Thursday, June 30, 2005 3:14 PM ;||*gerls' stuff.boys shooh*|| Basically, ive notink to blog about. so let's just brag about gerl's stuff n noting else. yupp..if u happened to be a guy rite now, im telling u, leave immediately before u get tired n sick of gerls. haha..dis is wen gerl reveals it all. *nods head* first ahead. LOVE. im doin my part as a gerl..expressing de true meaning of love. *clears throat* Falling in lurf can be sucha wonderful feeling. But gerls haf forgotten how hard it is to cum by. Being single can mean much freedom, but singlehood is also mired in emptiness. Often, as we sail along thru de vicissitudes of life, we wonder how it'd be like if we had someone to share them wif. But alas, while de journey to lurf neva did run smooth, finding dat rite road to take is even harder. Gerls, we men often lament, have built-in fortresses too hard to penetrate. Which is why, instead of letting serendipity take its natural course, guys have chosen their partners much like how dey choose their clothes - from what's available, reliable and convenient. THAT is our downfall. What we nid is to actually fall in lurf. But wen lurf's labour is lost, it first begins as a pang in de heart, den as age sheds lite to conventional wisdom, dat soreness slowly ebbs into a mere tug and, finally, to de dubious clang of martini glasses. And in no tyme at all, we see our relationship as purpose-driven endeavours to achieve a meaningful end dat often does not begin wif de partner's interests at heart. And at a time wen we can barely afford to suffer a heartbreak, wat works best fer us is a handshake. To dat extend, gerls, agree-ing wif de above content??! Rite. Let's move on. on some HOTT topic. Lyke hurting n abusing de guys. It's aint jus unfair see-ing n admiring de guys bullying de gerls. Rite??! Sooo gerls, take note of tis. IMPORTANT! Ask him if you look fat. Wen he insists dat u dun, tell him dat u're sure you've been putting on a few pounds and dat he's lying. Wen he finally and reluctantly agrees dat you are getting chubby, act furious and hurt. Hehs! *be mean gerls* Bully him because you can! Haha.. And gerls, fer your info.. Ninety per cent of men masturbate, two percent are priests, monks or just some lamer who's too into yoga. The last eight per cent who say dey dun are liars. *pimp laugh* Gosh!! how true IS dat??! m gonna die of laughter veriiee soon! Orite. Enuf of dem. Let's now tok about wad gerls wan to do before dey turn old. Ouh well, atleast wad i WANT to do before i turn 50. 1st - buy myself sumtink beautiful dat i really can't afford. Bcos dat's wad credit cards are fer rite??! 2nd - party till dawn n dun sleep till de next nite. *m a sleepyhead* 3rd - haf choc fer breakfast, lunch and dinner. *berak cnfirm keras seh* 4th - make a child cry on purpose. 5th - spending an entire day watching porn wif my lover. *yellow minded* 6th - beat someone up. shove once, twice. Scratch. Pull his or her hair. At worst, i'll onlie get beaten up myself. But no matter wad, finally i'll discover my own strength. Hehs! Mayb dere's more. But i guess, i'll stop just here. But wouldn't it be fun if i get de chance to do all de above??! Heaven beb! Oke next stop. i badly, seriously, madly, deeply need a manicure. pedicure. spa. and blahx. n check out wad i found out in store. Bellissima Nails are providing these services: - spa manicure - spa pedicure - acrylic nails - permanent French acrylic - Bellissima Spa Ouhhhooo!! *jumping up n down* Lyke wad else can a gerl ask fer?? Rite rite rite?? *skips around* Sooo, let me tink ferst..hmm.. Well ouh well.. i tink ive bragged tooo much. So let me end dis entry wif a meaningful conclusion. Conclusions n reasons of why i will neva leave hunnie. 1 - he pretends to find my wisecracks farnie. 2 - his amazing shortiness. 3 - he doesn't mind it wen i blast Beyonce and dance like a deformed chicken to her music. 4 - he tells me wen other men are checking me out n tries possible ways to signal to dem dat she's mine. 5 - he trusts me to go out wif de gurls. 6 - he pretends dat my shortcuts actualli save time. 7 - he indulges me wen i insist he wears a pink shirt. 8 - his daddy's still really cute. 9 - he sends me home almost everydae even if it means traveling all de way to Pasir Ris. 10 - he kisses me, hugs me, love me even wen im in a bad mood. Dat's it. haha.. Till den. Gerls will alwas be gerls. No gerls = no fun And.. No abuse = no fun. Agree?? *nods head* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
2:10 PM ;||*Dey will NEVA change*|| was jus bloghopping wen i came by lil'ayun blog. ouh dear, i noe exactly how u feel sweetie. no matter how much tears u cried fer him, no matter how much you shed ur tears fer him, noting will change. boys will always be boys. or perhaps, guys will always be guys. dey will NEVA change. n ouh boy, u r born in dis world to enjoy de beauty of life, n not to break our hearts n leave ur dirty footprints in our heart. lil'ayun, i noe uve sacrificed alot fer him, maybe too much fer him, but all he did was to leave you brokenhearted. sooo honey, it's no use if you cry non-stop fer him. trust me. he is NOT worth your tears! and sweetie pie, u mite neva noe down de road, u mite find someone who is much betta den him n who is waiting fer you. waiting fer you to put back a smile on ur face. sooo keep smiling kay darling?? *wink* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
12:09 PM ;||*Dont tell me it's OVER*|| havent been blogging since de last 2daes. was veriee bz wif my assignment n it's sucha disaster wen came to weekdaes. orite, jus let me recap wadeva dat's been happening de last 2daes yah. mon - Dirah is tired of something. please dun ask her wad bcos she didnt noe it either. came to skul early @ 10.30am wen skul actuallie started @ 1pm. planned to summarise my Japanese thingy but in de end, i told myself dat "oh well, i can do dat at home". accompanied ms syasya to de lab. she had to memorise her Java code fer Tues presentation. haha..balak aku da bes, skrg balak kau plak. *evil laugh* obviously johnny did de Java assignment. he realli amazed me mann. he is sucha lucky dude to be born in dis world wif a Java brain. hehe..thank god i wasnt born wif a Java brain. probably i'll die from it. *phew* had nowhere to go, so i mite as well accompany syasya fer some 'chilling' moment @ de Mac. rather den goin home n facing de same old faces at home. wif all de "adik, tlg mama buat nie..adik here n adik dere." ergh! gonna drive me craziee sitting at home. syasya had her Japanese listening test, n she was trying hard to memorise all those crappies u can find in de Japanese book. n i merely enjoying my french fries wen my listening test is just de next dae. *licks lip* fahn wanted to meet me soo much dat aku sanggup turun bus 81 n meet him @ Pasir Ris interchange. yaaa..i miss him too. too much perhaps. just a short 15mins meet will do. as long as i gotta 'touch-touch' him n admire de cute-ness in him. haha..well, i do regret scolding n yelling at him during de weekends. hmmph! typical me. tak ble kene ckit. but to tink back, it's fer his own good. defending myself u see.. *wink* tues - m sooo fucking happy bcos finally finally finally both de tuition mummies called me asking me wen i can start teaching their kiddos again. ouhwee!! if onlie everyone can see how joyful my heart was jumping up and down at dat very moment. hehe..well atleast, incomes r cuming back to me. seriously, i cant live wif no money. *bluekzz* orite, my mind is trying hard to drift away. tinking