Saturday, April 30, 2005 4:44 AM ;||*friendship*|| Im sooo tired!! Veri tired..ouhno! criusly I dunno y im sooo tired. Mayb bcos ive been getting up late dat I felt so dragging throughout e day?? yest, e TV was all mine! Thur is sooo heaven to me coz from 8.30 to 12.30am, I will jus be lying on bed, shaking my legs..! wif my juice next to me..SLURP!! Dis part realli annoys me. can somebody pls do sumting to Scott?? Jus get him outta de America Idol. He suxs to e core.! It's jus his luck dat he's stil in de hot seat. N wad??! e rocker had to leave??! FAKER!! It's sooo fake. I cried together wif Paula Abdul during de show. See wad I once told u, tings will happen wen u least expect. Ouh mann, wish u gudluck afta leaving us. and I bet, Vonzell can beat Scott, u irritating jerk!! Pfft! Anw yest, I bumped into Khadijah a.k.a didi. No, she bumped into me bcos she's e one who called out my name. Wait. PRCSian, do u remember her? my batch. So to be honest, I was veriee surprised to see her, but more surprised to hear her calling out my name. Ya now y?? bcos we weren't in gud terms during sec sch. Bcos of sumtink veriee privacy. But now is in 2o05, lyke yah. We should jus put de past behind n NEVA turn back again. EVER. As usual, she alwas looks swit to me. although some ppl might tink she got dis stuck-up face, but hey, she isn't dat snobby ya. She's friendly to be exact. It's great to say hi n chit-chat wif a sec sch mates. Dun u tink so?? So gerl, nice to haf a chat wif u afta sooo long. Miss ya.. I miss Rabia. I miss Ailah. I miss Syasya. I miss Fahn. I miss Anndreanna. I miss a lot n a lot of ppl. I hope dey noe dat I miss dem loads. I havent been catching up wif Anndreanna. I dunoo. Tink she's getting married soon. So I miss a lot of my peeps. *sigh* So, my point here is dat I treasure friendship. Dat is ME. Friendship means everything to me. Bcos losing a friend or rather a bestfriend is lyke picking up scattered pieces of broken memories. One by one. Day by day. It'll neva end. Dats how it feels. Losing a friend is lyke losing every memories u had wif dat frend. N it takes days to accept de fact dat u lose a friend. Or rather a besfriend. So friend, if u're trying to haf shit wif me, I dun care. Bcos I too dunwan to go thru friendship thingy wif u..wait till u lose someone close to u..wait till ur bestest friend stabbed u by e back. Just dun try ur luck wif me. if u gif me shit, I'll make sure I gif u DOUBLE de shit. See who gets kick in de arse first. So jus stop ur bimbotic act. It's so infantile..! GAWD! Ouh, I jus cant wait fer the PENTAS thing. It's todae @ 7.30pm. Sis said it's gonna be veri exciting n impressive. Malay dancer. Dikit barat gerls n boys. Malay drama. Poems. Sajak. N lots. N de theme fer dis PENTAS is luv. Cool rite??.. LUV IS BLIND. CINTA ITU BUTA. Hehes! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Friday, April 29, 2005 8:36 AM ;||*new word*|| here it is... u ARE infantile ludicrous crapper gerl!!! find out urself wad dat werds mean.. bdk2 cuming to ur PENTAS tomorrow..see ya in e auditorium room..! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:57 PM ;||*fuck off MAYA*|| here's a BIG NOTE fer her!! wait. one question gerl, r u sure u're 18 dis year?? ouhhooo..i doubt so..!! u're so DAMN immature. GAWD!! anw, dis is me. MEPEK TAK LAYAN!!! yay! i hope lyana's reading my blog bcos she lurves my Mepek Tak Layan..hehs!! anw Lyana, u're an eye-candy. oke,where was i?? yah maya, u noe, it's TOO bad dat i dun haf tyme to even tink abt how well u write in UR PRECIOUS blog. neva has dat thought cross my mind, u crapper woman!! ouh, adeq asked u to go surgery fer ur nose first den can talk. Sheessshh!! adeq, ure meaner den me..muahahhahaha!! can't help it gerl. jus mind ur own business bcos DIS IS MY BLOG!! i haf every rite to write wad i wan. ouh yes.. goodness is in dictionary. not GUD-NESS! ppl's word, not urs. so,buzz off!! stop tinking i follow ur style! lyke ewwww...!! SUPPPPEEERRR NEVA!! u wan me to find another ppl blog dat coloured their words?? lyke white, blue, pink. n wadeva?? ey makcik, bukan kau srng la yg uat gtu..blambak maut!! kau pkir kau srng pe on Earth??! i tink u should jus do another job by goin thru every ppl blog n spot every single ting dey wrote dat is similar to urs. i tink dats the PERFECT job fer u. not a waitress..! n abt de *eyes rolling* n bla bla bla..get ur own life larh gerl. lyke everybody doin dat!! not u alone crazee woman. where's ur life? ouh,did u left it in ur pocket?? take it out FASTER, bcos ure getting crazee n crapping here n dere. *puke* One more ting gerl, u read my friendster profile den my blog. N u're trying to find evey single minor detail in me so dat u can brag abt??! Puhlease la woman, oh no, gerl, I dun tink u dserve dat woman title bcos ure stil immature. Anw, get your own life larh n stop being a busybody. Bcos every ppl has different taste. Dun expect dem to be perfect in ur shoes lar. If ure NOT happy wif me, n if u tink ure dat great, dat 18yr old lady, cum forward to me n we talk face2face.! I bet u haf dat courage. If u realli haf dat courage, anityme gerl, prove it to me. I will be waiting fer dat day to cum. Fer dat one hell day of me to cum. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005 3:43 PM ; Looked at myself in de mirror wen I realized I got puffy eyes. Puffy eyes during school holidays?? Mus b crazee..but im NOT lying. Bcos ive been sleeping late lyke 3am every nite!! And every aftanoon, I'll feel sleepy but I cant sleep bcos de sun is soo damn bright! So no choice, I had to tahan my eyes. Irritating to be exact.. haiz!! Mum was nagging n nagging since I woke up at 11.30am to 1+pm..GAWD!! fer one thing im surprised, y izit dat mum can always go nagging lyke 1hr or more without getting tired?? wonder deyre known as momma. haha!! So de reasons she got very pissed off is bcos me n my sis still dunno how to do housework wen one is alreadi 18 n de other is 19. shheeesshh!! To be specific, we don't noe how to wash our own clothings and undergarments! N she's irritated bcos half of our clothes were all those dat cannot be washed using washing machine. N poor her had to wash it using hands. Oke, now im siding wif her. NOWAY!! My ears gonna burst any minute from now! So from today onwards, she reminded us dat she's not goin to wash our clothes if it needs to be handwashed. OMG!! So, I had to do it myself?? Now many curses are goin thru my head. No,im not cursing her, but my clothes. I mean y mus those eye-catching clothes always nid to be handwashed?? Ergh..!! pathetic! Forget abt dat. It'll onli make me sick. Im goin to start another meaningless entry here. just bare wif me ouhplease! Bumped into someone yest at Orchard. I don't want to mention his name here but wad I noe is dat I dun really want to see his face ever again afta wad he did to me in de past. Thanks to him, I got a farking n sucking past lives!! Here's a note fer him, Dear mr i-noe-wad-you-want, Im sorie if I didn't smile at u or say hi to u yest wen I bumped into u. I noe u wanted to smile at me n approached me but I walked too fast dat u can't catch up wif me. im not trying to be snobby or wadeva it is. I tink it's betta if we jus kip our distance lyke wad u did to me afta shit happened btw us. u left me all alone wen I needed you e most. I prayed every nite to get u back but my prayers didn't cum true. Mayb dere's a reason bhind everything dat happened. N bcos of dat, I started to dump more guys, playing wif their feelings lyke nobody business.It's all bcos of you. I soon got tired of wad im doing, I too wan a lovestory. So I jus get on wif my life without you although it was damn hard fer me. bcos at dat moment, I still lurve you. I lurve u too much dat I cried every single nite. I waited helplessly fer your phone call, msges but I received nothing. Now, someone had given me a torch to lite up thru my entire life. My feelings fer u finally fade off. I hope I dun owned u aniting. So please, im begging, if ever a dae cum wen u want to acknowledge me as ur fwend, I would gladly say thank you but it's all passed. I realized dat u've turned into a new leaf. U're no longer de mat-tappered I noe. But dat's it. if possible, I dun ever wan to meet u again bcos u will onli bring back de sadness in my life. Phew!! Im done wif dat. My dear peep who is reading dis entry, just an advice fer you. I noe it's hard to forget de person u once loved deeply. Ive gone thru every farking lurve life. so, my advice fer u, never hope too much from de person u lurve. Bcos wen u dun get wad u hope fer, noone will be disappointed XCEPT you my dear. Disappointment is de last thing u expect in your love life. If possible, jus treasure de person now b4 dey're gone. Love lyke it will never hurt. Love lyke dere's no tomorrow but dun put hopes bcos disappointment will await you. Oke, let's stop. It's getting too touchy n mushy here. haha!! Wadeva it is, Dat's jus a piece of my mind. Wan another piece of my mind?? Here it is, Im sooo in lurve wif FARHAN mazlan hehs!! Dun puke bcos dis is true..! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
3:17 AM ;||*Bitching around*|| Rite..let's start being a lil bitchy here. it's been daes since I last bitch around. I mean wif my entries, mind u eh..! I wanna bitch abt Muzika Extravaganza!! So rite afta watching de amazingla superb Muzika Extravaganza, I tink I wan to be involved in Mediacorp. Hehs!! Im lying, I noe dat. I cant act. I cant sing. Ouh wait, I can host!! Y not??..haha!! n den I'll be e female version of Suhaimi minus e boncit n de big size larh.. Haha!! im mean. Ok stop. Aint funny aniwae.. As usual, I was waiting helplessly fer my one n only Taufik Batisah to perform. Weweeet!! Oke, apology first to whoeva-i-was-talking-to on de fon. Bcos I jus say "ey oke oke bye!! Taufik nak perform nie. Aku nk tgk. Bye bye!!" n I jus slammed down e fon n rushed fer de most front sit, which is rite in front of de teevee dat I tink I can spot his pimples. Haha!! or mayb I can looked straight into his nose. Gudness!! Oke oke stop!! There's always dat one person dat will always have ur heart U'll neva see it cuming cos ure blinded from the start Noe dat ure dat one fer me It's clear for everyone to see Ouh baby..ouuh..u will always be my boo.. So he sang My Boo wif dat woman!! Any criticism? Yes, her voice was flat n in malay dey say penyek. Flat mampus dat I tink she spoilt de whole song. Not onli dat, too high pitch!! Dat wen she duet wif taufik, his voice sank. Fer gudness sake!! Anw, I was just drooling over taufik, I dun realli care how de woman sounded, cos I could onli concentrate on taufik sleeky