Tuesday, May 31, 2005 11:13 PM ; Restless i went to de HipHop fest @ hougang jus to meet my dearie one n only Taufik Batisah. Call me crazy. Call me naive. Call me an idiot. I duncare. Dis is me, soo be it aite?? I dun care. So I went wif adeq, ayun, n dis mat whom adeq asked him to tag along. Criusly, I dunno him, he's adeq's fwend anw. Met @ pr interchange. Was supposed to meet @ 5.30pm but ayun was sooo star karat. She came @ 6.15pm. baik arh. Took 89 all de way to hougang int. n we reached there @ around 6.45pm. Met ayun's bunch of guyfwends. De field was lyke sooo dyem muddy. Yucks! Luckily I wasn't wearing my Roxy flipflop. *phew* Lotsa great performance. N ppl, im toking abt reallie GREAT performance. N it is worth ur tyme standing lyke some goondoos, watching de dancemoves. Atleast dis is waaaay betta den de one i attended at pasir ris. Obviously, i brought along my digicam. It's a must btw. Haha..soo let me tell u who were de ouh-so-hott-invited artists. Taufik Batisah, Sly, Ning Baizura, De Cruze, Velvet n bla bla bla. *jumping up n down* De hosts were sooo energetic dat dey brought light to de show. Ppl say, a show will not be successful without an entertaining host. True indeed. *raise eyebrows* I didn't hold de digicam cos half of de tyme, dis guy who I seriously dunno his name (ayun's fwend mah), were busy snapping here n dere dat at every moment, i was sooo afraid dat he might just accidentally dropped my digicam n let it landed on de muddy field. But luckily, he wasn't those slenger mat. Haha.. *phew* We were waiting helplessly fer Taufik Batisah to perform dat I felt as if my body was already separated from my legs. Yaaa..i was soo tired standing throughout de whole show. Ning Baizura was performing wen suddenly we saw Taufik walking behind de stage. Yerp. He just arrived wif sooo many security guards. N all of a sudden, de audience's attention focused on him. shouting n screaming lyke mad ppl. obviously Ning was kecewa. Haha..she told us soo.. N wen sly came out, de crowd suddenly dispersed. lesser n lesser ppl. obviously larh. Lyke duh. He was singing Chinese songs throughout de whole of 'him-session'. n majority of de crowds were Malay ppl. maner la ader cinone-cinone nie minat RnB..stooopid! n de mats were going "ey, pegi balek arh. Memekak je. Macam cine mampos" haha..no offence eh cinone-cinone.it is true anywae.. *innocent shrug* Taufik was de last performer. N guess where I was standing?? Jus 2m away from him!! OMG..he melted my heart n thank goodness I was still a solid, still able to stand. Hehs! *crap* So, de guy who i didn't noe his name was busy taking snaps of Taufik n he even recorded wen Taufik was singing 'Superstition'. i wished I can post de video here, but I just cant rite?? I bet u ppl will drool over him..haha. oke,cut dat. Dis is de part i cannot forget. He is sooo smangat dat he stood directly in front of de big speakers jus to take a closer snap of Taufik. Simply fer me n adeq. Who were driving craze over Taufik. N he came back to us saying "jatung aku cam nak terkeluar sae diri dpan speaker tu" Haha..saper suruh?? *ishk ishk ishk* Got home @ 12am. N tomorrow I nid to go to school. *Shucks* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
11:25 AM ;||*no Monday BLUES*|| no Monday Blues. todae is Monday Red. Hehs! Y?? bcos syasya was wearing red n i was wearing red too. Coincidently Yes. N de ppl dat we bumped into also were in red. i mean, wadsup wif red?? Haha..so it's betta off wif Mondae Red day! *wide smile* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, May 28, 2005 3:02 PM ;||*pissed me OFF*|| i wonder.."would my love life ended smoothly just lyke urs??" simple. i dunnoe. so i went to Sarah's wedding todae. n lyke i said, fahn couldnt tag along bcos he was away in Malacca. n i had to go on wif my gurls. i jus cant cum to her wedding rite bcos she's been my bestest galfwend in sec sch. Yup. i stil do treasure her alot. so here she is, in her lovely wedding gown n she looked dyem stunning. dis is true. i cant take my eyes off her. reminded me to cum before 4.30pm bcos she'll be goin away to de guy's place but here i m, cuming late! nope. i wasnt late. criusly. met Shab in de cab. n we took de cab to Tamp int. n de journey to dere was disastrous! goodness. de taxi-driver was smoking in de cab, turning off de aircons. how rude can dis taxi-driver be rite? hell ya. so we were sweating in de taxi. fer once, i was sweating in cabs. stupid. shab was being straighforward. she went "uncle, can u pls on de aircon. Veri hot arh." N de taxi driver went "ahh oke", but he onlie did dat afta 5mins. Simply bcos he was halfway thru smoking. Gonna curse him sooo much! I shant blog abt her wedding yah. Too tired to type out every single detail. Took some pics. Well mayb u guys can take a glance. ![]() ![]() i DEFINITELY will blog abt dis rabia. Yesh! it was totally getting on my nerve. Dis two aunties wif their children were standing in de middle of de pathway leading to de traffic lite in front of Tampines Mall. n it was on Sat, so u might xpect dat area to be crowded rite?? was walking wif rabia in our baju kurung wen suddenly dis two aunties blocked our way. So rabia was goin, "alemak!!" in her veri high pitch voice. n dis two sickening aunties turned around, wif their irritated face, wif their index finger covering their left ears, n stared at me. yes me! who did noting wrong. N guess wad she said?? "Gila arh??!" hell dyem yes! She called me gila! i sooo cannot accept dat fact oke. I mean, u ppl were standing in de middle of nowhere, n u xpect us to say xcuse me?! kiss my arse lah nyonya! Dream on..i was soo fed up, dat I stopped rite in front of her, stared de hell outta her n said "mampos! Who gila? Me or u??! standing in de middle of nowhere n tried to call us gila??! Fark off larh!" yaaa..n obviously de two nyonyas were staring @ us. Wad de fark?? U tink I care soo much? U wanna mess wif me?? I dunmind larh losing my face infront of sooo many ppl, as long as im not in de wrong. n ppl were staring at us. *hecks* Dat was it. so jus a lil reminder before I end my entry. *sticking my thumb n index finger together* Please please please larh nyonyas. Dun mess our life oke??! N stop being sooo hard on otha ppl. noo. We r de teenagers of dis daes, n sooo we dun respect ppl whom we dunnoe. Dats fact. *attitude* Signing off.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
1:22 PM ;||*heavenly Friday*|| How could dis happen to me ive made my mistake got nowhere to run when night goes off, it's all faded away ouh lala..im sooo in lurve wif dat simple plan's untitled. dont u noe dont u noe?? haha.. im in my black spag top n a blue surfing shorts. Well, does dat matters?? No. so let's start it off wif sumtink sooo fresh. So Dirah, anytink dat matters todae?? Yaaa..alot! first ting first, i was late fer school todae! can u believe it?? ouh..im sucha a hotshot. Haha..no, blame de bus, not me. waited fer de bus @ my house bustop lyke 15mins. Waited fer 15 fer lyke another 5mins. All in all, it's already 8.45am. n 15 was sooo freaking pack-o, yet I dun understand y de bus driver nids to stop at every bustop. is it realliiee dat compulsory??! Lyke hello!! Noone's alighting n noone's able to board de bus anymore. It's sooo full wif ppl. suckers! N bcos of dat, im late fer my Java lab. But im sooo lucky todae. or rather fortunate. Bcos de Java lab cher was soo dyem nicee to me. I like..it's him fer ur info. Haha...i dunno. Mayb he wans to get some booty wif me. eewww! Gawd! Yes, i entered de lab, muka slumber, n jus uttered a "sorie cher. im late." N jus put on a fake, cheeky smile. N taa-daa! He'll jus throw me his sweetest smile. Lyke sssooo-eva sweet. PUI He talked to me while i was typing out de source code on de comp. N he even sat bside me jus to talk crap. N yaa..he talked to me in Malay, wen he is a Chinese guy. Get wad I mean?? Cheeky! Rite syasya?? *raise eyebrow* More to cum from all de cher. Deyre friendly but sumtymes, deyre betta off wif being too friendly. Bringing some goosebumps here n dere. Hehe..well well well, mayb im those girl who can joke around wif. Wad do