her momma die-die lurve art. Hehe..m pwasan-ing now. wadeva kays. nie smua cite-cite budak-budak teens lyke me.. *pimp laugh* m still tinking if i should jus go fer Jean Yip instead of Kimage. n im tinking wen im getting my hair rebonded. gerlfrens, i tot of highlighting my hair. Got a 30% off at SuperCuts. Bes kan??! But cum to tink of it again, it will jus spoil my hair even more. it'll turn soo dry afta rebonding it again. shitty shite bang! Too much chemical will do harm to ur hair. *sigh* Basically, everyone wans to look so glamorous on Hari Raya. Hehs! Oke, guess im getting some comments. (puaser blum da nak rayer) haha..jgn ckp puaser, bayar alek puaser pun blum. Hehe..ouh syasya, care to teach me de NDP dance moves by Taufik Batisah?? He is sooo sungguh hott n kawaii sae! n tink gurl. if u were to go watch NDP at Pandang, u gonna mis de drama Shooting Stars. sooo bad! *stick out tongue* Talking abt Taufik Batisah, i went soo goo-goo-ga-ga over him wen i saw his neva-ending cute poster at Edge yest. n fahn was pulling my hand veri hard, perhaps he's jealous. Haha..nvm dude, atleast i noe ure jealous n dat u do care abt me. hehe.. *blerk* Kamu tahu tak, kamu sorang la yang i sayang tau..tahu tak??! Hehs! Gotta go fer now. tot of posting some pics fer u guys but arh, photobucket was down larh. dere's maintainance tingy goin, i'll post it someday kays?? promise. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Monday, July 11, 2005 2:28 PM ;||*weekends over..*|| weekends over beb.. *sigh* howeva so, i found my Sat pretty boring but todae is all fine. like wad i used to say, Sunday is alwas lyke a family dae fer us. on dis dae onlie dat i get to see mum, dad, n sis faces 24hrs. i'll blog abt todae. spent de aftanoon at East Coast. Uncle Sait rock! He's reallie those outdoor daddy. Cool huh??! he had dis outdoor chilling at East Coast. Totally windy dere. As much as i want to sound childish, i'll try to sound addictive. half of de tyme, can u believe it dat im sooo into playing de gameboy or watching Shamsul played de gameboy. Tell me, who can resist Super Mario's game??! i cant. Honestly. n i was trying veri hard to kill de monster but obviously i failed lotsa tyme. blum skill larh. n it was fun though. Now i noe de reasons why kids cant get their eyes off gameboys. *nods head* had a nice n great tyme yest talking on de phone wif fahn. long hours talk. n mum was asking me if im doin wad kinda business dat required nite talks. Haha..but de moment i told her i was on de fon wif fahn, she gaf me dis excusable smile. n she was extremely nice to me yest. Dunnoe y. *shrugs shoulder* Anw, talking abt fahn, i remembered sumtink. we talked abt marriage. Some sorta wedding planner. Me: you tink u nak kahwin katne? Him: actuallie kan, i tout of getting married at de carpark. De last floor. Me: *shocked* huh??! fer wad? Him: u see eh, noone has eva marry dere. lets be de first couples la. Me: *giggle* champion la gtu. Him: make it a drive-in wedding ting larh. it's easier fer ppl wad. Dey can just park their car in de carpark n jus nid a few metres walk. Me: *eyes rolling* hmm..wadeva u say oke? (basically, too tired to layan him) Him: ey cannot. Bcos we dun haf water dere. Me: (suddenly gets interested) ey got. De hose? Him: a'ah eh. Set arh u. (step tahu aje) Me: ble la ble la. Abe camne nak masak?? Takde gas. Him: a'ah eh. Nvmla, cancel la plan. (action sounded disappointed) Me: nvm, i planned to marry on de bridge! Him: kuang ajar eh! Eh ble jugak. i anitink.. Me: *evil laugh* taknakla. Nanti u scared. Tak naik pelamin agaknyer. Let me tell u tis. i remembered dat he's afraid of taking a bridge wif water below. cute rite??! hehe..farnie though. So dats our fairytale talk. hopefully it cums true. no. i mean. Hopefully our relationship last long n hopefully im marrying him. *praying hard* It's weird now. im feeling a bit jealous. Yes. fahn jus called me to tell me dat dey'll be sending Fiza home first before heading home. Fiza. Fahn's bro's gegerl. But come to tink of it, dey're already 4yrs together. How can Fiza not be sooo intimate wif their family?? Aftarall, im close to fahn's family too. but i mean, her following dem to Johor?? im a bit jealous. *blerk* Goodbye. i soo cant wait to meet fahn tomorrow. n dun forget peeps, im having my 1wik term break. yabadabadooo...! *stick out tongue* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, July 09, 2005 8:31 AM ;||*trying hard n still trying*|| ive spent exactly 6hrs on comp. not kidding. simply bcos im helping out my sis. designing fer her new blogskin. Freaked!! Cant believe she's sooo cerewek. At one