moves..hehs!! Dayang was realli cun-melecun. I jus adore her hair. The curls. Nicee.. n I lurve CT song dat she sang. Seriously I forgot e title. My mind is blank, told u!! hehs! Although de fact is dat I dun realli lyke CT, but I lurve her songs. Amazingly impressive!! Ruffedge!! Deyre playful on stage n Gawd..the shortest guy wif dat long hair was realli cute. My gawd!! He got sucha big eyes n I adore guys wif big eyes. Weehhooo!! N blonde hair Triplenoise, u looked soo not ewww but gorgeous!! Haha. im mad. Boys wif blonde hair I say gorgeous?? Sumting is reallie wrong wif me. no. his hair matched his skin tone. Dats y. aint a mat but a cutie! Wait. I tink my entry todae is really meaningless. Haha!! before it gets more meaningless, I tink I should stop bragging. Don't u tink so?? Nvm.. Anihooss.. I haf a date wif Syasya later. Hitting e town as usual. She wanted to buy dat oversized sunglass. Mayb I get one, mayb not. I dunoo.. Dis part is 101% true. We will surely hit e Pacific Plaza fer ROXY stuff later. Bcos she's goin crazzee over Roxy afta I told her dat dey got new stuffs in. and 102%, I will drool over e flipflop dat I adore AGAIN. Shitee..! One more. Haf u seen slow-moving snowflakes?? Yes. It onli exist @ vivalicious-dirah. Gudness!! Can e snowflakes lyke move faster?? That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, April 24, 2005 3:54 AM ;||*wish upon a falling star*|| Fer one thing im sure rite now, I screwed on my eating. I ting I got gastric or wadeva it may be. I can't eat cos half of de tyme, I'll rush to de toilet to either vomit or u-noe-wad. n it's getting freaking frustrating. At one moment, my stomach will crave fer sooo many food n at another moment, it'll vomit out everyting dat I ate. Wad e heck is happening to me??! And my mind is in mess. Totally. I dunno wad im up to. Gawd!! Fer once please help me get out of dis messy jungle. Im stuck n lost!! Ppl are alwas waiting fer their lovestory to begin n me, im waiting fer somebody to back out n gif me peace. Not him though, n also not him. So, dere's 2 him. My life is farking messy! Mayb some words are betta left unsaid. Not words, feelings maybe. Boys boys n boys. Alwas making promises, but again n again, dey're broken. Should I jus listen to wadeva his feelings r or should I just put it aside since I onli take him as a fwend?? I duno.. Deep down inside, im confused wif my own feelings. How can I luv another person wen my heart is alreadi in luv wif fahn?? Naive n crazy u may say I am. Yes indeed. He's driving me crazy. I watched ppl around me laugh, smiled n giggle. I laughed, smiled n giggled too. But dey don't noe im in a mess. Mayb im e one who create dis mess so im e one who will clean up de mess. But how??!! How am I eva goin to start to clean it up?? Wad if de mess become worst. Or betta still wad if I left more prints behind?? I didn't wan to gif him so much hope n pls pls pls don't wait fer me even if it's two years or more. Im serious wif fahn n I wun let ppl get in btw us. atleast fer now n foreva. U may let out all ur feelings towards me, say dat u luv me, say dat u miss me, say dat ur heart is stucked to mine. Say wadeva u wan bcos I cant return dem back to u. but I will treasure all e words u once said to me. I don't want to leave u brokenhearted, so it's best if we just stay as fwends. Who noes wen u were sayin all dose ohsoromantic words, u're drunk?? U drink, I noe dat. Im reallie suffocating. Here I had a communication breakdown, dere I had a total mixture of feelings. Im in total shittee!! I cried everynite, waiting fer miracle to happen to me. waiting fer an angel to come by n sit bside me on bed, telling me dat everything gonna be alrite. But none of dat happened. So wad exactly im waiting fer?? I dunoo.. If u were me, wad would u do if u had to leave someone whom u regard as ur bestest guyfwend?? Someone who reallie cares abt u?? or wad would u do if he leaves u, saying dat he dun wan to mess up ur life?? I dun wan him to leave, yet I dunwan him to mess up my feelings n my lovestory. The question is still left unanswered. Because im in a mess n my mind is blank. Sometimes wen u tink u haf everything else in the werld, u dun realise dat u're mssing something. And sometimes wen u tink dat u haf all e ppl around u to care fer u, u dun realise dat wen u're in dilemma, u had onli yourself. U'll feel lonely. How I wish a miracle will happen n an angel will come by... That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, April 23, 2005 2:52 PM ;||*happi bdae leha*|| First of all, To my gegerl leha, HAPPY LEHARIC 18th BDAE!! Todae was ssooo much fun. REALLIE. I aint kidding. We went to Orchard. Bitches cuming down to town to shop. Yes!! We're bitches in shopping. U see it first, u grabbed it first. Done. Noting much in Zara except dat Rabia bought herself dis white tee @ $35. Sharkkss!! We tried lotsa clothings, messed up e fitting room bcos I cant decide whether I should buy dat yellow tee or not. N rabia can't dcide if she should buy dat orange top or de white top. But atleast she bought one of it. not me. bcos im goin crazy over e afro man tee..!! hehe Wanted to chill out wen rabia saw de bag dat im craving fer at edc. But both de display were in green. I wan e red one!! Asked the salegerl n e saleboy. Deyre weren't sure if it's