of wad i gonna buy wif those money in my hand de next month. alot alot n alot i bet u! beside dat, im feeling freaking pissed off n irritated bcos i didnt haf de tyme to complete shading de options fer my listening test! holy shitte! how could de teacher be sooo mean as to just snatch my paper away??! phuck her! wadeva. it's over anw n i doubt i will pass dat pathetic paper. de Jepun was talking lyke a train. soo fast dat i could onlie catch some parts of it. *eyes rolling* blardie hell! fahn's bro just passed his driving test. member da de license action sia. he picked us up wif his lovey-dovey gegerl. da macam roller coaster dibuatnyer. seriously, he was speeding half of de tyme and i kept praying dat god will save me if anitink worse were to hit us. haha.. oke, so daddy wasnt in a gud mood yest. i dunno if dat was due to him getting older or just dat dier datang bintang. so i was trying hard to play de swit gerl at home hoping he doesnt find fault wif me. rite. so just now i had my Japanese presentation on Tea Ceremony. my heart was lyke thumping so hard bcos i didnt even noe or recognise anione in my Japanese class. Deyre lyke 'aliens' to me u noe..i haf no problem presenting stuff wif my own class, but tis one, a bit different u see. But i tink, seriously, i did fine just now. Atleast i didnt mumble or tripped over some words. Hehs! met rabia at 6pm just now. gosh..meeting her made me realise how much i miss both of my gurlfrens. miss dem TOO much!! *big hug* As usual, we will always be slacking n chilling around at Tamp, either de small mac or mac 'blakang'. Tu jer larh..if not, we'll be at starbucks or coffee bean. oke people, seriously i should be studying rite now. Term test is just next week!! Yaaa..but instead, dis little gerl is happily blogging. *slap* And at de same tyme, her mind is drifting apart slowly. Tinking if she should go to de Hip Hop Fest dis cuming Sun or not. probably momma n papa will not be happy if i were to go bcos dey badly want me to study. Furthermore, i haf a paper de next dae. *sigh* so im stucked to be exact. To go or not to go..hmm. *thinking* i tink i jus nid a cup of Caramel Frap n i'll be fine making decision. Hehs! oke, my mind's goin bonkers soon. so i betta stop blogging now. ouh wait, i envy ailah's momma fer enrolling her a second language. wouldnt it be nice to hear u talking in chi n i talking in Jap. da macam rojak western eh?? *pimp laugh* Okay!! i gotta go to catch ManHunt on TV later. So kawaii!! it's a gerl's show shooh!! if u haf FHM n Ms World, we haf ManHunt. *raise eyebrow* ookay goodbye n goodday! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Monday, June 27, 2005 5:47 AM ;||*knock knock*|| so i woke up early in de morning bcos adeq scared de hell outta me. yaaaa..she stood beside my bed n shouted "akak! wake up..! da kul brp nie??!" i jerked. Opened my eyes big big n de first ting i saw was her face. Not de ceiling. Shitte her! gawd..i forgot to tell her dat i nid my 12hrs of sleep on Sunday bcos i cant bear de pain of sleeping fer onlie 6hrs from mon to fri. n dere she goes, waking me up wen i was supposed to enjoy de beauty of sleeping. Urgh! Ouh..parents n akak were not @ home. dey went to dis 'maulud' @ a mosque somewhere in de West. ishk..seriously i dunnoe where. Oke fine, i admit. im not those alim alim kinda gerl. im still a teenager who luvs her own life n freedom. Momma n dad were forcing me n adeq to tag along since last week but i refused again n again. Giving stupid reason lyke i nid to study @ home fer de upcoming term test. haha..momma just closed one eye but dad was lyke "hmmph! Ye lah tu..lau ajak dgr syarahan je, banyak la tu alasan. Tapi lau ajak makan ke, gie shopping ke, takyah suruh siap." Hehs! Bingo! He noes me well.. *stick out tongue* n rite now im blogging. so much so fer my revision. Revision can wait. here's de deal. De moment i heard momma opening de gate, i'll rush to my study table n jus grab ani book n revise. bad. By rite, dats wad im supposed to do. not blogging n surfing dirah.. *eyes rolling* Wadeva. Had a great tyme @ home wif onli adeq. We ate curry puff non-stop n garlic bread. Lyke dere's no tomorrow. n i just finished bathing. Cant imagine wad will happen to us if parents were to go Umrah or Haji one dae. Hehs! Party till late nite larh jawabnyer. Agaknye tak balek umah pun.. *pimp laugh* not dat bad to stay out till late nite or 'torn' somewhere. De home is still de best place to sleep. don't u tink so??! im enjoying every minute of my freedom so, im not goin to lose it just lyke dat. neither will i make full use of it. just be thankful wif wad u haf before dey are all gone. Yuppp..wadeva. Fact is, i nid a manicure!! Haha..i noe, dere's no connection to freedom n all dat, but seriously, my nails are driving me nuts. Ouhno, i will neva beautify dem wif nails polish bcos i tink dat will do more harm to my nails. *nods head* Dun believe me?? try applying de nail remover solution. See wad wonders it will do to ur nails. DRY!! *screams* m too excited to watch Spiderman later on TCS5. watched it tons of times but i just adore Spiderman. So kawaii!! *pinch pinch* m talking to rabia just now. dektu kalau call aku, confirm berita hangat2 semua. HOTT news! Haha..n im hating her every sec. she's goin down to town todae n im stucked @ home. penniless. Haf fun idiot. Haha.. ouh one more ting! i missed de battle of breakdance yesterdae. it was held @ town area. See..i had something on so i can be part of de audience. ERGH! Fer sure, it will be a blast. Trust me. *sigh* Things arent goin my way. n things just doesnt sit rite. hunnie, i dun nid you to listen to me or do things in my way, but atleast spare a tout fer how much i care about you dear. Anyway sweetie, get well soon! *muacks* Oke..enuf. where's momma n papa?? it's no fun staying @ home without momma's delicious cooking n daddy's snoring. hehs! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, June 25, 2005 11:36 AM ;||*cranky me*|| im moody, giddy and stress-y. plus my rite eye is twitching non-stop. i tink im gonna meet someone far away or i tink bad luck is on my way. wad de heck??! i dun reallie believe in superstition but i guess fer now, i HAF to believe it becos im getting freaking irritating of de twitching. it makes me feel even more giddy. n i jus hafta open my rite eye wif my two fingers fer atleast 5sec. to stop de twitch. Blardie hell! *cursing* it's been 2daes since i last blog n i guess ppl r whispering to demselves, asking me to update. Haha..jus guessing u see. fer who noe, some ppl out dere might jus miss me. or rather my neva-ending 'whinning' entry. *shrugs shoulder* Hehs! so yesterdae, i stayed back afta skul @ 3pm to complete my Java assignment. well actuallie, i didn't do de sources, johnny helped me do it. thank heaven! *phew* n i jus need to noe wad de codes meant bcos tomorrow, which is today, i nid to present it to de class in front of sir. so by hook or by crook, i nid to get all those codes n their meanings stored in my brain fer just one pathetic dae. dats it. n it all ended @ 5.30pm. slacked @ Coffee Bean. Drank Caramel blended ice n dis is de dramatic part. all of a sudden, i felt sooo giddy. serious. i can barely opened my eyes bcos de moment i opened my eyes, everyting was lyke floating n spinning. De onlie solution is dat i nid to get home n haf some rest. so we stood up n walked off. n I couldn't feel de ground. i was lyke walking in a zig-zag manner. Swaying lyke ive been drinking. n i could hear de guys sitting beside de table