moment i was enjoying editing her pic, n suddenly she came bside me, telling me dat "Ey akak, nie klakar la..edit nie ckit. Aaa..nie pun" n she went on n on n on. n i would just listen to her. *heart sinking* u guys can jus take a peek at her blog. Configured by me n only me. bah! nirah n rite now, my eyes r reallie painful. i wish i can shut down dis comp at dis very moment, but suddenly i feel de urge to update. Ergh..! y dat urge sia! Soo,im just listening to my heart. lalalala. n ive been rubbing my left eye since yest nite. Or mayb since yest nite bath wen suddenly de shampoo entered my left eye. Blardie hell painful larh. n now it itches soo much. Feel as if i haf a swollen eye rite now, my de mirror show noting. Hmm,perhaps im too over-feeling. hah! Wad de heck! basically, im not schooling todae. term test papers just ended yesterday n all of a sudden, i feel so much relieve. *phew* dun ask me how's yest paper. bcos i dun even noe how to ans dat quessie. dangg! so yesterdae was sucha bad luck day fer me. yupp..first i grabbed de wrong purse. Haha..actualli, i haf 3 purse to be specific. n i usually brought de pink Burberry purse, but so happen on wed, i feel lyke using de red purse instead. Happy-go-lucky la si Dirah nie transfer all her cards n money from de pink purse to de red purse. n yest, ive forgotten to transfer everything back to my pink purse. n i just walked out of de house, feeling contented. Bah! Waited soo long fer de bus, was enjoying my sardine currypuff n half of de tyme, was cursing all de bus-drivers! Finally 81 came. Boarded de bus n tapped my purse. "ey, maner bunyi dier? Tak bunyi2 pun" n at dat veri moment, i realized I grabbed de wrong purse! how to alight??! De bus was already moving. Sial nye bus-driver. Bukannyer nak tunggu aku tap dulu ker, plak tu last person to board the bus. ishk!! *phuck* de most sedih part was dat, i dun carry any coins. Xcept a pathetic 5bux! im broke remember??! Another shitte! was lyke a stoopid gerl, walking in de bus asking fer a change. n finally, de fifth person had de change. babi kan??! Paid $1 n de freaking bus-driver said it wasnt enuf. Another 10cent more. Chibai nyer apek!! 10cent pun nak mengira. Dahla aku takde change. n i showed him my pity face. Takle angkat agaknye, he let me off. n i dropped off at de next bustop, planning of goin back home. so i stood at de bustop, half-hearted to go home. wen suddenly i remembered dat daddy's goin to werk soon. Yayy! Called him n lucky enuf he's on de way. so i told him to take my red purse at home n sent me to skul. *phew* Daddy was in gud mood. safe! Reached skul late. Ader test lagik. Haiyo! Was walking to de class wif syasya wen suddenly i feel lyke taking out de notes fer later revision. n guess wad??! Holy shitte! i forgot to bring it. second badluck. n syasya was lyke saying "kau nie, pack bag ke tak??!" how unlucky can i get??! n i arrived late fer tuition bcos 8 came soo freaking late. 3rd badluck. *eyes rolling* met fahn n nassier afta tuition. Slacked at Mr Teh Tarik coffeeshop at tamp 400+. Dey were sooo into talking about bikes n i was lyke enjoying de scenery. wen boy meets boy. n wen his gerl tags along. Begitulah. And i haf lots of tings in mind. Tout of buying de MNG perfume, but my adidas perfume is still soo full. Tout of rebonding my hair veriie soon but im afraid it's too soon. Wait. Jean Yip is offering $158 fer rebonding. Hit dis! REGARDLESS OF HAIR LENGTH. Shitty shitte! holy worth it. lagi lagi my hair is supperr long. dats y im planning to get an early hair-do. but still tinking. *hmmm* wasnt feeling dat great yesterdae. tings just doesnt go my way. n i hate dat. i just cant voice out my opinions. Bcos in de end, he'll point his fingers back at me. mayb, we should talk more about us. mayb everyting will be as per normal if u could just listen to wad my heart wans to say. mayb im betta off letting out everyting. n mayb u still dunno de shitty feeling im feeling. u'huh. mayb mayb mayb. *shrugs shoulder* But den, on top of all dat, u alwas make me feel contented. im sad n depressed wen u dun gif me dat full attention. Yupp..honestly darling. i luv u soo much dat i cant bear spending de day alone without you. n i cant imagine how my life will be like if u were to go NS dat veriee dae. yes dear, i may haf many guyfwends, but none of dem managed to capture my heart de way u do. n perhaps, ure everything to me. *smile* Sometimes wen i look at you, it feels as though my heart is almost too full of love. You're someone who can look at me a certain way and tell me things that exist beyond language Someone whose eyes speak to me of a closeness that cant be expressed in words. It's hard to describe what it's like to feel you next to me. To know that in that moment, there is only you and me and noting else. I know without a doubt ive found the love of a lifetime with you..