u tink syasya?? Lyke Mr Oen. Waaayyy cheeky! *shivers* Soo skul ended @ 1pm todae. dats de best ting abt Friday. So heavenly Friday, not a freaky Friday fer me. You bet! n i had a date wif fahn. To de movie. Went off to get some food. im realli realli realli hungry. N wen im hungry, im in no mood to talk or even laugh. So feed me wif some food!! neva forget dat ma peeps. Watched monster-in-law just now. Impressive movie. Jus de way I luv jLo fer her brilliant acting. Trust me. it's worth de 8bux ticket u bought. So dun wait ppl. Simple luv de part wen Charlie hit her future mother-in-law wif de pan. Yeah woman, bring it on! haha..nicee.. *wide smile* Talking abt woman, syasya!! How could you how could u??! wad did u buy todae?? shopping huh? im in kering kerontang now n u ajak me go shopping wen dere's crazy sales everywhere??! Mann, I gonna hate u sooo much! Screwed u! i should save my money. no point regretting now. It's oke, dere's always a ting called 'atm card'. Haha.. Perhaps i'll do my shopping wen I reallie reallie nid to shop. Or not i'll jus stick my butts here. Pretend noting is on sale. Shucks!! I cant jus do dat. Ouuuhh..cumon hero, pls help me! I nid money. if onli dere's sumting called 'money rain'. Bertadah2 aku ngan dulang besar. Wadeva. i sooo wanna a billabong's white belt n a weaved bag. *hint hint* If I was a richgirl.. Hehs! Gonna mis my hunnie. He's goin to Malacca tonite till Sunday nite. be back fast eh darling..n make sure u buy me sumtink oke?? Lup u! *muacks* Sooo tomorrow im goin to Sarah's wedding. i sooo cant wait to see her in her wedding gown. She'll look wonderful tomorrow, fer sure. Unfortunately, hunnie cant make it tomorrow. So I'll probably be wif my gerls onli. Hiya.. *sigh* HAPPY MARRIAGE SARAH!! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005 2:55 PM ;||*skul SUCKS*|| so todae is de starting of school AGAIN. i noe i noe. i can hear all those whines! *sigh* started @ 10am n ended @ 7pm! yesh! 7pm..how unlucky i am rite??! thanks to de Japanese lecture larh. sooo i woke up at 8am. took a real n nicee bath to make sure dat i'll be wide awake fer de whole dae. *hopefully* fahn wanted to use de same colour tee as me todae. yess..he's trying to play sweet here. oke hunnie, we will wear de same color tee oke?? *wide smile* criously, i dunno wad to wear. it's lyke de first dae of skul..n dere r new bunch of freshies ppl..n u r lyke de juniors..sooo,my point is, u NID to look good on de first dae. rite??! percisely. haha.. we finally dcided on white yest. wore dis white tee, wif my jeans, black belt wif dis lyttle bronze metal n a pair of brown Roxy flipflop. total coolness especialli afta adding a new bright colour to my outfit, my EDC red bag. i lyke..look sooo hawaiian. lots n lots of new faces. veriiee standard. de freshies r all looking soo blurr finding their way to their respective class. n half of de tyme, i was looking down, hoping noone will stop me n ask fer direction. n it works! *phew* soo..i had lecture from 10am to 12noon. SUCKS!! followed by an hr break, n den cnue wif another lecture. how weird hah de tymetable. wad exactly is ROSW?? rite..it's Routing n Switching. n y in de world mus i study dat subject?? wad connection does it haf wif info-communication??! ERGH!! total junk. crappies! was sooo excited wen de first tyme i received my tymetable, dere's nothing dat say JAVA PROGRAMMING. but, yest, i jus realised dat INETCAPP stands fer Internet Computing Applications. Yaahh..de 3rd part of Java Programming. holy shitte! so, i haf to crack my brains again dis sem. *Shucks* but..atleast de lecturers r oke. i managed to stay wide awake. TELSYS. Telecommunication System. n de lecturer was defining de word Telecommunication fer almost 30mins. yes. no joke. n it was darn bored i tell u. n apparently, he was de Subject Leader fer dat subject. n he asked "so ppl, do u noe wad is Subject Leader n their task??" Shitee! so he started blabbering abt Subject Leader. Wakkkaaauu! action sia. n i fall asleep. bluek! he made me feel sooo sleepy. n he got dis veri stooopid look dat wen everytyme i see him, i'll laugh. *imagine* it's jus de first dae of skul n dey made me feel sooo lousy. you bet! had Java lab on too. i had to team up wif John fer our Lab presentation. good! bcos both of us reallie had a low IQ in Java. n he is depending on me n i m depending on him. how??!! i dunnno..hopefully a miracle will happen.haha.. *dream on* n we had an assignment to be completed in 3daes tyme. Crapp!! i totally forget de basic Java. cant even start typing out de source code. n sooo we cracked our brains together. ended at 5pm. had another 1hr break first before i having my Japanese lecture. bur noe wad??! i didnt go..haha..sucha lazybum ar dirah. anw, fahn had gastrik n he badly wanted to go home, soo..no choice. had to follow him home. took a cab home n taa-daa!! i reached home in less den 20mins. so dats de end of de my crappy entry. wad im tryin to say is, i had no fun in skul todae apart from meeting lotsa ppl! haha..bare wif me! *clap hands* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Monday, May 23, 2005 3:42 PM ;||*happy bdae ayun*|| my gosh!! im still fucking tired n sleepy! *yawn* ayun! Oke fine, u didnt force me to ton but still, u made me slept fer onli 4hrs! ouh no. I was de one who couldnt sleep bcos i tink ure snoring! Haha..n dyem blardie idiot aircon. Gonna curse u soooo hard! De aircon was jus blowing directly at my face. N pathetically, i cant cover my face wif de blankets kann? I'll probably be dead. rite..rite..rite. i made all of u sooo blurr. Weehhoo! im bad. Stop it dirah. my entry gonna be superrr long, so bare wif it larh goons! On sat, dis lil cuzen of mine, she's 14 btw, had her bdae celeb @ Costa Sand Chalet. n ohmigosh! Her fwends were lyke countless! Too many i tink. Haha..n majority not her age. Bad u! how can u mix around wif ppl my age??! N older? sooo sinful tau.! Hehe..joking la. Ure jus lyke me I tink. More guyfwends den gurlfwends. Hah! cant blame, de genes r traveling around. So on sat nite @ 10, we were dyem fucking bored. so my akak sdare wanted to play pool sooo much. *me too me too* Hehe! Went dere to check out de place. kinda full house but hecks! But soooo unfortunately, adeq n ayun underage la. Spoilt de fun! n de in-charge lyke sooo stuck-up. go dig ur arse larh! u dunwan to make money, be gone! Shhoooh! So we decided on bowling plak. dis is 101% true. I HATE bowling! Not dat I dunno how to bowl but I find de game sooo mendak. Agree?? But no choice u see. We were seperated into two groups. De guys n de gerls. 9 ppl in all. Nvm. my group was dyem happening. De whole bowling place was lyke ours! Here's de deal. Wen either of us hit de longkang, we'll gif dat person an evil laugh n go "Longkang!". N wen u strike, we'll go craziee. Pretend lyke dere's noone else xcept us. soo yah. Dats de deal n it was done. de paisei part was wen my akak sdare strike, we all went craziee n guess wad?! de guys had finished their games n dey joined in de cheering competition. N everyone was lyke lookin @ us. Mampus aku! maner mahu ltak muka??! Dlm pocket? Malu babe..! on top of all dat, i won in de game..! wif de highest score. *thank u thank u* See, I hate bowling but still I managed to score sooo high. Yaaayyy!! Went back to chalet, n I was telling everyone in de chalet dat I won de game. Tak tahu malu rite?? ey, proud mah..! haha.. sat in de chalet n 5mins later, we were feeling bored again. Siow! Yahla, lyke notink to do. Entertainment around. Make gud use of it larh. Ayun suggested on playing de pool beside de swimming pool. Haha..seriously, I dunno dere's pool tables in Costa Sand. not bad.. but it was already closed. Obviously. We came @ 1am. stoopid! So we lepak @ de pondok nearby her chalet. tok crap. Laugh n laugh. Till my stomach hurts sooo much. Goons larh u all! Betta off bcuming jokers..haha! so dat was wat happened on sat. de end. Wait. Now on sun. Bdk2 kepalang nie tk tahu nak alek umah. Dey ton there too. In de morning, everyone was looking sooo blurr n sleepyhead. Cant sleep without pillows n bolsters huh??! Haha..didnt went swimming. I