still in stock. De oke-oke-cute saleboy checked it out fer me and taa-daaa!! He came out wif e red bag!! Opps!! I didn't noe I shriek infront of him. Sorie. U noe rabia, I tout he didn't realise it but I can't help it..!! finally I got e bag afta a long search.! Phew!! I notice dat gerl. e saleboy was staring at us!! didn't tell u dis, but he got red hair.! hello!! Fer once im soooo happy!! Can u atleast gif me some space to jump up n down?? Or mayb roll myself in ur store?? How else can I show u dat im overjoyed n crazy over edc stuffie??! Took a break n ate at Esteler77. Leha's recommendation. I mus say de food dere is not bad. Especialli de ice milo. Superb. It's been a long tyme since I drank milo, n todae I got e most superb milo in town. Nicee.. Went down to CTHall bcos we wanted to chill at Esplanade. N I wanted to buy de white tee wif e afro guy face in front. Veriiiee cutie!! Oke, dere's dis FCUK black tee wif printings in pink which cost $60. Fabulous!! But 60bux fer a tee?? Mus b kidding..put ur class aside bcos u can buy 2 tees wif 60buxs! Huh!! *eyes rolling* Bot Mrs Field brownies. Ate at Esplanade. Chilled dere. Photos taken. Lots n lots. Dere was some gig goin on dere. So, not suprising to find mepek2 ppl dere..hehe!! e rooftop was unbelievable..!! yeah, afta e renovation n everyting. It's veriee I wish he was dere wif me too..ouhoke, wadeva!! So gurlfrens, if everyting was taken away from me, u gurls will alwaz be in heart. Friendship means everything to me.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005 1:50 PM ;||*chillers*|| I slept at 1.30 in de mning yest n I woke up at 10.30am todae. Itupun adeq kol my hp, if not I'll still be dreamin n woke up at 1pm. Ergh...!! All of a sudden, im so sick of goin out. lyke no life sae. Planned to stay home 2dae but thanx to sista, she ajak me go TP use e comp. I HAD to agree though. Went to popular. Bought e kid a maths assessment book. As usual, I cant dcide which to buy n which is the best book fer her. ouh well, so I stood in front of e shelves n stared blankly at all e books. Macam goondoo gerl sae.. finally, I bot it. n I realized it's damn difficult. Luckily dey provide answers wif solutions. Smart-ass!! Went to Missha next. Bought a froze white eye-shadow. Not those colorful2 nyer eh..looks lyke e makcik2 zaman dulu2nya sae..zaman wen dey used pink wif blue. Eeee-yucks!! Spare me! Its true dat white matches wif almost every clothes I wear. So no troublesome. Imagine wearing colourful n thick make-ups. Lyke eeewwww!! Actually, I dropped my eyeshadow flat on e tile. And taaa-daaa. Into pieces now!! Waaalllaauu vewy disappointed sia. Did I tell u dat im clumsy wen im in a hurry? Yah, so I was in a hurry. Dats y. Im malay, dey say “Padan Muka” to dis kinda ppl. Didn't wan to go home early, so chill at kopitiam near my house. it suxs!! I neva-eva chill dere xcept to eat. So thanx to arif. He made me sat dere n bot me a drink. Maceh larh banyak2..! Since e dae I moved to dis estate, I dun realli mixed around wif e ppl here. To be frank, dere's a lot of mats here. So u see y..?? But obviously, how long can I hide from dem? Sooner or later, dey'll get to noe me. and so e sooner or later is NOW..?! How kental can it be rite? Pfft!! So wads wrong wif hanging out wif mats n minahs at de kopitiam??! Deyre human too aftarall. But dat doesn't make me a minah if I hang out wif dem rite?? tell u, deyre a bunch of funniest ppl..! uhuh, not lying.. *shaking head* And we tok. He tinks its not nice fer a gerl to smoke. Yeah, to a certain extent I agree. To a certain extent? Haha..sounded more lyke history tyme..bah! Wadeva. So dats it. I told him I dun find smoking addictive. You wan it, u smoke. Or not, discipline urself. It works! Trust me on dis...!! Lyke ive neva been a teenager gtu. Oke fine. Im still a teenager. But fark, lyke spending 11bux on a packet??!! Isint dat a REAL wastage? Hmm.. U dcide. Not me. I dun loathe smokers bcos of some reasons. My dad smoke, so if I loathe smokers, is it e same as if I loathe him?? gooons! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Monday, April 18, 2005 12:41 PM ;||*GuessWho*|| Yaaaayyy ppl, I got my pay oriedie. Tapi tak stakatla. Atleast I got blue paper notes in my burberry purse. Haha..! Went to Suntec wif fahn to catch GuessWho. It's on me u see..hmmph! heh heh..we made it fair. I paid e tickets @ $17 n he paid e nachos @ $7..oke. a bit fair I mus sae. did I tell u guys dat I hate Bernie mac? Well yah, he's lyke the main char in dat show. shhheeeSh!! Here's y I dislike him: 1. his voice suxs! 2. irritating to be specified. 3. ouhuuh, he aint gorgeous. 