i walked pass saying 'eh, pompuan nie okay tak?' gosh! i nid a break..! was feeling veriee cold on de outside n veriee warm in de inside. Fingernails n toe nails were all turning purple. my eyes were burning hott! Fer once, i tout i was goin to let it all go n jus laid down on de ground flat. n hope someone will jus carry me home. ouh..fat hope! *eyes rolling* Showered myself wif cold water before lying on de bed. n shitte! i had an assignment to complete n i had ROSW test de next dae. blardie shitte! i had to study no matter wad. n lucky me, today i was feeling just oke. no giddi-ness. Just dat my rite eye kips on twitching. haha..fer dunnoe wad reason! n my waist feels cramp. Reallie. n obviously i couldn't stop complaining n whining here n dere. hehs! Java presentation just now was lyke pathetic. Blardie hell nonsense! i was dumbfounded all of a sudden wen sir kept bombarding me wif stooopid question which i tink is unnecessary..all de courage n smangat were gone. Hapus. Hilang. Melayang. jus lyke dat. holy shitte! i tink im gonna die doin Java. *screams* n de question fer ROSW test was lyke a tongue twister stuff. totally complicating n i cant even understand wad de blardie hell ques wants me to do. so as usual, i hentam onlie. Asalkan takde blank sudah. Wadeva. Wad's over is over. No use complaining abt it again rite gurlfrens?? i had a date just now wif fahn. to watch a movie. so we caught de movie 'A Lot Like Love'. woww! Wad a love story. Where it actualli went sumtink lyke dis. 'No matter how far u guys are, if heaven is on your side, u'll meet again n fate will bring you guys as one.' Shitte! do u guys understand wad im trying to say dere?? haha..i sux in english. i admit. Nvm, lets try it in malay plak. 'Jodoh tkan kemana lau takdir da meyebelahi kedua2 pihak.' Huh!! itu dia! Hehe.. so de storyline is sumtink lyke dat. just touch it up wif a lil bit of comedy, romanticness n heart-ranching. Go catch dat movie! and ashton kutcher was sooo kawaii! i lyke.. *wink* as per usual, we cant get enuf of snaps. so my swit peeps, here's one shot fer u ppl. fer more shots of us taken, jus click on de snapshot section under 'Andirah'. ive updated de pics dere. thank you! Before i leave my dears, here's some food fer thought. 'Love lyke dere is no tomorrow n love lyke it neva hurts' Tata! *muacks* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, June 23, 2005 2:04 PM ;||*if onlie..*|| Dirah's crazee over eggs. it feels as though it's been months since she last ate scrambled eggs. hehe..wad a pity! so she made fer herself two scrambled eggs. heaven! *burp* ![]() And.. She was about to bathe wen she realised her towel was not dere hanging in de toilet bar. And she smiled. Becos she remembered mom bought her a pinque Garfield towel. n she crazily, madly, deeply took a photo of de towel to show it off to her gurlfrens. and dere she goes..drifting away.. ![]() yes..drifting too far. plus im goin crazie tinking of how to get money in just a day or mayb tonite! Haha..something caught my eyes just now. to MANGO ADDICTS out dere..MNG is having their sales tomorrow. yesss..2morow. n it's REAL sales i bet u.. *heard syasya's screams* Hehs! i dun care n dun gif a dyem becos tomorrow im gonna drag fahn along to MNG sales n make him buy me atleast a tee. Yaaa..jus atleast. Haha..! nolarh i was just kidding. i dun waste his money on my stuff sooo..i gotta cum out wif another plan veriiee soon. Shhheesssshh! i seriously n badly nid a banker to pay fer all my shopping stuff. if onlie i can werk as a personal shopper, im alreadie thankful enuf. *wish upon a star* wad does a personal shopper has a connection wif an engineering student??! Totally out of de box. *eyes rolling* So fer now, im gonna brag abt skul n noting else. skul ended @ 12pm todae n syasya insisted on me accompanying her to ROSW lab to practice her lab before sitting fer a written lab test dis Friday. Goodness! n atlast we ended up surfing de net afta a hardwork of practicing de lab without any hasil. U noe, macam uat keje tanpa hasil. matter how much we practice, our skill is still at de bottom line. lab is soo manly stuff. Not my cup of coffee. *eeewwww* Den @ 2pm, i accompanied fahn to meet nassier n his otha fwend. slacked @ Starbucks, n basically do nothing apart from talking n crappings. well oh well, jus feel lyke wishing my fwend all de best in handling some stuff. i noe n understand it's hard on you, but some things are betta left unsaid. *sigh* Dirah's in dilemma. she didn't noe who is telling de real stuff n who is telling de fake stuff. all she wishes is fer de truth to be revealed fast. i had Japanese tutorial @ 4pm. no choice. n im positive dat i kept yawning every 15mins in de class. waaaaayyyy bored. n honestly, Japanese is driving me crazie. *head spinning* Met rabia @ 6pm. was supposed to haf dinner wif ailah too but unfortunately, she alreadie had her dinner. i pity ailah alot. here she's still schooling n dere she's werking to earn some cash. no. probably i should be proud of her. just compare me to her. she werk to earn money n i, whine non-stop hoping fer money to fall from de sky. not a workaholic. i hate werking life. *serious* Sat n do some talking n gossiping @ small mac. Ouuhhhoohoo! i miss my gurlfrens too much. so listen gurlfrens, we reallie nid a break from everything around us n jus nid dat tyme fer ourselves. if onlie we can stop de time n enjoy every moment of our life as de heart beats. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005 12:49 PM ;||*soo much to do YET so lyttle time*|| i plead guilty fer changing my blogskins TOO often. Haha..yup..ive lyke noting betta to do den updating my blog TOO often. i dunnoe, im de kinda person who gets sick of something easily. Veriee fast. Soo..i hope you ppl appreciate my hardwork of finding de tyme to change de template n stuff. Hehs! Well well..let me just tell de truth larh nid to turn de story too far. Orang mlayu kater banyak bebual. Hehe..skul started @ 1pm todae but i suggested to syasya on cuming to skul early @ 10.30am instead bcos i die die mus do research on my Japanese assignment. Tea Ceremony. Haha..veriee slenger n kental i mus say.. *shrugs shoulder* So..all de smangat came rushing to me de moment i landed my two feets in de school compound. but sooo unfortunely, all of a sudden, de smangat all hapus de moment i sit in front of de comp. Friendster. Update blog. Change blogskins. Hotmail. Update photobuckets. Bloghopping. Friendsterhopping. Woooo!! Sooo much to do yet sooo little tyme. haha.. And yaaaa..i was lyke telling myself "Dirah!!! Cumon! U nid to do ur research! Uve got noo more tyme left to do..!" And it'll just go "wadeva. wadeva." *eyes rolling* Hehs.. n finally finally finally, ive did some reseach on Tea Ceremony fer a pathetic 20mins. Hehe..had to force myself u see. n dooop! A whole junk of de research on Japanese Tea Ceremony in de Microsoft Word. *phew* Jus nid a lil bit of summarizing n im done. hopefully. *shut eyes n prays hard* So skul ended @ 5pm todae. chill fer a while @ de small mac wif dem before heading home @ 7.15pm. n here i am blogging wen im supposed to do some summarizing on de Jap assignment. seriously, im slacking dis semester. Skipped my ROSW lecture jus now n spent de tyme worthwhile by eating French fries in de canteen. *evil smile* My toddlers, before i leave u's a joke by Eve. Kinda lame n pathetic, but fer sure, u'll crack into laughter. "what is de difference btw de shit from ur nose n de plate?" Ans: de plate is on de table n de shit from de nose is under de table. Get it? get it?? *pimp laugh* De nite is still young to sleep.. ive got an assignment to complete. See ya! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Monday, June 20, 2005 5:12 AM ;||*get moving people*|| especially to daddy, all fathers, grandfathers, wanna-be fathers, so-called fathers, gayfathers, lesfathers, wadeva-fathers out dere.. HAPPY FATHER'S DAE or SELAMAT HARI BAPA *muuuuuuuuacks* orite, ive done my part as a daughter. So now, lets get serious business moving. Yupp..reallie serious stuff. yest i asked, no, forced rabia to cum down to my house first before going to Kallang Theatre. Simply bcos i cant dcide to wear a skirt or jeans. Flicker-minded me.. so dat part was done. skirt. *phew* Went out @ 6pm. took de train to Suntec. Yaaa..i noe. y isit dat we dropped @ CityHall rather den Kallang wen we're actualli heading Kallang Theatre??! Gud wondering too actuallie. No. it's bcos akak was 100% sure dat we can take 16 from opposite Suntec to Kallang Theatre. Yaaa rite. which opposite do u mean?? Suntec is lyke blardie hell BIG. HUGE. ENORMOUS. And typical Singaporean here got sesat. *clap clap* And atlast, we took a cab to Kallang. slenger can we get??! Veriiieee slenger. Met nabilah dere. sat wif her. watched de show. not bad actuallie..reallie nice dancesteps. Nice combination of malay traditional songs wif rnb songs. Imagine dancing rnb moves wif 'ronggeng' dance step. Brilliant. *amazed* Huge thumbs up to de choreographer. Gentarasa ended @ 10pm. by de tyme, our stomach were alreadie grumbling fer real food. so we went down to Pasir Ris Central to fill our stomach. n in de train on our journey to Pasir Ris, we met ailah.'s been lyke years since i last saw you! Ouh gerl..i reallie reallie miss you.. *big hug* And so..i got home @ 12.30am. fuh..can bearly walk niemore. Real tired.. Fahn was out wif zar n nassier to Changi Village. Slacking n chilling dere till 3am. And dis little swit darling waited fer him till he reached home safely before sleeping. Yupp..i do care a lot abt him..too much i guess. n todae, he's off to Johor early in de morning. i blardie phucking miss him.. *thinking of you* Seriously i dunnoe wads de plan fer todae. but i do hope dat im not stuck @ home. i nid fresh air to breathe before im all stress up again tomorrow. yuppp..piles of assignments n projects to be done. Shucks!! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, June 19, 2005 4:16 AM ;||*wen boredom sets in*|| First of all, HAPPY GINORIC 19th BDAE GINO! Sumtymes all gerls wan their other half to gif their full attention to onlie dem. And no one else. but wen its getting outta hand, we feel as if we are being controlled by our other half. Too much of his possessiveness n jealousy can bring everything to a halt. And all we wan is him to gif us some space to breathe n enjoy de life of being a teenager. And at de same tyme, we're trying sooo hard to deal wif n understand his jealousy. And dis phrase kips on running in our mind: "im onlie ur other half. Not yet ur wife" Yup..perhaps it's true. i jus nid him to accept de people around me. the ppl who are my old friends even before he came into my life. And try to understand how hurt i am wen he start to look down n criticized my old friends. *sigh* Pfft. It's been 2daes since i blog. Currently im feeling hellya stress up. term test is lyke in 2weeks tyme. lab test is lyke next week. Assignments n projects are lyke due next week. Goodness. i need space fer all dat!! n feeling depressed. No doubt. *shakes head* im left wif no money fer de whole month. shitte! Now i realise how much wonders money can do to me. *frown* Tinking of all dat makes me feel totally sick. More depress. Helpless. Clueless. Stress. Ouh wadeva! *eyes rolling* And to those ppl around me..who somehow hate me or dislike me. please stop all de nonsense. im jus sick n tired of all those crappy junk stuff dat's cuming out of ur mouth. and perhaps thanks fer being dere. without u ppl, dere's no ups n downs in my life. Yaaa..i mean, i jus cant xpect every single humans out dere to luv n adulate me rite??! im born here to feel de beautiful of life..not to add hatred to others. But den again, im leading my own life.. *thats it* Pesta Perdana yest was sucha a shame. A disaster. Real bored! Thank heaven i did not buy de ticket. 65bux will just go to de drain just lyke dat. wad a boooring show. i mean it. de hosts were lyke half dead i tink. Probably dey didn't eat before de hosting. Why najib of all ppl?? where's suhaimi?? Half of de tyme, he was giving lame jokes. See wad i mean. Disastrous! mum, adeq n me fell asleep in de middle of de show. wad was dat supposed to me?? boredom sets in. Hehs! Suria, u guys nid to buck up! On top of all dat, im off to Kallang theatre at 6pm. to watch Gentarasa. Hopefully i dun fall asleep in de theatre. All i need is entertainment n fer now, im putting my hopes on de performances. Gotta call rabia. sooo excited on wad to wear... *weeeeeeeeeeeee* Before the end of de nite, i wan to hold u so tight, U noe i wan u so much, And im so tempted to touch... *tra la la* I'll be back wif more.. Hugs n kisses, Dirah. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, June 16, 2005 12:44 PM ;||*bumble bees buzzing off*|| Millions apology to ppl who had spent their entire day reading my entry. Sorie sorie sorie fer giving out de wrong information. Hiphop fest is not tomorrow, instead it's next mth. July. Yesss sorie. *bows head* By rite, it wasn't my fault..reallie. it was adeq's fault larh fer telling me de wrong thingy. Hiya..dasar slenger larh dektu. Hehs! So..settle arh ppl. Thursday NO hiphop fest at Kembangan. it's actualie on 16th JULY. *take note* Where should i start?? class was lyke de 'yellow-yellow-dirty-fellow' class. initially, it was onlie sya2 n me who planned to wear yellow. So yupp, came dis 'mulut-tak-tahu-tutup' gerl, tell de other gerls in de class to wear yellow too. obviously i was jus joking, but aiyoo!! Dey wore yellow sia..wait. not onlie de gerls, de guys too. gino n zac. Mampus!! So in total, 7 ppl were wearing yellow in my class. how embarrassing was dat??! *red cheeks* And 5 ppl were wearing black. de class was lyke turning into a group of bumble bees. Goodness! i swear i neva stick with dem fer de rest of de dae. noway! *shakes head* Wed is alwas a dyem freaking dae. bcos i will haf 4hrs break before having my Japanese tutorial. Yuppp..wad a gap! So how did i spend my 4hr just now??! Went to buy Seafood Fried Rice n Chicken Rice @ Chai Chee Restaurant. Tapau n went to Fahn's house. simply bcos i wanna watch free DVD. Yaayy! Hehe..his mum n sis were @ home, stop tinking negative u dirty-minded ppl..!! watched Miss Congeniality2 dere. wad an adorable movie. *thumbs up* Obviously hunnie was already dozing off on de sofa. Perut da kenyang je jawabnye tdo larh..n his sis had to entertain me wif Kit Kats. Haha..chocolates make me supppeerr high..! rite akak nanie?? U chocolate-lover!! Hehs! Hiya! i couldn't catch de last part where Kath sang her 'originality-matters-cute-song'. But but..i remembered de 1st series one.. It went sumting lyke dis. "u tink im gorgeous. u tink im sexy. u wanna kiss me. u wanna hug me." and blah..rite?? lurve it mann..soo cute!! Dun u tink so..??! *shrug shoulders* Anw my gonna-be-mother-in-law, hehs..thanks fer de chilli sauces u bot fer momma @ Johor. Reallie appreciate it! thank you 2nd momma..! *cheeky* Went off to school again @ 3pm. if onlie i could skipped dat class n sleep! i wish..anw, Jap class was not bad. Finally i managed to capture some skills. Lets try.. Hajimemashite. Watashi wa Dirah desu. Translation.. How do you do? My name is Dirah. Hehs! Ble tahan kan aku nie?? *dance around* Met rabia @ 6pm. took a walk, or perhaps a stroll, in Tampines Mall. soo she was telling me everthing dat gerls should share among themselves. Haha..gerls talk la. Gossips. Try-out clothes. n blab. Basically, im done wif todae. *time checking* Oppss! Gonna be 10 soon. Wanna catch 'eye for a guy'. So who do u tink Denise will pick?? Howard or Wolfgang? i instinct tells me it gonna be Wolfgang. But obviously, dat wun do any fair to the others rite?? tink abt dat..hmm.. *thinking* Till den..i lurve every single of my peeps! you.. *muacks* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005 1:57 PM ;||*sadness n happiness*|| i seriously n honestly miss blogging. i noe, it sounded sooo crazy but i reallie2 cant find de tyme to blog.