dunwan to get tanned on tues. sucks! akak sdare was alreadi whining here n dere. "wanna play pool arh. Hiya" sumtink lyke dat larh. Abeh kcian bdk2 kecik nie. Under 16. she still not satisfied. So we wen Downtown again to try our luck. Again, de farking stuck-up in-charge was dere. *sigh* Discuss peh discuss wad to do next. Took us abt 30mins to get a solution. Wads de solution?? Tglkan bdk2 underage nie pat luar. *ishk ishk ishk* Played pool wif my akak sdare. Again, i conquered all. i won in every games we played. Thanx to my skills in pool. See..told u! haha..she was bingitla obviously. N in de middle of de game, mum n aunts dropped by. Aunt tried playin de pool but none of de balls masuk hole. Kcian.. mum was lyke soo amazed wen she saw me hitting de ball n it actuallie went straight into de hole. Haha..who's ur daughter?? ME!! be proud momma. Afta dat, went to meet adeq n ayun at KFC. Dey were starving while waiting fer us. haha..me too. Im starving lyke a mad dog. Havent eat since mrning. N it was already lunch tyme, mind u! n afta dat we went back to de chalet, jus to put ayun's oatmeal. ayun n adeq were already whining so loud. Dey wanted sooo much to play pool too. So we went to de Costa Sand's pool. n amazingly, dey allow ppl below 16 to play de pool provided dere's someone above 16 to accompany dem. So I taught adeq how to play de pool n she managed to capture de skills very fast. If akak can make it, so can u..haha..lame-ouh! De kakak @ de counter was very nice to us..Lyke it..eventhough we called her twice to help us retrieved back de 'stucked' balls. Hehe..it was already 6.30pm wen we got back to de chalet. Slack around on de bed. Music blasting off too loud. Butts were moving n shaking to de beat of de RnB n reggae songs. Corny jokes were told, followed by a pimp laugh. *hah..haha..ha..ha..ha..haha..* By 10pm, we were already feeling sooo bored to death. So we ajak ayun's mum to de bowling. It's on her. sooo, on je larh! Haha..we played 2games. 1st game, haha..my score was second from de bottom. Maha slack..n ayun's momma managed to be de top bowler among us. Unfair! Hehe..n soo, we were all not satisfied. So we dcided to play a 2nd game. Dis tyme around, I managed to score second from de top. Abg shafwan was first. U bozzo!! U were supposed to aim fer de longkang oke, not de pins. Hate u soo much. Anw, u jus won me by 9pnts je..big deal! *stick out tongue* Haha.. Got back at de chalet at around 1am. everybody was feeling dyem hungry, so aunt cooked us some Maggie. N @ around 2am, momma came down n brought us some chickens. Yummy! Soo delicious! But she went home afta dat.. So.. Noone ton on de second nite xcept me, adeq, ayun, her momma, nenek n some of her guyfwends. We cant sleep till around 4am. were giggling soo hard weneva we made stoopid jokes. N I mean reallie stoopid jokes. Adeq was msg-ing wif irfan n I was already snoring away. Ayun next. I woke up @ 8am first, den adeq. N ayun was still snoring away. So adeq tickled her to wake her u n guess wad she said jus sec afta she opened her eyes?? "jom sembahyang subuh" haha.. "sembahyang subuh kan pagi2. skrg da kul 8pagi. Tebiat pe??!" I noe it's kinda lame, but she made it more lame den i do. took a bath, had breakfast, nenek went 'high' on dat dae. haha..she was making lame jokes. N she made us laugh early in de morning. Till our stomach hurt soo much n till i had to ask her to kip quiet. My goodness! Soo crazie her. n..i broke my black ring. Accidentally. Lyke fark rite??! *sigh* We checked out @ around 10.00am. dey went straight home but adeq n me were feeling so hungry. So we stopped by @ Mac in Downtown n had our breakfast. It's been months since I ate breakfast at Mac. Pity me..! Nice journey home..i lyke! *wink* Reached home. Took a bath. It's sooo nice to feel de warm water on me again. N went straight to bed. Dis is wad u call heaven!! Reallie heaven..! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, May 22, 2005 1:51 PM ;||*happy bdae Ciko*|| To my Ciko, Happy Cikoric 17th Birthday!! *muacks* hope ure in lurve wif de Volcom tee from me to you! *wink* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, May 21, 2005 4:32 AM ;||*de bitchy session*|| Focus dirah. focus. Get some sleep cumon!! All u nid is jus another 4hrs of sleep or so.. ya..ya..ya..i cant sleep u bozzo! Talked to rabia on de fon again till 1.30am. had some great laugh in de middle of de nite?? Yerp. She made me laughed soo hard dat I thought I nided to rush to de loo to do some business. Had dis bitchy gossips. talked abt Man. talked abt wads sooo gonna b xciting wen skul reopen. talked abt $$. N bla bla bla.. gud luck gurlfrens fer ur driving basic theory todae..! although u gerls didn't wait fer me!! screwed u gerls..! haha.. n I fall asleep @ 2.20am. nice entertainment Carrie. N I woke up @ 8am. *sigh* Laid on de bed. Listening to my MP3. reading June issue CLEO mag. Hoping to fall asleep again, but..but..ouhh..! cant! So I got up @ 9.30 n do some house cleaning. Well I tink I nid to do some house cleaning b4 de house gets totally out of hand. cant rely on sis. Urgh!! N finally afta bathing n eating, I did dis. Blogging. ishk ishk ishk *shakes head* Lets talk abt yest. N noting else but yesterday. Haha..dun sigh. Gonna be interesting, trust me! So yest i got my timetable. Afta 2mths of holidays. N rite now, im in Year2. unbelievable! Ouh..wadeva. de moooossst fun part is dat im still in de same class as Syasya. N my CDS is Japanese. *eyes rolling* N yest I went out wif fahn. Had our picnic. I spent abt 10bux on junk foods n drinks. At one moment de sun is lyke scorching hot n another moment, it was raining cats n dogs. Oke, lets tok abt wen de sun is still scorching hott. Luckily i didn't get myself tanned. i dunwan to look all tanned on Tues wen i return to school again. So half of de tyme, im under de shade. Talking abt suntanning, dere's dis lady who actuallie did suntanning dere. She's in her black bra n her black girls boxer. Laying under de sun, upside down. N all of a sudden, de area was filled wif apeks n more apeks. Of all places, de whole long stretch of de beach, kat situ jugak dey did their fishing. Dese apeks are all ‘CIKOPEK’. Nak tangkap steam larh. N obviously de lady is feeling soooo uncomfortable n she walked off. N 5mins afta she walked off, slowly de apeks also left. See..how obvious can it be. Stooopid cikopek. Noting betta to do isit. Go watch blue larh. Rather den tangkap 'ikan'. *eeewwwwww* Had soooo much fun wif him yest. Im soo head over heels wif him. Hehe..n at dis one moment, I actualli threw his Reef slippers so far away but luckily it didnt kena de sea la. N I told him to go fetch it. haha..im bad! Saaayaaang awak larh! N at dis one moment, he pushed me sooo hard dat I fell flat on my butts. n I went.. *Ouch* And he went *hahahahahahaha* Den by 5, de sun suddenly hide. So I told him to pack up before it rains. True enuf. Before we could reach Downtown, n before we could seek shelter, de rain came pouring on us. n de faster we ran fer shelter, de heavier de rain came pouring. N so we had to seek shelter @ Costa Sand. N we're trapped there. totally soaked under de rain. Fer almost 20mins. Waited n waited fer de rain to stop but it didn't stop. i was already asking de cloud wen isit it gonna stop pee-ing. We still nided to go to Downtown. N dere's NO shelter, mind u! finally, we took de risk. To jus walk as fast as possible to Downtown. I was already dragging my feets bcos my jeans are soooo heavy!! It's dyem wett! Jus as we reached Downtown, de rain came pouring heavily again! N we still had to walk thru de carpark to de bustop wif no shelter. Again. So I dried myself in de toilet, touch-up wif some makeups, n undo my hair. n we sat n talk @ Downtown fer 30mins. Waiting fer de rain to stop. so in all, we got stuck under de rain fer atleast 1hr. Shucks! Ouh rabia, ailah. Saw dat gerl again at my bustop. De gerl who dyem dyem stare @ us at Kopitiam. She was staring so hard at me wen I alighted de bus yest. N de mat kopitiam went "ey, tu dirah kann?" ya rite. I swear I dunno u all. So wads de motive of de gerl staring @ me??! wadeva it is, wen I meet her again, I gonna confront her. serious. Gonna asked her why she gaf me dat dirty look. Gonna asked her wads her prob. U gerls should noe me betta. Deal. So wait fer my entry which goes "de day I confront her" haha.. Wadeva larh. De gerl should jus mind her own butts. Not tryin to be rude, but mind ur own business! *pimp laugh* Ouh yes, gonna end dis entry wif some bitchy stuff. I hate dat Hollerback Girl song. Sucks!! Gwen's voice totally screwed up. Soooo infantile n juvenile. Lyke ewww...! n DJs, u guys can do betta den kip playing dat song. End. So dere goes my bitchy session. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, May 19, 2005 5:26 AM ;||*Bump That(Clean)*|| Omari: This is for the hunniez up in the club (say what) Do me a favor show me some luv And for the thugs off in the whips (said come) Do me a favor bump this remix Get your hands in the air when we Bump That Just take it to the head girl Bump That Shorty actin all good girl Bump That DJ got the single man Bump That Rollin on 24's when we Bump That Got the wrist on froze girl Bump That Plenty Air Force One's I can Bump That Step in the club like come on know i can Bump That You and me behind doors (Bump That) Let me see your body roll (Bump That) You got the club on swole (Bump That) Booty jumpin like a toad (Bump That) Chorus: Look at shorty over there can you Bump That Yeah homie best believe i can Bump That Just show me where the club and the Bump at And I'll have her sayin please daddy Bump That Repeat Fizz rap: He said she said Fizz so cool Everytime I see him I lose my cool Fizz can you take that shirt off dude I'm like naw that ain't cool Freak two girls then I'm off to the next The one in Minolo's she's the best The one in Gucci she can be a pest I like the ones on the East but i love the West Omari: Remix so hot gotta Bump That Guys sayin it's like what Bump That Well maybe hit it in the (whoo)! I can Bump That I wanna hear you say ooh O Bump That You wanna take it to the door i can Bump That Stepping from the half i can Bump That Said put your money where your mouth nigga Bump That Suitcase full of cash I can Bump That I'm with my girl Shonte' (Bump That) Up in the Escalade (Bump That) Cuz she know I'm paid (Bump That) With B2K (Bump That) Chorus Repeat We off in the mansion popping bottles of Crys Ya'll ain't never seen no honniez in a party like this Fizz rap: So we made our way to the back of the drop Scratchin my back like please don't stop Trynna make my way under the halter top I'm gettin these honniez my (whoo)! One set with big ol' figures Thick chick with cola figures Fizz make you bounce like tigger You was big but guess who's bigger Omari (talking): Keisha can you Bump That Ashley, Jasmine can you Bump That Davida Morgan can you Bump That Yo son Solo can you Bump That Whitney Vita can you Bump That Mi'a Moni' can You Bump That Hey shorty ova there can you Bump That Hell yeah B2K we can Bump That To all my thugs in the whips can you Bump That To all my players and pimps can you Bump That DJ's in the club can you Bump That Radio's show me love can you Bump That West coast East coast can you Bump That Mid West Dirty South can you Bump That And all my niggas over sees can you Bump That Hell yeah B2K we can Bump That Chorus Repeat R. Kelly: It's the remix It's the remix B2K and Pied Piper (R. Kelly) repeat Omari: We just right now Off in the club Came with the original We number one Jarell: We didn't mean to throw it in your face like that. Facts are facts. Ya know. Reality check. Holla. Check the billboards *Pimp laugh* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005 3:55 PM ;||*gracious..*|| So here it is.. Read her blog. De gerl who I tink is sooo bubbly, chirpy, light-hearted n I dunno. She is de vivacious gerl I noe so far. nope, im not talking abt my gurlfrens. Dunwan to mention her name here but she's someone in my link of friends. Often, wen u bumped into me, u will alwas gif me dis warm hug, dis craziiee so-long-neva-meet-u behaviour, lyke u luv n mis me sooo much. Well oh well, I reallie2 luv u too my gerl. ure jus de sweetest gerl I noe. But afta reading ur blog, I cant see de rainbow n sunlight in u again. N fer dat, I noe u're somehow hearbroken. N all u wished to do now is to cry ur hearts out. Oke fine. I may not noe wad de heck is goin on wif u but I reallie reallie reallie reallie noe dat someone had messed up wif ur heart. Whoeva de person is, he or she, is NOT worth ur tears my swit gerl. n de one who is worth ur tears is de one who neva makes u cry. So honey, pls stop crying n get on wif ur life. It hurts a lot to c u in dis situation. U gonna sit fer ur o's dis year. N I wan noting but de best from u. I wished I could help u but I dunno wad I can do fer u xcept to left some words fer u here. honey, if u were to read my entry, pls pls pls gif it a thought again. Dun cry darling. Everyting's gonna be alrite. Be strong no matter wad happens. Even if ur heart is falling apart. And if u reallie need a hug, im all here fer u. Cheer up honey!! Tings happen wen u least xpect. Ouh no..now im feeling sooo down fer u. c..i cant c my dearest in tears. it hurts alot. *sigh* Wadeva it is, yest I couldn't force myself to sleep again. N sooo fortunately, rabia called me up n we tok fer more den 1hr till around 1.19am. sumtymes it's sooo nicee to talk to ur gurlfren. Especialli wen dere's sumting dat matters. So actualli nothing matters. We jus thought we nid to talk n talk n talk. Well mayb gossip too. We're gerls aftarall. Haha.. N afta talking wif her, fahn called me @ 2.45am. n so I had a sweet long talk wif him till around 3.30am. n both of us were alreadi feeling sooo sleepy. N finally I fell asleep.. N todae, I went to fetch him afta his werk at his workplace. It's his last day, so I tink I should do something sweet to him. Ouh well, ive been sweet to him all dis while oke??! no mayb, it'll be betta fer him to walk out from de building fer de last tyme wif de person he lurves. And dats me. duh! Had lunch wif him. Nowhere to go actualli n I wanted to go home early todae bcos tomorrow we gonna haf picnic together. Just de two of us. how swwweeeet..hehe..! Reached home @ 7. was feeling verie giddy. Mayb bcos I drank de red bull?? Haha..lame..or mayb bcos ive been inhaling too much smoke?? More lame..but I refuse to take panadols. I hate medicine fer goodness sake! Eeeww..! Laze around. Watched AFW. Was laughing my hearts out. till daddy told me to giggle n not laugh. Noisy perhaps. Haha..cnued wif 'Just for gags'. Stoopid candid jokes. But I managed to laugh at it. soo, de show is a bit successful here n dere, fer able-ing to tickle my heart. next, 'American Idol'. Ouhno, I tink Bo gonna on final. N i tink de country gerl totally screwed up. Vonzell..hmm..too hard to say rite now. Luckily im not de judges. Phew!! Good luck judges! *Pimp laugh* N afta dat, I watched 'CintaInternet'. Dis is de first tyme I watched de show. I missed de first episode u c..n amazingly impressive malay show. It's a combination of Indonesian and Singaporean artist. Dhea Ananda who played as 'Via' or 'Vi' is sooo dyem eye-candy! She got dis natural beauty. N her hair!! She freaked me out fer once. I super-duper adore her hair! E fringe too..! Lurve dat gerl..hmm..i wish i wish to be just lyke her. *dream* N afta dat, i cnued wif 'Eye for a guy'. Gross! Totally gross! Listen honey, u're waaaaayyy betta off wif some otha guy oke??! n NOT from either one of dem. Dey totally screwed u up. Sumtymes u should noe guys betta!! Dey're jus out dere to win de game, not ur heart!! Get it at ur fingertips now Denise. *screwed* Wed is alwas lyke our day. Adeq n me. @ home alone. Momma left us wif some spaghetti to eat n yaaaah..we made a fool out of ourselves. See.. ![]() Can u do betta den us??! n.. I said sumting abt a patch of my hair turning golden brown rite?? Here it is..exclusively fer u to see n fer me to show u.haha.. ![]() ![]() ![]() Boring. I dunwan to cnu anymore. Soooo boring! Gracious. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