4. aint an eye-candy And.. 5. he's black, ouh ya, I hate him black bcos his hair is dark n mcm curly2 gtu. Eeee-yucks! Y cant he be jus like Usher? My man.. *he's GORGEOUS* Nice movie. Veri farnie, u mus see how a black guy reacted upon seeing a white guy. somemore must accept him as part of e black family. E ups n down. Kinda funni n hmm..wad? sad? Mayb dats e werd. Ya noe y? bcos not all ppl can accept everyone.. E last part was realli touching. I cried in the theatre. Lucky me it’s dark, ble tutup malu ckit. Haha.. I can't stop singing dis song mann.. Oke2,here's some of it. Baby wont you tell me why there is sadness in your eyes I don't wanna say goodbye to you Love is one big illusion I should try to forget But there is something left in my head It's by MLTR. Wad an old group huh?? Lurve it. *Tra la la* stop singing gerl!!!!!!!!!! Rabia!!! Ailah!!!! Can u here me shouting ur names? Can u hear my heartbeat?? It's beating soooo FAST!! Bcos im sooooo happy!! Weeeee!! I shan't sae it here bcos kinda privacy larh happiness nie..haha! Happy pun ader privacy eh..ey ader! Me..? Saw dis white tee wif dis afro guy in front at CTlink. Vewy niceee...! @$15. but neva bought it. bcos I want to shop n shop wif my gurlfrens dis wik. i wan ur comments. Ouh..rabia. I hate u!! I cant find e edc bag at any store! Izit sold out?? cant b wad! it's sooo latest!! U betta get one fer me huh if not aku upah pencuri suro dier kidnap bag kau tu! Hehs! Dis is the frustrating part. Dis kentalan n stoopid man fart in front of me at e interchange! I was siting, waiting fer my bus wen I heard someone fart! Gudness..! he was standing rite in front of me. lyke 2m away! Pantat dier arh. Da gtu tkpe, muke step tak tahu je. can still smile away. Mesti arh, kau seronok kentut, kiter seronok bau kentut kau per? Stupid old man! Siang2 tknk mampus, da tua menyusahkan org je! he tink he's at home or wad???!! no manners btol la! Hilang sae selera aku nak beli icecream otw home. *touching my legs* Gawd! I didn't shave my legs fer 1week sae..can feel e short short bulu. Gotta do dat soon. If not, mcm guy sae. very ugly!! Wad else? i nid to trim my hair. no spilt ends, but my hair is soooo farking long gtu. N yah, e top part black, at e middle dere, dark brown. Yuckies! Gonna dye my hair, hmm..mayb lite copper brown..?? fark larh, I dunno wen to do it. waduh!! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, April 16, 2005 5:51 AM ;||*longest entry indeed*|| Dis tyme my entry will be damn first ting ferst, if u realllie3 wana read it, my pleasure. But if u start to sigh alreadi, jus kis my blog gudbye oke? Simple. So yest was a whole lot of FUN! criusly. Its been a long tyme since I laugh wif my gurlfrens. We didn't wan to go to gym tdae. Instead we planned dis. Cooked mee goreng at ailah's house. Pack dem up. Set off fer picnic. Yah. So we followed e plan. N fer one ting im sure, none of us noe how to cook mee goreng! Gawd! So, rabia got e recipe from her momma. It was a whole lot fun of cooking together! Blending all the ingredients was a mess! Total mess-ness! Rabia was coughing to the smell of the blended dried chillies while my eyes were in tears n I was sneezing bcos ailah was having fun slicing the onions. The cooking tyme... I stirred. Rabia added the ingredients and ailah prepared the ingredients. Fishballs. Prawns. Sauce. Amazingly, e three of us did not haf the same taste. I swear it wasn't salty enuf, while rabia think it's too salty n ailah think it's just nice. The same goes to its spiciness. So we jus leave it as it is. The packing tyme... We packed the mee goreng n left some fer ailah's sista. She was bz cleaning her room. A pity! Brought along mags n cards. A bottle of peach tea n potato chip. We had our picnic at Pasir Ris Park. Sat on our lyttle mat. Haha! jus enuf fer a butt. Heaven!! Our mee goreng was heaven!! It was darn tasty. Seriously. Gosh, I dunno e three of us had hidden talent! Hehs, it's actualli e fact dat we combined forces to cook. YUMMY!! But spicy.! So thanx to rabia fer e recipe.. Maceh maceh! We had some talks. Moment of bitchiness and gossiping. Hell of fun! Played pakau (cards) wif e devils. Here's wad it said: Rabia will still haf the firmest boobs even if she's very old. So ailah n me were lyke laughing real hard bcos she will still be using Pierre Cardin wif designs while we were already using Wacoal. Heh hehs! I will still be the sexiest old momma among the three of us. Yes! No doubt. and mr fahn will still be drooling over me. Heh heh! And ailah will get married to a fat guy. as in boncit and gemuk. My gawd! Yah dear, we will be the first one to gif your our laughter den our blessings. Haha! Wad else? Ouh yes, we were all tanned! Ergh! Dat was not wad I planned to get..but heck, im alreadi all tan. It's oke cos it's fair to the three of us. dey got tanned too. So now, it's all abt whitening n moisturizing cream..*sigh Anw ppl, we took a lot of pics yest n I promise u I will put it up soon oke? So, jus check it out at the ___snapshot//* section. Fahn asked me out fer dinner at his workplace, since yest was his last day of werk. Suki Sushi. A buffet thingy. Its not a waste to bring me to buffet bcos I got a big container hidden in my stomach. Haha! I miss him very much. Too much I tink. Dat I cant stop giving him a peck. The werld is upside down the moment im wif him. The feeling was so strong. Hmm... I came home just in tyme to catch the advertisement of Chase series next week! DAMN!!! I mis the show. Shite..! it's lyke wad ive been wanting to watch since last week n I missed it yest bcos I was having dinner wif fahn. Mad-ness! So, nadia was voted out yest. I was in lurve wif her from the start but she jus slack. It aint suprising though. But, she got the voice. onlie her pitch was wobbling and had e wrong choice of song. I strongly AM standing up fer vonzell. I got a crush on her. she's totally fab. And anwar. He rocks! Oke, I duncare wad your comments are rite now but im sure dey haf the strength noone else had