That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:42 AM ;||*cracking and twisting*|| thanks to Dirah's creativity, she came up wif her own blog. how do u like it?? ani kinda comments r welcome. as u can see..editing photo is part of me. one of my footstep to eliminate boredom. Bah! i reallie reallie nid a break. my brain is lyke twisting itself in my skull n it's hurting me. alot. phuck. i hate dis feeling. reallie hate it. two more papers to go n im done. reallie cant wait fer de 1week vacation. dis is one of de way to de-stress. Blog. *pimp laugh* holy crap! ICA paper just now was a total disaster. lucky me im smart enuf to print out de answer fer de review term test paper. so all i did was to copy blindly portion of it into my paper. smartpants Dirah! *clap clap* ROSW paper was just fine. managed to complete it wif some stoopid n pathetic 'main sumbat' answers. n i didnt manage to complete my TCS paper. dangg!! full of bullshitte! de tapescript was suppperr long! n we haf onli 1hr to write de minutes. *eyes rolling* haf to pray hard dat everyting will runn smooth. i mean, my results. haha..yup. still hoping. reallie gotta go fer now. nid to finish up on my MOBCOMP revision. n ive yet to print out de lecture papers. Haha..last minit beb!! tomorrow sitting fer de test, n todae i just print out all de notes. nie smua kes tak ambik kisah.. *sigh* let me conclude sometink. dere's so many types of people in dis world. Hypocrites. Backstabbers. Liars. n wadelse??! u tink. u decide. fer atleast, syasya's agreeing wif me. *nods head* n here's fer u hunnie. edited specially fer you. *muacks* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005 8:46 AM ;||*fer de BENEFITS of othas*|| bcos im at home la i cant stop getting my hands on de keyboard. ichi fingers i haf. Hehs! wadeva bcos im updating fer de benefit of others. Rite?? *nods head* i dun seem to be able to discipline myself to study. if de comp doesnt call out my name, den de bed will call out my name. so tell me how in de world can i put my fullest attention into studying?? fatt hope dirah.. wadsoevaso, dun talk abt Saturday. dirah was simply enjoying her Saturday nite outside till 1.15am. knowing dat Term Test is just de following week!! *scream* i missed de Jam n Hop at Kembangan. i forced myself to stay at home to study. but ended up, i fall asleep while studying. wen i woke up, momma n dad planned to haf our dinner outside. wad de heck??! if i noe i'll be sleeping de whole Sunday aftanoon than studying, i would rather shake some booty at Kembangan. and soo, adeq went dere wif her fwends. Tell me if i should hate her or not. *Pftt* n dirah cant even gif her proper n sweetest smile wen taking pics. Simply bcos she's goin craziie tinking how silly can she be. i should be studying at home, not enjoying outside. But wen im outside, i feel lyke goin home to study. *eyes rolling* look at how distorted each of my smiles are. *pimp laugh* ![]() ![]() *//__Like father lyke daughter.. ![]() ![]() We went to eat at Pelangi Restaurant. Amazingly, it's akak's treat. She just got her pay sooo wallllaaa..her treat to us. Pizzaaa! Yummy! n todae, i haf no paper. But we planned to study in school bcos i cant study at home. no kidding. criusly, im a slenger gerl todae. how can i walked out of de house without bringing along my hp??! Dahla aku smangat charge hp pagi2 buta, cukup tyme hp tertinggal. *shakes head* n i meet syasya 30mins late. Hehe..blame de bus fer cuming soo freaking late. Wen we reached skul, both of us suddenly feels sooo hungry. Went to eat at Breadboard n dcided to study there instead. Bcos we think de library is too quiet to study in. haha..kemungkinan besar, tetdo kitrang. n syasya made a last minit plan. she had tuition at 2pm. kwang kwang kwang. Went to skul fer 2 pathetic hours onlie. n ask me wad ive studied?? Jus half a chapter. *clap clap* n afta dat, went to eat at Swensen wif fahn bcos he was craving fer Banana Split. Haiz..aper citerla si bdk nie mengidam-idam it's his treat. n i ate Frost Chocolate Malt. *licks lip* i bot de wrong compact powder refill. Was supposed to buy de Loreal Air Way compact powder, but instead i bot de Ideal Balance refill. Double slenger.. *sigh* So rite now, im goin to force myself to study. jus one n a half chapter more to go..chayoo!! ya rite, my mind's goin bonkers soon. *wide smile* That's It For Today. Goodbye.