4:52 AM ;||*colors make me happy*|| I had one patch of my hair turning golden brown. Dis is wad u get wen some 'professional' dyed ur hair. Haha.. It's oke gerl..it will fade off soon. I hope. Hehe! Momma's getting jealous afta seeing my hair changed color. n..she intended to get a hairdye fer herself too n begged me to dye it fer her. Women dye their hair to cover-up those gray hair. Ladies n gerls dye their hair fer beauty. Agree?? Watched Desperate Housewife yesterday. It's getting more n more exciting. Tryin to find de murderer. Susan's trying to find her one true luv. Bree's trying to cover-up de humiliation she had to face up together wif her so-called hubby. Gabrielle had to face up de reality dat she was facing financial problem. N it goes on n on n on... Phew!! Amazingly impressive story.. Wad else?? ouh..ive been receiving neva-ending calls from dis private number. No, not my hp but my home phone. Im wondering who's dis stooopid pervert. It is lyke, he got notink betta to do. De first calls was lyke 4daes ago @ 1am. yes!! 1am..n my home phone is still ringing. It's understandable if my uncles call but not dis tyme. So mom picked up de fon twice. Silent. No voice. third tyme, dad picked up de phone. Again, silent. N de fourth tyme, dad asked me to pick it up. So I picked it up. Said 'hello' but he gaf no response. Xcept fer his breathing. So I put down de phone. N it kept ringing continuously fer another 3tymes before I tink, de caller gets totally tired of redialing my number. Urgh!! N de next dae, it continues. Dis tyme early in de mrning @ 10am wen I was still in my dreamland. Mum was out @ supermarket. So I had to pick up de fon. No choice. N again, dat pervert. My goodness!! He had all de tyme in de world to do dis stoopid stuffie. Arsehole!! N at nite, it cnues again till todae. So ppl, if ure my fwends, jus gif me a buzz at my hp. Bcos if ure goin to call my home n it's private, I'll neva ans de calls. Now..it's getting freaking irritating..!! Well well well..im stuck again at home. I refused to top-up my MRT fare n mum refused to gif me de bucks. But de good new is, I still haf atleast 150bux left. Ouh no, minus $35 fer my hp bill. Weehhooo!! My budget fer my hp bill finally paid off. *sigh* School reopens next week. Fun but boring!! Fun part is, I get to see different kinda ppl. boring part is I haf to start generating my brain. Haha..lame-ouh me! Listening to de song 'bump that' by B2K. im moving to de beat while typing. Haha..luv dat song soo much. It was sooo groovy wen dey played dis song at hiphop fest. Dun wori, I'll post de lyrics some dae my little children. hehe.. Well dat's it. too tired n freezing to move on.. It's freaking cold in my room. Tata ppl. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005 5:37 AM ;||*ouhhooo..im waiting*|| I forgot to include sumtink in my previous entry. Oh no. previous previous. Yes. Haha.. Ive uploaded some pics in de *//snapshot section. Feel free to surf. And surf.. im stuck at home todae. No. im not grounded. it's jus dat I refuse to go out. haha..im trying to save on my MRT fare since im onli using bus concession. So.. Here's de deal todae. De gurlfrens wil cum to my house to dye my hair. N in de aftanoon, we'll slack at Kopitiam. But I dunno..Seems lyke my doorbell havent been ringing from jus now. Haha..told me dey reached @ 3 but fer sure, dey're gonna be late! im soooo used to it..haha..! aftarall we're humans. If we're not late den we'll alwas be making mistake. True. Oke, frankly speaking, im hiding sumting from all of you. Yes you who is reading my entry..! It goes lyke dis.. Dad had bought me an MP3!! Can u believe dat??! afta all de ouh-please daddy..hehe! so here is it. PINK creative muvo N200. veriee de girly girly. Dun scream syasya!! Haha.. bet u're goin "dirah!!! How could u!!!" rite?? Hahaha! Got home at 9.30pm yest. De family went out wif no tujuan. Jus to buy de MP3 n eat dinner outside. Dats y we're home early. Aniwae, dad's werking todae. *sigh* Werking life sucks!!! Ssshhhssss!! Yup. Where was i?? ouh yes. So I got home n msged fahn. He was in Johor btw. He asked me if ive checked de shoe rack in front of my house. But soooo unfortunately, I was bathing wen he replied my msg. So it took me afta 15mins to realise dat I got a msg from him. Haha.. I was realli curious to noe wad de hell is inside my shoe rack. So I went out, open de shoe rack n guess wad??! I saw a Stussy paper bag!! Ouh gosh!! I was soooo jumping up n down wen I saw de Roxy flipflop I wanted sooo much dropped out from de paper bag. N daddy was staring at me lyke im some kinda mad gerl. n momma was soo blurr looking at my reaction. I went straight to daddy n showed him de flipflop. Straightaway he asked "who give u?" n I smiled from ear to ear. N momma interrupted "mus b fahn la nie.." All I did was smile away. Adeq was peeping from my room. Oke!! So im totally de luckiest gerl yest. Don't you agree??! Haha.. He made me realli realise dat im soo fortunate to haf him. Yaaahhh...realliee fortunate! Thank you darling. Im still waiting helplessly fer my gurls. "dimana si kamu2 semua. Beta sudah penat menunggu nie..bisa dtng ke tidak si??" See..dey made me go craziee waiting. Dey'll be here ani minute from now so I betta log out now. Tata peeps!! I'll be back wif more entries.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Monday, May 16, 2005 6:46 AM ;||*im too tired!!*|| i slept @ 4.30am n woke up at 10am. Gawd!! N rite now im feelin sooooooo sleepy. How I wished I can cnue sleepin till 3pm?? I got stomach upset u see..dats y I couldn't force myself to sleep. N rite now, I feel as if somebody just punched my eyes. Soo puffy!! Hmmph Finally ive changed my bedsheet. Thank gawd it's pink rite now. Feel as if de princess is on bed. Haha..lame-ouh!! *im de princess* *clap clap* No.no. im too tired to type rite now. So lets jus go straight to de point. So yest we had dinner @ Simpang Bedok. Was dere till 11pm before we dcided to go to Mustafah Centre. N I was lyke goin "huh??! Mustafah Centre now??! 11pm??" n daddy went "yaaahhh. It's 24hrs open wad..!" Lurve it. dah mcm pat KL. *ishk* Was in mang sait's car. N it was raining too heavily. Wif all de thunderstorm. Veriee scariee actuallie. N half of de tyme, he wasn't speeding, bcos we cant even see de road. Dun mention de traffics. Cant even see de stopping line. Get de picture?? *raise eyebrows* Shamsul was reallie de talkative boy in de car. He's jus in Pri2 but de way he talked reminded me of a Pri5 kid. We were talking abt scary movies n dyem gawd shit!! He watched more scary movies den I do. N most of de tyme I was shaking my head wen he asked me if I had see dat movie. Hmm..how in de world did he manage to catch de movies without me??! wif his parents?? Noway!! Hate him at dat moment. Haha.. Not onli movies. But songs too. He can memorise all de artist names. Brilliant him. Oke, now I HAD to praise him!! N de car was filled wif onli RnB songs. Full blast. Parents supporting mah..! n we were goin craziee in de car, singing sooo loud dat his mum too was singing wif us. haha..hancur..! So we reached mustafah. N as usual, no parking. Not to mention adeq's boyfwend. Countless. Too much to count. Haha..jus joking adeq. Dad reallie wants to buy me Creative muvo slim mp3. I lurve dad to max!! but sadly, dere's no pink, so he said, it's oke. We can always go to Audio House on Sunday. Yaaayyy!! Now dis is de BEST part!!! Listen gurlfrens. I bought Revlon hairdye. At first I tout of buying light copper brown rite?? but den daddy said it's not nice. So I chose de medium golden brown. N daddy said de color is lyke old ppl. oke fine. So I go fer light golden brown! Haha..n he lurves it. mum too. *yippee* Rabia was goin "oh my momma" n ailah was goin "wow!" n fahn was goin "youu..i taknak gegerl I jadi minah!!" haha..yaa..dey made me laughed. But relaxed larh. It wun turn out to be dat bright on asian hair wad. blum cuba blum tahu..kan3??? hehe..so tomorrow im dying it n de gurlfrens r invited to my house. Haha.. *skips around* Reached home at 3am. but couldn't force myself to sleep bcos I got stomach upset. Now.. Lets recap wad I ate yest. 1 plain prata. Fried Lontong. Chicken kebab. Chicken wings. 