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005 2:45 PM ;||*blind or no eyes??*|| im soooo guilty. Yess..fer goin to pool w/o fahn's consent. Well actuallie, it was a last minute planning..soo, please dun blame me.. *hehs* Ended skul @ 5pm todae. i left fahn n syasya in skul. Nooo. Noway! i did not leave dem. Fahn had his CDS thingy till 8pm n syasya had her Japanese lecture till 6pm not leaving dem m i?? *shakes head* Met adeq n ayun @ bdok interchange. Played pool dere. n im officially a member dere alreadie..dont u noe dont u noe?? Hehs! Actualli, i played only 2games out of 6games. Giving ways to adeq n ayun mah..drng kan underage, kasi muka ckit larh kalau iye pun..sooo I was siting alone at one corner, looking @ dem playing wen suddenly dis guy came to me. Shhheeessshh! Wait. Let me describe to u how he looks lyke. it was quite dark in dere so excuse me of im giving u stooopid description. He got dis realllie realllie reallie blonde hair. Yupp..almost to yellow lyke dat. He was wearing his werking tee. He was a bit taller den me n most importantly, he's a mat-rip. *eeeewwwwww* So yaaa..he approached me n asked fer my number. Sicko! Zaman biler kau sesat pat nie??! Skrg da zaman 2005, maner ader org minta2 no. lagik?? Hehs! So i said 'no'. obviously. Firstly, im attached. Secondly, I dun trust guys who go around asking fer numbers. I tink they’re sick or sumthing. Thirdly, im not interested in mat-rip. Fourthly, he sucks! Stop me. i dunwanna cnue anymore. *eyes rolling* So he was forcing me, begging me lyke some kinda desperate guy. True. n he even said dat i looked lyke Haney Hadad. Ya allah! Potek ke mater kau tu?? Ataupun memang da buta??! Jauh beza sae muka aku..haha. trying to entertain me rite? Phuck off! N he actuallie did not believe dat wen i told him im schooling in poly bcos he insisted dat im those skuling in ITE Simei. Again, r u blind or sumting??! *hecks* Told fahn abt dis n he kinda get mad abt it. mayb dats de reason y he hate it wen i went pool-ing. Quite reasonable perhaps. n sooo..dis lady here got home @ 9.30pm. wad an unmeaningful entry ive written??! *ampun* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, June 12, 2005 3:30 PM ;||*total FUN*|| *crack de joke* from gurl. "wad did poh (de red teletubbies), say afta having sex??" Stooopid..! "he said 'again again' larh" *laugh* i noe it's lame-o..nvm. alrite..let's get some serious stuff here. told u ppl dat im meeting my gurlfrens on yest rite?? haiz..but u see..ailah cant make it coz she got some family ting on. So, we cant mit her. yuppp..totally sad. But de plan is still on. Went out wif rabia n adeq. to Far East. not to shop but to fill our stomach. Gosh!! De three of us were craving fer hokkien mee n char kuey sotong. Realliee delicious. Yummy! *licks lip* ![]() Oke. so i jus took a photo of dis slurpy bandung..! it tasted great though. *slurp* Alrite. Where's de food??! we're soo hungry alreadie.. Fine. Some candid first before eating. ![]() and afta filling our stomach, rabia went to mit her hubby, man. it's sooo swit of him to cum down all de way to Far East Plaza to pick her up. And yuppp..obviously she asked him to larh, giving reasons lyke "you..perut I terlalu berat nak jalan larh" haha..wad crap u gaf rabia.. nevamind.. sooo, dats de first tyme i saw man. hmm..gud taste gurlfren! *u noe wad i mean* Sachok! Well, wish de two of u a longlasting relationship! *muacks* n den, left wif onli adeq n me. adeq bot herself a FreshBox tee. Not bad..n i bot myself noting. Tgh kering kerontang larh peeps! No money! Nehi..! *shakes head* Had some plans on..stoopid plans larh actuallie. Prefer to keep it confidential..haha! Met parents @ 9.30pm fer some free dinner.. Hehs! It's alwas nice to haf free stuff. Especialli food. dun u tink so?? *wink* Well well well..i jus got back from bowling @ downtown. Aunt got her pay dis week n she planned to blanja go bowling. Free peh pasal, smua on. Hehs! played two games..n de first game, i totally slack. i dunnoe, either takde energy or im not in de mood to haf fun. *sigh* But de second game, it went all fine. i managed to strike all oke??! Yesss arh! Although de ball masuk 'longkang' quite a few tymes. *pimp laugh* ![]() obviously, i got de nicest shoe..figure it out! Ate @ KFC. Her treat too. See, m i sooo lucky?? Haha.. Wadeva. Oke. dis is fact. first tyme in my life i see grandma ate icecream..well, to be more specific, it actuallie became 'melting tower'. Dun believe?? See it fer urself. Hehs! ![]() Now u believe me??! Alrite, too tired to cnue. School is still on tomorrow. How dyem pathetic rite??! *ergh* ![]() Till den, sayonara! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, June 11, 2005 11:45 AM ;||*pissed YET heaven*|| was alreadie freaking pissed off early in de morning. we took 4 buses to skul todae. yesss..4 freaking buses! dyem gawd shite rite? so de first bus i took was 81. met fahn @ a bustop n we took 9. dropped at a bustop cos dere's no direct bus to TP dere. Waited fer 8 but de bus was too pack-o wif ppl. so we took 18 instead. Planned to stop @ Safra bustop n take either 23, 15, 8 or de TP bus itself. Freaked! All de buses were sooo packed. Gosh. N finally, we managed to squeeze ourselves in de bus. Luckily it was onli 2bustops away. *phew* Wad a pain wen actualli we can take only 2 buses to skul! *eyes rolling* Ouh yesss..i will neva-ever take 18 niemore. Nope. n no way! *eyes pain* Shhheeessh! Had labs fer todae. 2 labs. First lab was java. n my assignment is lyke in 2weeks tyme. but frankly speaking, i dun even understand a single junk till now. i dunno who i can rely on. no way im gonna rely on john bcos he is relying on me. good. had routing and switching lab next. and i blardie HATE wearing shoes! So todae, i had 1 BAD record. Didn't wear covered shoes fer ROSW lab. How freaking phucker! Bad..bad..bad.. i dun care! Skul ended @ 1pm todae. had a date wif fahn. told him i wanted to buy a white tee @ Bugis. It's soo bloody cheap. N niceee..veriee elegant. Fahn bot himself 2 tees. ishk! Melampau btol baby aku nie..anw, it's sooo worth it to buy tees dere. Not common aniwae. Ouh yess..u guys should try slacking @ a cafe in Bugis village. It's on level2, de new renovated area. Dey sold chocolate cookies fer onli 1bux!! n it's sooo delicious. Trust me. n obviously dey haf everyting else too..should try it out yourself. *yummy!