in the competition. I cried watching the O.C. it was totally touching e way seth bought summer e tickets. N it's so sad seeing how lonely coop is without ryan. Love is always about the two party. It's about how long you can live without dat person. It's not about how long you can live with the person. Agree? That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, April 14, 2005 6:13 AM ;||*wish u were here*|| alrite..things settle fer now. at last! u noe i couldn't live w/o him even fer a dae rite? yeah, im sooo in lurve wif him. wadeva shit we haf to overcome, he neva back out. enuf of it. bcos u guys gonna puke if i cnue huh!! hehs! can u ppl believe it dat im stucked at home on mon n tues? gawd!! lyke me sitting at home??fer real eh..haha!! and im completing an art drawing soon.. so yah,i didnt haf any plans so i just kip my butts at's betta dat way yah..fahn's werking n his manager lyke fark lyke dat. gif werk tyme from 12 to 6pm..somemore he had to werk from tues to thurs!! shitte ar,how am i supposed to spend tyme wif him sae! im sOOOoooo screwed up over it mann!! Hmmmph! wad else? i had to wake up todae at 8.30 in de morning,mind u!bcos contractors gonna cum to my house to do some installing of rivet at the windows!! stoopid dem! cannot cum in de afternoon ker? nak tdo pun takle sae. and dad's not werking todae. ya lah,obviously. deres no other guy in my house if dads at werk.he's jus wereed abt us.blame himself larh fer not having a son.! hehs! oke,im bad. wateva! i jus wish i got a bro.but no lil bro bcos its irritating to haf a lil bro around. rite ppl?? for my gurlfrens latest info.. im broke dis week!! serious. i haf no money wif me. oke i lie. i got onli 10buxs now. dun laugh. its enuf to kip me goin till dis sat. bcos dis sat is my PAYDAY!!! woohooo!! i didnt go shopping lyke 2weeks alreadi!! Pfft!! gonna do shopping nex wik b4 rabia fly to KL. oke?? im off. got 2syen later. just one werd.. SICKENING! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005 4:04 AM ;||*broken heart*|| My mind is blank. And my heart is sore. I have nothing else to say to you. I wish you can just give in to me. I hate the feeling of always fulfilling what you want, But in the end, I received nothing. Useless n helpless I must say I am now. It is too much that im asking from you? I just want you to be by my side, Even if you hate the surroundings. You wanted to settle everything, But you never want to give in. What do you expect me to do? You seek forgiveness again and again, But you never change. You left me here all alone. Feeling lost and in dilemma. I hope there's some other way out, To soften your heart. And for once, fulfill what I want. I hate to say this, but I will never give in to you ever again. Bcos I don't want to be left hurt in the end. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, April 10, 2005 3:49 PM ;||*HipHop Fes*|| Had so much fun yest. Wif my gurlfrens. ![]() Not e hiphop fest tingy. Criuzly, its bored ar benda tu. No fun n not happening at all. Mayb some parts r fun larh but other den dat, it suxs. Ppl are sitting on the mats n not moving to the beats. U'll get dat onli wen deres 10mins music break. And the host mcm nak mati gtu bebual. No energy to live up e place. His voice pun sinking. Guess he's e onli one who can hear himself talking. Ergh!! And... TripleNoise standard. Star karat maut. Dtng kul 10pm, perform tak setakat, den dats it. Kental sae!! Stooopid lyke an idiot fool! And e hiphop fest was supposed to start at 5pm n end at 10pm. But it started at 6+pm and ended at 10.30pm. bcos at 5,ppl r still rehearsing n at 10, triplenoise jus came. Fark sae! Other den dat, e ppl dere r quite fun. yah, bcos deres lotsa youngster. Wen deres lotsa youngster, dere will be lotsa craps. GADUH larh! Waaaayyy merepek. Time lambat btol larh bdk2 zaman skrg. Tsk Tsk Tsk!! E funniest part is dat I came wif onli 4 ppl. In e middle of the show, my mat was filled wif lyke more den 10ppl. Unknown ppl pun join us. some ppl we noe larh, n dey brought their clans too. Gurls n guys obviously. But mostly guys. Bdk2 skrg, hmm..tak pikir umur nak minta no. Klau older takpe jugak, nie younger.. Lyke wads the werld turning into?? Eeewwww! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
2:36 PM ;||*F*ck arh*|| A tutor again dis morning. To be frank, I hate dis kid im tutoring. Damn lazy n stubborn. "Can I not do dis problem sums? I dun lyke dis topic arh. We go on to the next subject arh" Dats exactly e crap she gaf me wen I told her to do ratio problem sums. Sucks! U dun lyke it, u stil haf to do it bcos u cant possibly chose wad to do n not to do in exams! DUH!! "Why izit dat u alwas asked me to do maths? Ive neva pass my maths since Pri1. so y study? I will neva pass my maths" I was really boiling at dat tyme sia. Totally. Dis is wad I did to her. I closed e assessment book in front of her n stared at her. obviously its gonna be lecture tyme. Yah, I lectured her fer almost 20mins. I did make it clear to her dat if she don't want to study, den fine. Just fail ur maths wif flying colors alrite? And den wen ure finding job, just be a sweeper or toilet cleaner. Bcos u fail maths! Simple as dat. Lyke why should I care abt u wen u dun even care abt urself.? U gaf me craps during tution n haf no confidence in urself. U tink I care so much? Fer heaven sake, im doin my job as a tutor bcos UR mum pays me. dats exactly wad momma n dad told me wen I complained to dem. Cant stand dis kinda kid mann. Dey tink deyre sooo damn smart nowadaes! Bullshite..! And e other kid dat im tutoring was very fine. Lurve her. bcos she's smart n she has interest in maths. Lyke I do. Thank heaven! Or not I'll be dead soon. Really. @ nyte, had dinner outside. Im way excited bcos tomorrow deres Hip Hop Fest!! N im meeting my gurlfrens again. Miss them loads! Wondering wad should I wear..heh heh! My gurlfren syasya, hows ur dae todae?? Haha,had a great day?? Ouhhhooo..somebody's smiling now! In any case... Got my exam results. Thankfully I pass. But e grade suxs a bit. Wateva it is, I dun nid any supp papers. Phew! And life has to go on.