Wednesday, March 30, 2005 4:43 PM ;||*photographer iZit?*|| Was realli bored todae. And tis is wad ive been doin at nite. Being a photographer at home. Yah. Nothing betta to do I guess. Switch on all the orange lites in my home and snap-snap here n there. So, heres some of my skilled in photography. Heh heh just take a glance orite.. ![]() .the living room. ![]() .a hole in the living room through the kitchen. ![]() .the antic area. ![]() .the dining area. ![]() .the room sections. ![]() .the kitchen. ![]() .my study table. Tats all. Pnat tau nak edit..ckit2 je cukup eh. And yes, this section here.. ![]() See the wall? Dat wall was painted by daddy n me on the eve of Hari Raya 2o05!! Yerp,it was daddys brilliant idea larh to paint dat wall orange, with rocks effect. And yah,im the one who has to draw the rocks on the wall and the border. And im the one who had to paint it,while he went to werk n wen he came home, he will stood from one angle and comments. Hes playing e boss here. Duh. Who cares,its b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l in the end. Lurve it dad. Skilled. Gaf my little tution kid a maths homework n a malay thingy fer her to memorise. Purposely did dat to her so dat she wun bcom LAZY animore! Spent the whole dae yest compiling Perkataan Pelbagai Makna for her. got at least 60+ werds fer her to memorise. Im aint bad. Its wad we tutor haf to do to train those kids. Rite? And next compiling will be on Peribahasa. *sigh Im tired. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
1:46 PM ;||*picnic n some touts*|| its fast the daes past. Hunnie didnt werk todae so he planned to go somewhere romantic, quiet n peaceful n deres onli e two of us..yah. he's getting romantic,cant u see it? haha.. so,he suggested the beach..n i agreed. well,aniting wif u darling.. ![]() got out at 12noon,bought some KFC fer lunch and headed the beach..we were having picnic,mind u..heh heh! yeah, it was windy wif some sun larh,although in de morning it was raining..n the beach was beautiful fer once. honestly i was afraid of the sea after the Tsunami thing happened...i pity those people.. and yest,deres an earthquake in Sumatra..and its cuming nearer to Spore.wads dat supposed to mean?? we haf to wake up n be prepared fer any trembling. dat earthquake was similar to the earthquake before e Tsunami happened. But noting happened after the earthquake yest..deres alwas an explaination by e expert. im praying hard dat we will all be save.. mum was #$4353#@^&^*## at usual. she reminded me dat eventhough the Tsunami n the earthquake had happened,ppl still dunwan to wake up n bertaubat.n dat ppl INCLUDE me.bah.mommy!!!!!!!! i will.perhaps someday.i dunno..jus leave it to God. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Sunday, March 27, 2005 4:17 PM ;||*its sunday*|| im soooooo bored plus headache plus i HAF little money left for SHOPPING!! wad am i suppose to do?? hmm.. i woke up lyke 11 in da morning, and headed the dining complete my drawing..i noe. its lame. BUT wadeva, i nid to brush up my skills though. obviously dad was lyke goin "Adeq! u havent bath! go n bathe first larh!!" ergh..i noe dad. soooo....ive completed it!! WallllaaaaAAaa!! ![]() i drew it myself oke?if its nice, thank u! if its not nice,JUST shuttup oke? wen poppy saw me drawing dat pic, he said i was drawing his face..onli dat dis guy look menacing..soo,got dat werd as my drawing title..MENACING..and he asked me to frame it up. yah,dad..i will oke? i jus nid some tyme to do my pinque frame.handmade. by nite time, everyone at home was lyke SUPPPPppeeRR gatal. cannot pun their butts at home so poppy asked us out! go where??? Mustafa Center!!! can u believe dat? lyke many bangla. dis is e farnie part. told adeq dat her fwends were scattering everywhere. (the bangla larh) and dis is wad she replied fwends, akak ira boyfwends and akak iya husbands!!- haha! adeq! ure sooooo act-cute sia. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, March 26, 2005 3:13 PM ;||*im on holidae!! - oke,dun HATE me*|| Did I tell u guys dat im on HOLIDAY now? Yah..its a 2mths holiday. Bah. Obviously no school, no study n no waking up early in e morning. Dats a YIPPEE though. But im BORED. Lyke duh, wad else can I do now. So, dis are the plans ahead. My holiday will be spend wif art drawings. I jus cant get enuf of art larh. Anw, im completing a drawing soon n it will be put up here someday. So, check it out huh! Shopping. Part-tyme tutor. Its so OBVIOUS dat im lazy to werk. And gym! Yerp..2 tymes per week. I nid to werk out to burn all those hidden fats. *sigh De dae was spent wif rabia. Ailah couldnt make it due to her family bBQ thingy. So, we hit e town to get some hmm..maeb stuff. Basically, nothing in mind yet larh wen we planned to go out. we were just goin goo-goo-ga-ga over roxy handbags (which she bought it) n adidas sling bag. Yeh, check out e LATEST sling bag peeps. 1o0 bux. *phew edc tanktops were MARVELLOUS *thumbs-up*. Soon soon..heh heh at de most, one of my wishlist was granted! ![]() Bought dat edc pink flipflop. Wanted red actualli, but it looks lyke Ronald McDonald was lost in town.haha! foolish my gerls..! Still, I couldnt find any sweeeet lite-yellow top. Well, mayb the next shopping trip I guess. And my money is getting lesser and lesser and lesser. Doops! Mum bought me dis adidas perfume..i didnt ask fer it, mayb bcos abg iwan said e smell is nice. Anw,thnx momma! Ouuuhh..btw, e episode Chase yest was superb, but annoying! Oh common him, dun b sooo petty orite..just let her off larh. Its jus a ‘sorry’ u nid from her..*ergh! ..-sometymes de only thing dat u want badly is dat one last chance-.. Quoted from Chase series..somehow, i DO agree.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Thursday, March 24, 2005 6:44 AM ;||*__wad wrong haf I done to dserve dis__*|| So..if ppl haf their own say in their blog, well, me too. I dont noe wat in e werld is happening here but fer one ting im sure abt, ppl are talking about me bhind my back! Hit my werds AGAIN. Bhind my back. And now, shes turning everything back n pretends noting in the werld is wrong. Darn! Shes so self-conscious abt herself! Let me tell u tis gerl, u DID state in ur tagboard dat u diss me.and yep, u wrote it not once BUT TWICE! Simply jus to make sure dat anonymous noe ure dissing me. get DAT FACT rite! now ure saying dat u didnt diss me n instead I diss u? ouh shit! Tell me ure not trying to turn things around gerl n make it looks lyke its my FAULT. So, wheres ur tagboard wif the werds u DISS me? check it out again..u care? Another ting. I ADMIT I LURVE TO SHOP AT FAR EAST N BUGIS. Peeps,does dat matter to u ppl? So wad if its cheap? Fake fake? N blah blah..u tink ppl care abt dat? Onli u my dear..ure so self-conscious abt urself dat u tink u haf the rite to say wad u wan. Let me remind u gerl, u aint one supermodel nor a fashion teacher orite? get dat rite..! and yesh, u can haf the rite to voice out ur opinions, no one can stop u BUT wen u stated dat person name ure voicing ur negative opinion, in other words, ure dissing dat ppl. KUTUK. U noe dat? Now dat everyone noe its me ure dissing abt. Happy aint u? tink abt dis. U wrote negative stuff abt someone, but u didnt mention e name, ask urself y. and now, ask urself y u mention my name. Simple. Bcos u diss me. u hate me. rite? and u wan everyone who read ur blog to noe dat ure DISSING me n NOT OTHER ppl. So,am I wrong to terase? Cum on gerl, u dunhaf to be an angel la wen cums to dis matter. Just be urself n stop trying too hard to protect ur own name. I didnt do aniting to u. I didnt diss you. Nor hate u. I WAS DAMN SURPRISE wen u diss me. all along, I tout I was gud to u, so do u. u were soo gud to me. so y e shit in btw us now? again,ask urself. Wad harm haf I eva did to u? among all those hundreds of ppl in ur friendster profile, y choose me to be ur main target? To fill up ur blog wif ur negative comments abt me? e ans is onli wif u. ure ryte my dear. No one noes wads goin thru ur head, but dey surely can see whos at fault. N who started it out ferst. Abt jealousy. My swit gerl, I didnt say dat ure jealous of me bcos I got him. Do me a favour. Open ur eyes wider wen u read my friendster