* Hmm..n sooo, de princess here is so in luv wif his prince. i dunnoe, but he's reallie swit just now. n i jus adore him e way he is..i wonder..will he be mine forever?? ![]() yes yes yes.. m tinking abt tomorrow. i haf to go out tomorrow. simply bcos adeq will be goin out wif her bunch of fwends. Akak will be @ camp. Mum n dad will dfinitely go out @ nite. n fer haven sake, i dunwanna be stuck @ home on Sat. sooo kental! Soo.. i haf a date wif rabia n ailah tomorrow. Yaaaayy..reallie cant wait to meet dem. It's lyke years since de last tyme we met.'s lyke onli 1wik. But ey, i do reallie miss my gurlfrens u noe..! still not sure wads de plan tomorrow but i bet it'll be havoc! Total crazie-ness.. u just wait..! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, June 09, 2005 3:21 AM ;||*perhaps perhaps perhaps*|| Can guys always be described as de ones who will cum into ur life n just go weneva dey like?? leaving behind their footprints in our heart?? well..perhaps perhaps perhaps.. aniwae, it aint wrong fer me to say dat all guys are de same..ouh well, maybe onlie minority of dem r just different from de rest. like among 10 guys, onli 1 of dem is de minority ones. i dunnoe..perhaps it is always de gerls who haf to feel lyke dis. some kinda shitty feelings. dun u agree?? somehow..someplace..somewhere.. u'll agree wif me. yuppp.. *nods head* fer now, im reallie thankful dat ive met my one true luv. ive promised to myself to look afta dis relationship wif sooo much tender care and love. perhaps, dat's de onlie ting dat i wished fer. n yupp..seriously, de feelings dat he gaf me cant be head over heels wif him. no doubt! n all i longed fer is his love. dats all..i wont ask much from him..i promise. ![]() oke..y m i drifting away here??! nooo..i dunoo. ive been feeling so lost n sumtymes i feel as if someone had just stabbed my heart. really deep. yupp..i just feel lyke letting out my tears. perhaps noone will understand wad im feeling rite now. perhaps..perhaps..perhaps *shrug* de thought of adeq put a smile on my face. she's back!! yaaaayyy! *jumping up and down* bot her char kuey sotong @ Chai Chee Restaurant just fer her. pity her can't taste nice food while she's away @ camp. nvm..ur akak here will buy u nicee food specially fer u oke? *wide smile* yesss dear..i got lotsa lotsa stuffie to tell you. lotsa tings happen while you're away..sooo, all i nid is ur listening ear..please gif me dat oke adeq?? *muacks* Met rabia just noe @ 6pm. Ouh-my-gawd!! i miss her deeply. As usual, deres lyke losta stuff to tok n brag about. n perhaps dis is where i feel secure wif my feelings most of de tyme. i miss rabia. i miss ailah. TOO.. *m-i-s-s* ![]() i got an interesting story to tell todae. first story.. was @ de canteen Short Circuit wif syasya just now. i was asking her to take fer me 1 currypuff as i was busy keeping my tutorial worksheet. Den tis guy turned around, looked @ me n smiled. "yesss..?? take fer u wad?" He asked. Lyke since wen did i talk to him??! So i was looking at him wif my 'crumpled' face n said " not talking to you" ..sooo, shut de hell up! if onlie i could cnue my sentence. He was trying to be cheeky wif me??! eeewww!! Suuuuppppeerrrrr neva!! *PUI* N sooo, i bumped into him again in de aftanoon. Obviously he was trying to smile at me, but too bad, i cant even put a fake smile fer you. Soo, i ignore him.. *shivers* Second story.. Was walking from de Library to Engineering block ALONE wen suddenly dis guy came walking bside me out of nowhere. I tout it was normal to suddenly find someone walking bside you. He den actualli muttered a hi to me which made me looked to my rite. nope. Noone. Jus a wall. So was he talking to me??! "you’re talking to me?" " r u from design school??" i cant help it but to gif him dis pathetic look. Hello??! Do i noe you?? Who de heck r u??! "nope. im from dis school. Engineering" n he went on and on and on. bla bla bla. Askin me wad year im in. wad course im in n sickeningly, he looked @ me from my head to my toe. 'excuse me! im wearing a skirt. Can u puh-lease respect me??!!' no manners. n he actually said "hmm..nice!" wad exactly did he mean by 'nice'??! and he cnued "been seeing u around lately. i was keeping an eye on u actuallie. N it's onli now dat I had de chance to tok to you." i nid air!! i nid to breathe. Dis guy is definitely a psycho! i was being stalked! Goodness! den next, i saw a staircase leading to level 4. my instinct told me i HAD to get away from dis jerk. Yesss..get away! Now or neva! so i looked up @ him n smile. Believe dis or not, fer de first tyme in my life, i took de stairs without looking down. In fact, i was closing my eyes fer 3 secs. Ouh gawd! pls help me get away from dis stalker. Reached level4. was totally relieved. N thanks to him, i had to travel a longer distance. *shitty shite him* i haf to tell fahn tonite afta his werk. Dis is sooo dyem blardie important. It's jus not de matter of being stalked, but de matter of him looking at me lyke some hungry crocodile. It's de matter of unsecured at im feeling rite now. *shucks* well..enuf is enuf. n let perhaps be onlie perhaps. i've learnt my lessons. neva depend too much on someone. u haf all urself to pull through. good nite my peeps! *tata* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005 3:32 AM ;||*Let her do de talking*|| Maybe i'm betta off wif Natalie's. ever since the day you went away and left me lonely and cold my life just hasnt been the same ohh baby, nooo when I looked into your eyes the moment that I let you go I just broke down baby if I ever get the chance to be with you again I would sacrifice cuz the feeling that I feel within no other men could ever make me feel so right its nice to smile when I get your phone call at night but I'd rather have you here with me, right next to me I miss the way you hold me tight (Bridge) I gotta let you know I feel so weak without your touch I never thought that I could ever love a man so much I gotta let you know I think that we are destiny for you I'd cross the world, for you I'd do anything (Chorus 2xs) thats right baby I'm going crazy I need to be your lady I've been thinking lately that you and me, yes we can make it just ride with me, roll with me I'm in love with you baby break it down now I'll tell you what I feel from the moment I met you its been so damn real my heart seems to skip another beat every time we speak can you believe I feel so weak tell me that you really need me and you want me and you miss me and you love me I'm your lady I'll be around waiting for you I'll put it down be the one for you I'm falling so deep for you crazy love for you I'm calling, calling out to you what am I going to do? Wish you would stop fronting its so in the weather i can no longer go on without I just break down That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005 12:53 PM ;||*MISSING is in my dictionary*|| Do you know something? Obviously no, unless i tell u. heh hehs! i miss my adeq again. Gawd! Y does she need to attend her NPCC camp during dis June holidae??! Yup yup..she just came back from her NPCC camp dat Fri n todae, off she went again fer her NPCC Adventure Camp @ Pulau Ubin. i noe her betta den any one else, i assure u! she hates camp. Totally. She's not those kinda gerl who is de 'lasak' type. Nope, she's not. 100% sure she will cum home dis Wed n nothing else dat will cum out from her mouth but COMPLAINS. Yesss..i bet u! she gonna complain a lot of stuff to's oke, im all ready fer her complaints. N yess..she had canoe-ing or kayak-ing dere. Seriously, im worried fer her safety. Rite now, im wondering how's she doin. Fine or jus not fine?? *wondering* Hmm..missing her deeply. Dat means, i haf to sleep alone again fer todae n tomorrow. Shucks! i hate