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Friday, April 08, 2005 3:47 AM ;||*wen gym-ness sets in*|| Whine-ness us! 9.30am to e gym, no excuses! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, April 07, 2005 2:43 PM ;||*SEX issue here*|| Told u! One of my gurlfrens surely gets bored at home. Call us up to mit up n chill at ailah's house. Basically bcos we wanted to attack her comp! Heh heh Einstein's messages huh?? Indeed. He's makin rabia go crazzeee fer heaven sake! Well, gudluck gurlfren! Cookin is DEFINITELY not my cup of coffee. But im lucky to haf a cooker. E perfect tyme wen my stomach was grumbling. Yah ailah, ur spaghetti was superb. And me, totally western. a-PUI arh!! Hehs. We caught the makin of Jarule's caught up music video on MTV. Dis is the best part, it's at e bedroom scene. wOOoohOoo!! Her in bikini n him in boxer. Doin dis sexy moves on the bed. He MUST be lucky huh?? Heh heh Comfortable bed, romantic atmosphere n a real babe to grind. *she got reallieee BIG boobs! Sheeeesssh! So todae's talk-crap topic. SEX. 'playing on the bed' session. 'different moves' session. Yah. So how do ppl make out on e washing machine?? Im wondering..hehe Totally weird!! Wad else? Ouh, wen e gurls get dirty and bitchy, dey go craziee n came up wif stooopid, and I mean REALLY stupid sex moves. Dun believe? Go kiss my shoes... See ya! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005 3:58 PM ;||*way romantic*|| Fark arh. My comp totally screwed up mann! Its lyke the fiftieth tymes I told dad to buy a new comp n he gaf me e old same ans "jus use it while it is still working".yayaya. but dis comp realli pissed me off larh. *eyes rolling* Initially, we planned to go fer a cycle at East Coast Park but it's way too early. 12noon. Went fer lunch first wif mom n fahn. I noticed it! Fahn sooo shy..haiz,ngn mak mertua pun nak malu2?? Ate to our fill bcos I was craving fer Nasi Goreng Thai Belacan. Realli cannot resist it wen adeq ate it yest. took e train n dis bunch of pathetic ite guys was makin lotsa noise. pikir bapak dier pe train pe. n everyone was lyke staring at dem..ewwwww! sickening arsehole-S! fahn wanted to buy a prezzie fer Ben. where? at e peninsula. and darnnnnn it!!! it was raining. u ruined my hair!! at least deres him to shelter me.. phew! its soo mendak dere..criusly! deres lyke no gerl's stufffie n everytings punk dere. *the change of plan* dcided not to go cycling..instead chilled at the Esplanade. woohhhooo!! way romantic. lurve it! sya2's rolling her eyes.i can see dat. heh heh. bought some snacks n red ruby (fahn's fav). n he actualli slept on my lap. reallie sleeping..and i, admiring the ships. Pfft! Wen he woke up, he wanted to go to the rooftop of e Esplanade. So yah, we stood dere fer less den 2mins wen e rain came. Pity-ness! We didn't wan to go home though. Pretty boring. He spent @ Mrs Field fer me, dine in. sat at e red sofa. Sort-ta romantic n its meant fer couples. I guess. He just couldn't stop cuddling me wen I was soooo into reading e mags. R u jealous dat I gaf my full attention to the mag? Wad do u xpect? Im reading abt sex stuffs..hehs! Wadeva it is.. .U ARE ROMANTIC to me. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
6:58 AM ;||*The Quiz Time*|| was bloghopping and came across dis quiz in her blog. find it rather interesting though. THIS is the toe dat i am. Toe#3... heh of it is true i guess. Except some.. toe#3..*looking at my toe#3 rather cute.. here e REAL me...gluttonous. Tak cukup ambik 1 quiz..mesti nak banyak2.. Soft Hearted next.. Dis is the drink dat suits me... wat e fark? beer?? is dat it?! the peace-maker? heh heh..u're rite. as if. Ye....LAH!! *enuf is enuf* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, April 03, 2005 2:54 PM ;||*Miss Singapore Universe - e confession*|| Now im totally melting to liquid. I swear. He was DAMN handsome jus now. And and, he winked at me! yah. Through the teevee. OuUUuhh.. So,any confession afta e Miss Singapore Universe? I got. Tout Rebecca Lim can make it into at least e top 3. but she screwed up during interview n QnA session. Which made her e 4th runner-up. And so, Cheryl is the MSU 2o05. rite..ppl vote fer her n she handled tings well jus now. Superb. Rite from e beginning, i lurve dis gerl. She dserve e Miss Personality award. Natasha?? Hmm,something in her dat made her looks NOT appealing. I dunno, mayb e way she smiled and posed. She looked rather uneasy though. Enuf of it. First thing first. Syasya!!! Did u see my darling dere performing?? Hope soo