1 prata plaster. Shucks!! Too much fer my stomach to digest. Haha..wen I eat, I reallie eat. Wads more if it's free. Not my treat. I'll eat lyke nobody's business!! N den throughout de whole dae, I will force myself to breathe in n maintain. Stay dere. Fer at least 10 secs. Haha..lyke duh..i cant go around wif a bulging tummy rite?? ewww..so ugly!! Jus not me..! N yes.. I prefer to spell tuition as tution or 2syen. Bcos dats de way I speak in my own tone. I dun go around telling mum n fahn n my gurls dat I got TUI-TION. Im betta off wif TU-TION. So buzz off. Ure not lyke de siblings of Oxford rite??! eeww..stay away oke mosquito?? Thank you. Oke, momma's yelling alreadi. Got to go. Nid to iron my clothes bcos dey're goin out ani minute from now n I nid atleast an hr to get all dressed up. Im a girly girl. Mind you..! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, May 14, 2005 12:26 PM ;||"pompedem pompedem*|| Woke up yest lyke 10.30..was making my bed wen I jus realised dat I need 2 change de bedsheet. Seriously, I dunno y im dragging sooo much wen my new bedsheet gonna be de pink one. Pink?? Yahh..im sooo in lurve wif pink. Don't u noe don't u noe??! Haha..stop it. *eyes rolling* Planned to jus vacuum my room but I ended up vacuuming de whole house. Eeeww!! I jus cant stand dirty house. Even if ure toking abt minibits pieces. Ouh gawd..i tink im gonna be de next jlo's gerl. who's so in lurve wif cleaning de house n cooking..beat me..!! Wads next?? Took a bathe. Ate chicken rice. Mum cooked it. Superb! Ironed de clothes n off to meet de gurlfrens. So here is it. janji mlayu. Kater 2.15, end up meeting @ 2.45pm. hehs!! noone noes we betta den ourselves. *wide smile* I had to head to Wisma's flash n splash to get fahn's volcom tee. N I need to find a bdae presie fer Ciko. He's bdae is lyke next wik n I haf sooo lyttle tyme to wrap it up. N obviously, beautify it. haha..first impression tells all mah..! saw dis ripcurl tee. Verie ummph!! I like..but waaayy xpensive. Over-budget. So, pacific plaza is de ans. Went from shop to shop. Surveying every single tees dey had. Wen all of a sudden, I had de feelin de stock of de Roxy flipflops had came in. true enuf!! But fahn promised to buy it fer me. n I soooo refused to get it by myself. So I was in dilemma. To buy it or not. *sigh* Nvm. wen de stomach is empty, de head cant tink. Dcided to haf our lunch at Cahaya. De best food in town!! So yummy! Wadeva we ate, char kuey mus alwas be our side dish. Oke, so im too full to tink now. Msged adeq. Asking fer her opinion. N she said up to me but I already haf my Edc flipflop. Quite true actuallie. Dyem gawd shitte!! N ailah was making a joke infront of me. n rabia was laughing so hard bside me. I cant help it too..i mean siti sudahhilang??! Haha..brilliant name. So I dcided to cum out wif dis joke mum told me. It goes lyke dis. wad is de color of de baby's teeth wen a Chinese woman is married to a Negro? Nnn obviously ailah was goin yellow!! N rabia was goin brown?? Haha.. Wen actualli de answer is "how can a baby haf teeth wen deyre born wif jus de gums??" And we broke into laughter again. Oke gerls, fun's over. Headed back to Pacific Plaza again. Still cant dcide wad to buy. Ripcurl?? Volcom?? Globe?? Quicksilver?? Saw dis Globe tee. Sachok!! But $49 fer a tee??! Kirim salam je larh. My budget is $40. so I bought him a grey Volcom tee. Bcos I personally lurve Volcom sooo much! De designs r waaaay betta den Quik's. true. So next mth, im gonna search a Volcom layout fer my blog. Haha.. U go girl..!! Preety notink much @ Orchard. So we went down to Bugis @ 6. I was hoping to buy dis black beaded necklace but I cant find de one I lurve. So I had to ask Syasya to buy it fer me wen she go down dere again. I wan exactly lyke urs. Not dose aunty2 one arh. Next, I wanted a thick black ring earings but no stock. Screwed dem!! Jus not my day todae. So de trend now is wearing a button-like earrings. No worries. Ive bought dem looong ago. N beaded necklace n bracelets. Dat can wait. Urgh!! Rabia got herself dis bag fer onli 10bux??! Screwed u!! it is sooo hell-ya worth it!! wait. U should thank me bcos I saw it first. Yaahh..me!! bah. Nvm, I wasn't searching fer dat bag anw. I jus wan a black transparent bag n dis weaved bag. It is soooo me. hehe.. next mth perhaps. Was heading out wen we saw dis ouh-so awesome tee!! N I was alreadi grabbing fer de yellow one n rabia was already goin crazee over de purple one. N shucks!! We bought de same tees!! *twins* So todae I overspent again. Haha..mally gonna screwed me again n write a testi goin "dirah!!! How can u overspend again??!" *shucks* Dats wen I gonna feel guilty all over! Hehe..u see, I dun haf ppl to stop me from spending, so im a shopping bitch. Cant help it. haha..! Ouh..thanx rabia fer de LV watch. Mum said it's soooo nice. N I tink im in lurve wif it. *serius* Again again..i missed Chase. Blame de stoopid bas larh fer cuming sooo freaking late! N Anthony is out from American Idol. *yaaaaayyyy* Vonzell soooo gonna be de gerl. And and.. Dis is lyke de third tyme I cried watching the O.C. *boohoo* sooo dyem crestfallen. *awwwww* Don't talk abt one tree hill. I fall asleep watching it. I mus be tooo tired alreadie.. Stooopid pimple!! Of all places, kat sitttuuu jugak kau nak timbul. It's lyke in btw my two eyes, in line wif my eyelids. Yaaahh...dere!! exactly. N I had to wear adeq specs to cover it up. I cant possibly walk around in public wif one bulging pimple on my face rite??! its sooo dyem obvious. Freak!! Cant resist it everytyme I looked myself in de mirror. How I wished I can squeeze de hell outta it. squeeze so hard until I go "urgh..ah kau!!" haha.. But obviously, mum will screamed at me fer having sucha itchy fingers. Nvm, I shall wait till tomorrow.. *urghh* And now.. Im sooo in lurve wif mimi's we belong together n jlo's hold you down. *tralala tralala tralala* N finally syasya made herself a blog. Cant resist looking at mine rite?? haha.. but urs is too purple-lish n mine is too pink-kish. Wad de heck. We're colors freak!! Hehe.. Decided to haf my own creativity on my blog. So I designed de pic on de rite by myself. No. thanks to Adobe ImageReady. Nice?? No? den fark off. Haha.. Originality matters. Thank you. Gonna watch Beautiful Illusion now. Its de last episode. Noway im gonna miss it!! bitchy Fann.. hee! Peace. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, May 12, 2005 12:03 PM ;||*i like..*|| I told u, im a vivacious gurl. I dun let my gurlfren do her stuff alone. So I accompanied Syasya to Lavender to make a new ic. I tink she got dat disease from me. losing an ic. Haha!! lyke wad else can I sae?? if u hold ur own ic n u can lost it, so can everyone else. lyke ur mum. Hehs!! so gurl, mayb afta dat, I suggest u ask u daddy to kip it fer u. *stick out tongue* Ate @ Mac since de both of us were craving over Mac's food. It's been a long tyme since we ate Mac. Skali skala tukar selera, aper salahnyer kan?? Den I went over to fahn's werking place. was supposed to meet him at Tamp interchange but i wanted to gif him a surprise, seeing me in front of his workplace but I dunno if it actualli werks or not. He's expression-less. Hehe!! he said he wasn't dat surprise to see me waiting fer him at his workplace bcos wen he called me afta knocking off, he kinda heard busy roads in de background n he said it's impossible to hear busy roads @ de intrchnge. Oke fine. Im sooo foolish..! Hmmph! Ate at Food Junction. Told him I wanted to try de roti prata at Century Square. It's my treat todae. Heaven!! Havent been eating prata since 2mths. N de curry is sooo tasteful. Yum! My day will always end wif a tution. So I had tution jus now. Had to do some science revision wif de girl. She's sitting fer her science mid-year exam tomorrow. To be frank, I hate science wen I was a pri sch kid. It suxs!! It needed lotsa memorizing. N jus now, I jus memorized de reproduction of human beings. Here it is. 1. sperms from de male's testes will released into the female's vagina through de penis. 