dat! *sigh* Nvm, i'll just look @ de sky tonite n say gudnyte to u wen im goin to sleep oke?? Yaaa..i hope u noe dat ur dearest akak wishes u gudnyte n is missing u lyke mad here! N before i forget abt my other sis, todae is her 19th bdae. is fer u sweetest akak. HAPPY SWIT 19th BIRTHDAY, NADIA!! p/s: all of us here wish you all de best in ur upcoming life n pls pls pls be more mature, now dat u're already nineteen! Sounds n looks betta rite if u spell out de word '19' rather den displayin de number '19' itself??! Wad betta is, it doesn't remind u dat ure getting older.. Hehs! Please note everybody, especialli my akak. im officially broke dis month. No. im not kidding. im reallie2 broke! So pls dun show me nice stuff, dun bring me to shop n pls dun beg me fer any presents! Haha..i dunwan to feel sooo guilty. It's enuf to feel depress without any money during Great Singapore Sale. *ergh* Talkin abt sales, Levis are having their sales n my gawd! i was goin craze just now but i managed to maintain my 'kegilaan' tu. Simply bcos i haf no money to spend. So pretend as if dere's no good stuff fer me larh. Padahal padahal..! n syasya bot herself a jean fer only 70buxs. Shitty her rite??! haha..opps! *covering mouth wif my left hand* No way! U cant curse me bcos im altering ur jean fer free huh! Hehe.. Soo todae, i didn't go to my Japanese lect. bcos of de Levis sales larh. It's oke. No attendance marking aniwae. *phew* Wad else?? Ouh plan to meet my gurlfrens todae was cancelled bcos ailah had to complete her assignment fer tomorrow. Soo, no way she's goin to spend de nite wif us rite?? hmm..nvm, perhaps dis sat we'll meet oke?? Pfft. Talking abt gurlfrens, i tink im gonna strangle ailah very soon. Nope. De moment i meet her dis sat. how dare u went to zoo without me?? n u actualli went wif wak? Ergh!! i sooo hate you! No, dat was de kidding part. But reallie, im goin to strangle u! nvm nvm..rabia! u'll be my date fer de next outing oke?? mean. Ey ailah, kau da kirim salam ke blum pat member2 aku?? See, dey miss me tau, yet u neva ajak me..hehe *joking arh gerl* Org kater..lau takle take joke, duduk maner?? Duduk pat hutan!! Hehs! Well, dats all fer todae peeps! I'll cum back wif more entertaining entries. Haha.. See ya..! Last last.. Missing my other half sooo much! *muacks* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, June 05, 2005 5:09 AM ;||*a penny fer MY thought*|| mumble mumble mumble i dun even haf de bloody energy to lift up my mouth to talk. It's lyke fri is de most dragging dae. all de tired-ness n emotion-ness came rushing on fri. seriously. *head nodding* Yest school started @ 9am but i had to accompany fahn to school @ 8am. So, i had 1hr free. waiting helplessly fer my lesson to start @ 9. n wads de first lesson?? Internet Computing. Internet Java Computing. Internet phucking Java Computing. Yes. i sooo-totally hate Java. Well, i dun tink i nid to elaborate more here to tell u how deep is my hatred fer Java rite?? i wish i dunhaf to study dat subject. Gonna curse de man who invented Java. *cursing* Ended school @ 1pm. N still cant decide to take up tarian as my cca or not. seriously, i haf no idea. Rabia too. n syasya n fahn were lyke forcing us not to take up tarian. i dunnoe y but mayb bcos fahn hate to see me as de 'tarian' gerl in skul n mayb bcos syasya dunwan to be left alone unattended by me afta i take up tarian. Shhhesssh! i realli dunnoe. im jus guessing u see.. *haha* Oke, fer atleast, i noe somebody out there realli is proud n happy to haf a fwend lyke me. a real friend lyke me indeed. *dream on* I had a date wif Syasya yest. To shop @ bugis. Went to eat de Nasi Ayam. Hmm, not bad. Trust ur taste gerl. Went window-shopping @ Parco. Thank God nothing attracts my attention bcos i had no intention of spending even a cent on shopping. Bcos im broke dis month. Ouh..too much because. How i wish money will appear infront of me wheneva i snapped my fingers. Hehs! I noe, it’s lame. Went to Bugis Village next. U noe, down dere, u reallie reallie haf to be pro in finding de nicest stuff. Where noone else can find, xcept u. im a regular costumer dere u see. So, no big deal. saw dis white tee wif printed black n silver picture in front. N dey haf different kinda drawings. N all of dem were superb. Totally. N guess how much it costs? 10bux onli. Ouh wait, dey haf a sale dere too. sooo afta de discount, it'll onli be lyke 8bux. Fark it! 8bux fer dat kinda tee? Hellya worth it. but, i didn't bring cash! n dey didn't accept nets. Phuck! I noe. I haf to cum down dere again next week. No doubt. Wif adeq mayb. She got realli good taste or mayb she shares de same taste wif me. Haha.. Met parents in front of adeq's school bcos Dunman had dis PM session. n collecting their report books. I had to follow mum n dad bcos dey actualli cant be bothered wif de talks de principal gaf. N dey xpect me to understand every single stuff de principle blab about. Wadeva. We came 1hr late, so by de tyme, de talk had already ended. *phew* Well well well..adeq did well in her mid-year. Xcept dat she nids to buck up in her science. N she scored A1 fer History. Shucks! Lyke everyone hate dat subject n she can scored A1 fer it??! she must be crazie. She mus be de next historian girl. Haha..wadeva it is, im proud of her. *clap clap* Had our dinner @ Simpang Bedok. I jus ate Carrot Cake bcos im too tired to even feed myself. N i actualli fall asleep on de table, waiting fer parents n uncle n aunty to finish their talking session which i surely noe dat it will neva end. Bebual satu hal. Mengumpat lagi satu hal. it'll be nevaending. N my eyes can hardly open anymore. im phucking tired!! *sigh* Seriously, I cant see de reason why hunnie had to cum home late from werk. I dun see de reason why waiter had to get home dat late. Even if u've given me de reasons, i still cant see thru it. Serious. i dunnoe if u're talking abt de real stuff here or de fake stuff. *thinking* A penny fer my thought. Are guys always expressing their feelings from de bottom of their heart or jus fer de sake of it? if it really comes from de bottom of their heart, y can't gurls feel it?? why can't gurls see their sincerity?? Or even worst, y can't gerls be convinced dat their feelings are true aftarall?? Mayb guys will always be guys. Dey wun change fer sure. And sumtymes, de gerls are just wishing n hoping to find her one true luv. her Mr Right. n jus wen she thought he is her Mr Right, she got it all wrong. Bcos truth is, in life, dere is no such ting as Mr Right. It is all about how well de guy can handle ur heart. And how well de guy can treat you. Yup. Dat is all about Mr Right. n sweetie, how long haf u noe me? 1 year? 2 years? Or 5 years? I dunnoe. Wadeva I say may be just a simple crap, but im telling u de truth. I dunwan to see u being hurt again n again. I reallie dun wish fer dat. I noe wad im telling u n I noe wad is good fer u. but if u still tink dat u trust another person more, be it. ive done my part n dats it. I wun force u. u dunnoe wad u mean to me No matter wad i do All i tink abt is u Even wen im wif my boo U noe im crazy over you i luv u And i need you i luv u i do need you That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Friday, June 03, 2005 9:02 AM ;||*i miss him n her*|| I woke up todae, feeling soo tired, restless, n most important of all, meaningless. has been soo meaningless fer me dis past few daes. If u were to ask me y, seriously, I'll answer "im not sure too". i just dunnoe wad i wan. To tink dat I haf everything dat a gerl drims of, yet im