oke? Im jus saying dat ur jealousy is burying u. tats all. Anw, y jealous of me bcos i got him? Ure his fwend fer 4yrs, I dun wan to go in btw u ppl. Oke? Dis is wad I wrote in my frendster profile. “..lead ur own life cos in e end, im leading my life wif him. At least I got him”. Ure not jealous rite? I mean y must terase? *wad cums around goes around gerl* wad I meant is dat, even if u wan to start a bitch fit wif me, I dun care. I dun mind. Bcos im not leading my life wif you, instead its wif him. Wadever dat happens btw me n him, it matters alot. But not wen its btw me n other ppl. And at least I got him to care about how I feel n wad is soo not true dat u said in ur blog. At least I got him to tell me dat everyting is alrite n dat dis is jus a misunderstanding. At least I got him cool me off. Crystal clear abt dat gerl? u got every facts WRONG n ure putting e blames on me! why oh why ure lyke dat? *wondering Wad dr nigga said is true afterall. "shes lyke da nicest gal i noe..." yah. Bcos im e nicest gerl, ppl are trying to to take dat as an advantage. And im e nicest wen ure nice to me. And im the meanest wen u hurt me. Simple as dat. Yerp. Ppl remember me bcos of my personality. I noe dat. But dey didnt noe dat im a human too. I haf my rite to say wad I wan rite? Jus bcos I got a great personality, I cant voice out my opinions? My opinions to u?! wadeva. Tell dis to dr nigga. “my eng sucks. But atleast I had e courage to retake my eng olevel again. N I did score 2 grades above my past grade. Dat matters now oke?” thanks. N yah. Sorie if my werds hurt u. sori if im sooo werked up over ur comments. Jus get e facts rite my dear n everyting is ALL nice. Trust me. NEVE DID I EVA HATE U. n the way u diss me in your previous entry n in ur tagboard, REALLI SHOCKED ME. If u hate me, wan to diss me, do it rite in front of my MORE THAN happy. Dis is VERI childish, I must say. And ive been asking myself dis days, "..wat wrong haf i done to u to dserve dis from you.." So i will end here. Just a sorie fer you.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.
Saturday, March 19, 2005 2:51 PM ;||*simply jus me*|| I just couldn’t sleep last nite. I kept tinking if I should jus go fer the operation or not. Mum said its not necessary but baby insisted dat I should go. E tout of my skin being cut to dig dat ting out reallie send a chill down my spine. Im confused. Im SO scared of doctors n needles. Sumtymes, life is just UNFAIR to me! I dunoo..wads me decision..*sigh Told u I couldn’t sit still at home so I went out wif baby to STUDY! Yerp, we studied at the school library which is SO MENDAK. But baby is bside me, so not dat bored la coz everytyme wen im bored, I start disturbing him n irritate him..haha! e funny part is dat its onli 3hrs ago he ate his breakfast at MAC wif me, n he’s hungry AGAIN. So at 2pm,we stopped studying and went down to Delifrance fer lunch. Spent around 11 bux dere n den went back to skul to study.. obviously he’s NOT studying bcos he was DOZING OFF bside me in the lib!! Perut da kenyang, jawabnyer tdo larh! Heh heh.. wanted to tickle him n disturbed his sleep, but he was WAY cute..tak sampai hati sae! so I jus let him sleep n I studied fer another 1hr b4 waking him up. Wen I woke him up, you noe, the first ting he told me was dat he’s hungry AGAIN!! Gawd! Baby, wats wrong wif u hunnie? Datang bintang ehk? Heh heh.. we SEMPAT used e comp first b4 going off to tamp. He’s craving fer PAPAROTI plak. But wen da smpai dere, he said he dunwan anitink bcos he realized he’s spent TOO MUCH money todae. Baby, baby, pakal la aku nie gegerl kau,lau tak.. hiya! Buang current je tau turun tamp.! So we headed home.. I dunoe, he’s been rather VERI cute dis pass few days. I cant stop BUT kip staring at him, eventhough I noe dat he’s mine. Haha! we’re alreadi 2yrs in dis relationship but everytyme im wif him, I felt as if we onli got to noe each other and dats our 1st date.. funnie rite my feeling? Mayb dats wad I call TRUE love. I will kip lurving him till eternity and I will neva let u slip off my fingers..! That's It For Today. Goodbye.