2. the sperms will travels through de fallopian tube. 3. only one sperm fuses to the egg and de remaining sperms will die. 4. de egg dat was fused will be known as a fertilized egg. 5. the fertilized egg will divides to form many cells n a baby will be born in de mother's womb. Well... Dats it. So my swit gerl, if u can't memorise dat, nvm. I did my job already. I managed to memorise dem while trying to get dat in ur head. Hehes! N yes, im a richgirl todae. Shopping is in my list tomorrow wif my dear gurlfrens. *i like..* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005 4:53 AM ;||*boredd*|| Did u watch Desperate Housewife yesterday?? Did u see de new gardener? Justin?? He was blardie dyem hott!! How I wished Singapore will born dis kinda hott guys. Haha! n.. Did u catch de last part? Oke, it goes sumtink lyke dis, afta summarizing. "U often lie to urself to sleep n wen de next morning come, u realise it's all true." I totally agree wif it. I mean, fer me, wen im in dilemma, all I did to force myself to sleep at nite, is to lie to myself dat everything gonna be alrite wen I wake up de next mrning. And wen de next morning cum, I realise, nothing is changing. De worries n sadness all came rushing back to me. it was den I noe dat it's sooo true dat I lied to myself in order to haf a peaceful nite. Hmm..mayb dats wad u call human. n nadeeya, afta reading one of ur entries, de one entitled 'sometimes', I tink wad u said totally made sense. one tinks letting go of dat person solves everything, but u're wrong. Afta letting go, u realized dat u tends to miss dat person even more. N wen ure waiting fer dat person to cum back to ur life, dat person is already waiting fer you to get on wif ur life. How naive n stupid humans r..atleast ppl lyke me. *sigh* Oke, enuf of all trouble tymes. So on sun, it was supposed to be a family day fer most of de families but my family sat at home. De whole dyem freaking dae!! y??! simple. Bcos mum had to mend her friend's stall n was supposed to be home by 4 so dat we could go out but dere was a sudden change of tyme, she was asked to mend de stall till 7. great. Dad was already freaking out. I mean, she cared so much abt her fwend, n not care a bit abt dad. It was already 9 wen she got home. N dad was alreadi turning lyke some kinda mad dog at home. Snarling over everitink. He even threw de cordless fon from one end of de living room to de other end. OMG!! Ive neva seen him lyke dat before. He was going crazee..! I was realli scared dat I stayed in my room half of de tyme. Doin dis handmade frame fer my walls. ![]() Luckily everytink was fine on mon. Yest. Yesterdae, fetched fahn at his werking place sumwhere in Bedok. It was my first tyme goin dere so I reached dere 45mins earlier. Call me miss-earlybird. N I had to sit at de bustop, lyke some kinda free woman, looking at de road. Ergh! Actuallie dere's dis woman at his workplace trying to seduce him. Trying to capture his heart. N he was so freaked out abt dat. dat sumtymes he had to overtime jus to avoid her. dats y he called me down to his workplace to fetch him so dat de woman will stop harassing him. So I saw de woman yest. She was looking down wen I looked at her. n fahn couldn't stop hugging me in public. Trying to show her to get her own life. True. Hehs!! Lyke I said, nothing can cum in between us. Ate Delifrance yest. His treat. How swit my darling is. Hehe.. Just a simple note fer my gurlfrens. I'll be rich again by wed..! it's soo nicee to haf a monthly pay. Don't u noe don't u noe?? Haha. N ailah, kip smiling n don't frown over wad had passed. Kip urself occupied n trust me, u'll be a bubbly girl again. Rabia, dun tink too much. Jus go fer it dis sat. don't let a gentleman slip thru ur fingers. U'll regret it. fer sure. *evil laugh* My swit syasya, soriee I cannot accompany u todae. Some tings cropped up at de last minit. So, dun wait fer me yah. Ic is soooo important oke?! Dun wait too long. Luv u ppl. *muacks* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Monday, May 09, 2005 5:23 AM ;||*happy Mother's Day*|| Feel so restless todae. Obviously, I didn't haf enuf sleep again. It's not dat I dun wan to sleep, but I jus couldn't force myself to sleep again wen I woke up. *sigh* I got a veriee farnie story to tell. I dunno if it's farnie or not but to me, it's farnie plus pathetic. Oke. Oke. Here it goes. Yest I came back from tution at around 1+pm. I was walking along de road, heading home. I knew dat someone was walking down de stairs at my rite, but I didn't turn around. Den suddenly, I heard a deep voice saying "Hello". I stopped n turned to my rite. hoping to see some kind of a muscular guy wif sucha deep voice, but u noe who was dat??! Fine. Dis bangladesh. Trying to step sexy wif his dyem pathetic voice. cum-on larh. If u cant seduce me, jus dun try ur luck larh. U sounded more lyke a tiger which can talk..! Sheeesshh!! So I just cnue walking. Ignoring him BUT he followed me!! shitte you!! U tink wad??! Pantat kau larh..! so I step brani. I just walked at my own pace. But I could stil hear his footsteps goin 'thump thump thump'. Lyke he didn't noe how to walk. Ergh!! Stoopid bangla. Notink betta to do isit?? But luckily, he went in WestPlaza while I walked outside WestPlaza. Mayb he's tired from following me..! haha!! hope he got sesat in dat WestPlaza. Tebiat man. So lame-ouh!! Told mum wad happened n she laughed at me. she can even say dat my face looked lyke those high-class phillipino. Dats y de bangla was afta me. Ye-lah tu..!! niceee joke momma. @ nite, went to Costa Sand chalet. Dere's a Mother's Day celebration goin on wif my cuzens. Yah. N I made a fool out of my grandmomma. U noe dis old folk, at dis age, all dey did is melatar. Haha. So I kept disturbing her. I counted 1..2..3. n usually afta 3, we will snap de camera rite?? n she followed afta me..but her's doesn't stop at 3 tau. Her's stop at 5. hehs! N I went "nenek, stop at 3 onlie larh. by de tyme nenek count until 5, photo nenek pun da taken. Abeh nanti kat gambar, mulut nenek terbuka" n she jus replied "iye?? Ambik lagi ble?" Nenek..nenek. pakal la nie digicam. Ble delete2, if not, waste film onlie. N wen we told her to cut de cake, she refused. Bcos she wanted to take photo again. I kept on smiling until I cant smile anymore. *shake head* Was reallie tired afta dat. Got home at around 2am. n straightaway I went flat on my bed. Until fahn called my hp at 4am pun I didn't realise. Wen I woke up, dere's 2 missed calls n 4 messages. Wakaauu!! First tyme I sleep mcm dead ppl gtu. Bomb jatuh pun agaknyer aku tak bgn.. Hehs! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Friday, May 06, 2005 3:49 PM ;||*fridae is dating dae*|| So romantic yet sooo cold. Oke fine, I suck at dis. Wad im trying to sae is dat I had a great tyme just now wif my hunnie eventhough it was raining sooo heavily. So yah, fri is lyke a dating dae fer me..! Went out at 12.15pm. being de sweetest darling, he waited fer me not at de void deck but at my doorstep. Hehs! Veriee switt indeed!! Told him I havent been playing pool since de last mths n mths I tink. U see, he cant see me wif my sympathetic face, so finally he agreed on playing pool on Fri. wow!! been sucha a looong tyme tau! So out of 7 games, I won thrice n he won four tymes. UNFAIR!! I was supposed to beat him flat..! mayb another tyme perhaps. My skills not dere yet. Haha!! since he won, he paid de bills. I noe. Was supposed de other way round, but heck. I suggested on playin, so he paid. Hehes! Next stop. Pacific Plaza. Den Wisma Atria. Den Heeren. He wanted so much to buy dis Volcom shirt n I wanted so much to buy dis Roxy flipflop. But to our dismay, de Volcom shirt he wanted so much, doesn't haf his size n my flipflop is already out of stock..!! so, de moral of de story is, dun hesitate to buy if u lyke it so much alreadie. Gud! Now im starting to whine again..! *sigh* Wadeva. Ate at Cahaya. Dats de best place to eat wen ure feeling down. Their foods are superb!! Realliee superb..! *Yum Yum Yum* Our food dat we crave sooo much.. ![]() Still not satisfied, we went down to CTLink, hoping to get wad we wanted. But nehi!!! Dun haf. Fly away. No stock! Den suddenly de whole dae felt so miserable. Headed to Esplanade to get some fresh air n nicee panoramic. Bot Mrs Field cookies n brownies, ate till we had enuf of it. seriously, de reason I lurve choc soo much was bcos it will brighten up ur dae if u're feeling lyke shite! N it makes u hyperactive. So we r totally hyperactive n occupied ourselves wif photos. Another way to kip our smile goin.. More pics to cum at //*snapshot section. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