still not satisfied. Typical me. *sigh* Let me start off wif sumting pitiful. No. *shakes head* im not trying to be sucha pity gurl, but dis is realli a pity fer me. listen. i used to sleep wif adeq. Really. N wen everytyme I cant sleep, i'll sit beside myself on de bed, listening to my MP3, n watched adeq sleeping. Soundfully. N at tymes, it brought smiles into my life. i noe i noe. n at tymes, i realise dat i luv her soo much n bcos of dat, she is being pampered by me. But yest, was her first day of her NPCC camp. So yaaa..i haf to sleep all alone. Turned to my left, nope. Dere's no her. turned to my rite, de wall. How bored. No story telling n no gossiping. Yup, we do gossip together. So much so we do share some secrets dat noone else noe, even fahn. See wad i mean. We are too close to each other. Dat sumtymes, ppl tink we're twins. or even worse, ppl tink dat she's 1yr older den me. i dunnoe. *shrug* n before she went off to camp yest, she gaf me a kiss on de cheek while I was sleeping. Felt it, so I woke up. N gaf her a return kiss. Wad im trying to tell u is dat im missing her. alot. too much. Big big. N I jus can't wait fer her return. Read adeq's blog. i dunno. De yellow note seemed to be veri touchy, n im wondering who's she referring to. Mayb i noe, maybe im still clueless. Let me quote sumtink tear-ful from her blog. "remember wad I told u to do if u were to miss me while I was awae.. remember.? I said, look at the sky and wish me gdnite. Coz.. dats where I will be facing wen im slping in the open-field." *tears* Alrite, enuf of her. so I start skul at 8am todae n ended at 3pm. De first 3hrs, I had Mobile Computing lab.! 3hrs! dealing wif de computer. But just now, we ended at 9am, which is actualli 2hrs earlier. Thank god! *phew* So me n syasya were surfing friendster, n editing our blog template. N sheeessh!! We took de same type of image slideshow. Check it out. haha..two great minds tink alike mah! Hehs! Skipped de lecture. Too bored to attend n I swear I cant understand wad Mr Matti Prasai was blabbering or betta still, mumbling about. He n his ascent. Drive me craziee sia! *head spinning* So we went to Cyber Center to print all de lecture notes. Yesss..wen im tgh smangat, dun block my way. On de way home, I dropped at adeq's school to see her if she's doin well or not. n obviously fahn had to tag along. He noes how much I luv my adeq. Sadly, I didn't see her around afta waiting fer lyke 45mins dere. Sad. *sob sob* De sun was lyke so scorching hot todae. dat I tink I nid to haf some desert to cool down my body temperature. Went to Kopitiam to haf Red Ruby. *lick lips* Hmm..yummy!! n soo, here i am posting an entry. Gosh, i tink i nid to click on de Post button now before i cnue posting some unrelevant stuff. Haha.. When you left I lost a part of me It's still so hard to believe Come back baby please We belong together Who else am I gonna lean on When times get rough Who's gonna talk to me Till the sun comes up Who's gonna take your place Baby nobody else We belong together Yess dear. We do belong together. im sorry if ive hurt u soo much. U noe im heartbroken too. So pls dun let our love fade off just lyke dat. U noe how much u mean to me. U noe how much i luv u. u noe how much i cant live without you.. u noe it all hunnie. So telling u n everyone here dat I do luv u de way I did. I didn't wan to tell you dat all i nid is fer u to understand me n gif me some space. im afraid dat u might tink im asking too much from you. n im afraid of losing u dear. N de truth is, I can't live without you.. *hugs n kisses* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, June 02, 2005 8:43 AM ;||*meaningless is SOO me*|| finally finally. ive changed my template. so how does it look?? niceee or sucks??! haha..lyke i care sooo much abt ur comments. remember dat dae wen i blogged sayin' dat im goin to find a Volcom skin?? soo yeah, looked thru de blogskins n it sucks. totally. cant help it but it's sooo to de boys taste. not to a girl lyke here i m, so in luv wif dis skin instead. reallie meaningful n true. dont u tink soo?? hehs!! cut de crap! ouh well, im stuck in de skul lib now. lyke yaa..ive finished my skul @ 4.30pm. no, actuallie i was supposed to attend dis Japanese concert thingy at 3pm. soo yaa..i went dere jus to get my attendance taken, sat fer a while n yawn non-stop. n suddenly,my mind went blank. i fall asleep. haha..i sucha a bum. cant help it u concert is totally dumb n lame. GAWD!! see, dey gaf us 10mins break, so dats de chance to grab! cabut lagik! haha..while walking out de auditorium, i turned around to see de crowd in de auditorium, n guess wad??! lyke half of de ppl cabut!! baik arh..sekaki not goin to be stuck dere oke! it's enuf fer me to crack my brains on Japanese. satu benda pun aku tak paham. n still, i had to squeeze my face hard n cramp my brain to understand wad de hell is de Jap cher talking about. nak kater sleng, tak jugak..nak kater penyek, macam..haiyo! reallie regret taking up dat CDS. i should jus go fer sociology..or wadeva. seriously anitink apart from Jap. *sigh* so rite now, im waiting fer rabia to finish skul @ 6pm. n mayb afta dat we can chill. i noe, im sucha switheart waiting fer u. dun nid to remind me. hehs! u see, i refuse to go home. it's lyke realli mendak goin home in de aftanoon wen u can actualli meet up wif some bunch of ppl n chill, rite? rite. n yups. talking abt gurlfrens, i miss dem loads n loads n loads. i guess onli my heart noes how much i miss u gerls. we nid some tyme to catch up wif our 'meeting up' oke?? maybe slack around or jus chill out. so ladies, pls buzz me.. *muacks* lup u gerls. wad else?? ouh..ive just uploaded Mr Vegas' Tamale club remix for my blog. don't u jus luv de song?? wanna shake some booty fer me?? haha..syasya made my dae yesterday. she was sending me songs thru msn fer my MP3, n all of a sudden, i heard dis song playing. i was sooo jumping up n down. y??! bcos i was finding de title of dis song fer weeks. n finally, finally, everything ended wif a phew! soo dere goes my MP3, reggae! *grind ppl* *groove* and and.. dis song is especialli dedicated to rabia. feel it baby. man luv dat song, soo u must too! hehs! guess i haf to stop blogging now. i noe, dis is another of my meaningless entry. cant blame me u see..i got lotsa meaningless stuff to brag about. soo..phuck off if u hate craps! haha.. *time checking* gonna be 6 soon. haf a great tyme listening to reggae. be my dance partner peeps! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005 2:29 AM ;||*restless*|| Just some thoughts to pen down. Do guys always spend more tyme wif their friends or wif his gerl? Or Do guys sacrifices more fer his gurl or fer his fwends? I dunoo. im left clueless n answerless. Wadeva Somebody pls help me. im feeling sooo sleepy de whole dae todae. i can barely kept my eyes wide open during lectures. n i actualli fall asleep during Telecommunication System lecture. Reallie. im not kidding n syasya was laughing @ me. *eyes rolling* i wasn't paying attention during Routing n Switching lect. i was yawning all de wae during my Japanese lecture n im sooo not in de mood to stay in school ani further. RESTLESS Wads next?? I got home @ 8pm. Wad a looong dae. *sigh* im too tired to cnue typing out. n im feeling so down n lost. Mayb mayb mayb I should stop rite here. i dunwan to post another meaningless entry. Take ur hats off n get in fer some booty ppl. Grind n groove fer all u care. Yess.. Entertain urself fer de tyme being. Tata. That's It For Today. Goodbye.