cos we share e same darling kan kan kan? Heh heh. I tink im in lurve wif the song Eyes On You sang by HIM. Im so in lurve the way he sleeked his body and sway his hips. The way he looked at each contestant wif dis aaawwww looks. WAY HANDSOME. Wad do u tink? And..he sang dat Me n Mrs Jones song especialli fer me. im NOT lying. boohoo! Told u im in lurve wif dat song from e start. But. Did u realise sumtink? He swallowed his own voice at the ending part n lost his voice halfway through e 'ooouuhh' part. Haha. Shame! And Syasya my dear, I do miss u a lot jus in case you are wondering. I TOTALLY miss our 'calling names' days, your blurrness n stoopidness (oppps! Oke, our stoopidness), 'e goreng ikan' tyme in e loo and most of all..Gossiping n bitching around!! Yah. Also e skipping lectures part. The part we cant make up our choice. Haha... So my dear honey, we nid to spend MORE tyme together since we are having our 2mths holiday. Just ring me up oke gerl..miss you too much! My girlfrens also, dirah misses you both alot n alot! Haf to do some shopping n partee some day oke? In any case... Im havin a bad day bcos I screwed up on my eating disorder! I dun haf proper meals since couple of days ago..Sickbird! That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, April 02, 2005 3:43 PM ;||*wen boredom sets in*|| i tink I had an ouchy day n rather tiring dae. ive been goin out dis whole wik. Can sumone pls stoooop me from goin out again??? Tink momma has noting left to say to me niemore. Im stubborn. I alwas get wad I wan n make sure it is the way I wan. Oke. Enuf of bullshitting here. went to Lavender to make my IC. Yah,its lyke duh..i lost it! anihoo,fahn was sooo swit, wanting to accompany me although momma asked me lyke ermmm I tink 10 tymes "adeq, do u wan me to send u to Lavender tak?" n I will go "no nid la momma. fahn is dere to accompany me" n another 15mins,she will asked again n again. Obviously in her pitiful voice. Ooouuuh I so pity her larh but in e end, b4 kissing me gudnyte, momma told me dat she will be very glad if fahn accompany me instead of her. I was lyke wondering "mom,r u oke?didnt u ask me lyke 10tymes just now?" she claimed dat she got loads to do at home. Do u tink she merajuk??? Hehe, sori momma! someday I go shopping wif u okie? *muacks* Fahn promised to wait fer me at 12 under my void deck. But,wen I opened jer e door, he was rite dere sitting on a chair at my doorstep. Fer once,u frightened me. but I noe, ure trying to play e swit guy here rite? heh heh. No needla. Momma gaf me buxs, told me to spend on u instead bcos u accompany me. hey!! Its not fair tau!!! Wadeva la eh. Dis woman at e counter told me to fill up a form somewhere n cum back to her so dat she could gif me a q nmber. Did dat n afta filling in e form, I join e q again. Tout I canot jus go to her n gaf e form. N came dis rather stoooopid woman, go forward to e counter w/o q-ing! helllOooo??? Cant u jus practice basic courtesy here?? totally pissed off. Haf to came back 1mth later to collect my IC.soo, 60bux down e drain. Tsk! Catch e movie The Wedding Date wif fahn. He paid. Comments??? Okelarh..rather boringla e show, not happening. Was abt to fall asleep in e middle of the show wen fahn accidently langgar me. oppppsss!! Gotta some crius talk jus now. I guess, my fwends in dilemma n dunoo. Sumtink lyke dat larh. N I hope tings will get betta n move on. Rite....waiting fer u to tell me..i hope. Hmm aniting else? Ouuhh ya, dad bought mom a new Samsung hp. Its not fair. Totally!! Nvm, I will upgrade my fon someday. Dun care! Heh heh. He said its an april fool present. Lame dad.. I'd like to tell you What is in my heart I have loved you for so long I knew it from the start Tonight I'll dream of you And wish you were here with me I'll wait for you forever Whatever that might be You can have my broken heart And my shattered dreams This is all I have left Or that's the way it seems If wishes could be given to a broken heart And I was given two I'd wish that you loved me The other I’d give to you You will always have my heart I hope you know it too I will never love anyone The way that I love you *juz fer you* That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Friday, April 01, 2005 5:58 AM ;||*gym is e answer*|| haf to wake up todae at 7.45am. YESH!! planned to go jogging todae at the stadium n the gym. its at Tampines if u ppl are wondering.. as usual, i was late meeting dem. so the ferst place is the stadium. did some workouts n runnnn!! two rounds. its alreadi 8o0m tau! lose some fats here n dere. ATLEAST larh. after dat, we headed the gym. first thing first, the treadmil. well, i tink the treadmill is my bestfwend..heh heh.. lose some fats at the arm,tat thing was REALLIE heavy.i dun lie oke. sit-ups fer my belly. n bla bla bla.. guess wad? we went to rabia's house after dat wif our exercise clothes!!who cares...noone saw us wad. took a bathe dere..n ate lunch at her house.. at 2pm,we were alreadi drooling over the comps.pity us wen our comps at home WENT DOWN!! bullshit arh. went out to use the comps outside.n haf ANOTHER lunch!!! ouh..ailah's showed me dis picture from a website...ouhhhhooooOOoo.. LOVELY gerl! cum cum,take a glance.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() tats it.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.