3:44 AM ;||*thurs jus a thought*|| Jus wen I thought life is so beautiful, I realized dat not everitink is in place. Im in a fix rite now. Fact is, I didn't mean to hurt you at all. Im sorie if ive hurt u in any ways, but I do hope dat u can find somewhere in ur heart to forgive me. *sigh* I shall not elaborate so much here bcos I meant to kip dis ting jus to myself. So yest nite, I couldn't sleep again til lyke 3am?? Yerp. How sickening it is. Tossed here. turned there. but still couldn't force myself to sleep. N fer once, my hp didn't beep at nite. It means dere's no msges at all. It's freaking bored I tell u. finally I managed to sleep but woke up at 9am. N dere I go again, couldn't force myself to sleep back. Shitte!! Y arh??! Izit bcos ive been sleeping too much?? Nolarh. Or isit bcos I wan a new bed?? Haha, dat mite be de reason. Ye-lah tu..! De farnie part is dat, dahla aku takle tdo, bleh mimpi plak tu biler tetdo. Hehs! I dreamt dat I went to dis saloon, to get my hair highlighted. Guess wad colour??! blonde. Maner peh matsaleh larh eh. Haha! so I showed mum dat I wanted to dye dat color n u noe wad she said in my dreams?? She said dat "y dis color? It's too dark larh. Y not go fer yellowish-blonde?" mampos!! Niela bdk2 zaman skrg. Planning peh planning nak dye rambut, sampai termimpi2. haha..! I tink I will dye my hair in august. Bcos rayer is in November. N I want to rebond my hair again in October. So august, sep, oct..3mths apart. No worries. Wun spoil one. *raise eyebrow* Wad colour should I go fer?? Let's tink of mahogany. No, dyed dat color once before. hmm, wad abt dark brown?? Nono. Doesn't match my skin tone. Oke, I tink I go fer copper brown. No. prefer lite copper brown. Nice nicee.. *wide smile* Was changing something at de blog template wen suddenly half of its source code went missing. N believe it or not, I didnt save it. fer once, I was so kanciong mcm kene sambal blacan gtu. Luckily I was in info-comm, atleast dere's some skill on how retrived back everything. *phew* Lucky me. I was wondering wad to buy fer my adeq sdara bdae prezzie. He used to be a mat-rip but now he's into surfing. Ive put aside some cash n I tink I will go down to either CTLink or Pacific Plaza to hunt fer his prezzie. He ever told me dat he wanted a boardshort so much. Either quicksilver or volcom. My gawd!! Dat one onlie cost around 90bux. Nak mampus??! So I tink I gif it a thought again..hmm.! See.. Even mat-rip n minahs shop at dis surfing shops. Roxy. Quicksilver. Volcom. Ripcurl. It doesn't matter where u shop as long as u look gud in it. Y buy some high-class stuff wen u look like a some kind of a lost fashion-crime lady? Rite??! Rite. *thanks fer agreeing* Todae is Thursday. Thursday is a TV heaven fer me!! *yay!!!* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005 12:58 PM ;||*come wad may*|| Jus wen I wanted to dial Syasya's no, I remembered dat she's in KL. De same goes to rabia. Shitee arh!! I jus nid one of u to accompany me to lavender n buona vista. Nvm, fact is, I had to go by myself. Pfft! Planned to go out at 12noon but I overslept. Gud. Bcos im totally tired from yesterday. So I went out at 1.45pm. headed to Lavender alone. Sitting in de MRT alone felt soo stupid gtu. Luckily, dere's music to accompany me. actualli I went dere to collect my IC which ive lost it. I noe, went to Lavender jus fer dat??! Lyke duh, wad do u expect? Im turning 18 soon n I nid my IC to show ppl dat im legal. Legal fer almost everitink. Hehs! De new IC looked nicee.. I mean betta den de previous IC I got. Dey've changed some stuff, dats y. den I took de train again n headed to buona vista. Jus a few stops away, lyke 10 stops??! Boredom!!! Managed to get myself a seat afta a few stops. But den, afta another 2 stops lyke dat, came dis old man n he stood directly in front me. Typical Singaporean. No courtesy. No respect. So I had to offer him my seat instead. Nvm old man, jus hope u live long. Got down at buona vista n to de MOE building. Sickening building. It's lyke u haf to exchange ur IC wif a pass. Luckily ive collected my IC if not..i screamed at de top of my voice. da gtu takpe. Had to wait fer my queue numbr plak. Waalllaau!! Troublesome lyke shitee!! n it was sooo boring, especially wen I had noone to talk to. *roll eyes* Not jus dat. I jus wished dere's an aeroplane to pick me up n sent me back to Pasir Ris bcos I can't help it sitting in de train from Buona Vista to Pasir Ris. Ishk!! Lyke from hujung tanjong to hujung tanjong sae. fer sure, my butts will be flat. Reached Pasir Ris. Walked in de interchge to take a bus home wen dis group of boys, I tink around 7 of dem, called out my name. Wen I turned around, believe it or not, I recognized NONE of dem. Again, sickening!! I mean, how de hell did dey noe me wen I curiously don't noe dem??! Oke, simple. Friend of dem told dem my name. Lyke dats de onli reason. Bah. Met a fwend daerah my house. Slack n slack. Dats de onli ting I do wen im bored or wen I refused to go home early. Received a shocking news at nite. Someone's getting married!! Someone my age. No,1 yr older. Someone who is veriiee rapat to me. Someone who said dat she'll wait fer me to get married. But wait. Ure marrying earlier den me??! aku benci kau!! Haha, nolah, aku sayang kau. Hehe..yah, lyke u said, it's ur fate wif him. So y wait rite?? anw gerl, I'll wait fer ur invitation card n definitely I'll cum to ur wedding. No. Actualli im waiting fer ur invitation card to prove to me dat u're seriously getting married. Hehe!! I jus can't believe you. Not about marriage ting larh gerl..! ouh ya. i will alwas luv my adeq come wad may.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005 1:50 PM ;||*zoo*|| *phew* I jus got home from Singapore Zoological. Yah. U read it rite. it was my idea to go dere since I havent been dere lyke 10yrs??! U can laugh, I noe. Asked de whole family to tag along bcos I seriously miss dose daes wen my family went fer an outing together. Oke fine, even though im alreadi 18. No, turning 18 soon. The admission fee was lyke $14 per person. So 14 multiply by 5 wad do u get?? 70bux rite? habisla papa aku, pokaila jawabnyer. But he just forked out 50buxs n told us to topup de remaining. *nice idea dad* ERGH!! I was alreadi jumpin fer joy at de entrance. Tak sabarla babe nak tgk binatang2 nie. Da bertahun2 tau tak visit drng..hehs!! took a lot of photos. De animals. Us. me. sistas. Parents. Basically, im de photographer fer de day. De photos will be up soon at de //*snapshot section, so click on it oke? *wide smile* Thanks!! Was realli amazed how bijak de animals are. Especialli de AhMeng. Wow!! dey are betta trained den humans. I guess. And during de show, one monkey was stucked directly on top of me, from where I was seating. De monkey was supposed to appear from de top, n it will travel down de rope to de stage. But dis particular monkey got stuck on top!! E rope tied to it got tangled wif de other rope. Hahaha! Veriee kecian..! Ate at KFC. Its on mum. Wad I eat eh?? Zinger burger, cheese fries, mashed potato n 1 piece of chicken. Ouhhoo!! Dats alot! Yummy! Haf to go on diet soon bcos im getting FATTER n CHUBBIER!! According to me n my mirror onlie larh. Dad was supposed to buy fer us an MP3 but he escaped!! Bcos we can't find de one we want. Pink creative. So he said next wik he'll get it fer us. betta kip ur words huh daddy!! Hmm wad else?? Notink else. can't wait fer my darling rabia n syasya to cum back home. Im missing dem. Ouh rabia, fahn gonna buy me de Roxy flipflop. Sooo haha, kiss urs gudbye jer larh eh..! And syasya, ive finished up my monthly income. So, no shopping till next mth. Boohoo!! That's It For Today. Goodbye.