Tuesday, November 28, 2006 9:43 AM ;make me happy 01. i am having pimple outbreak &it's so not cool la. 02. i think im losing my curls pretty soon &400bucks is so not funny. 03. i have an outstanding phone bills to settle. 04. but i am so flat broke; like totally. 05. i am having my real Project Judging tomorrow &it bloodyhell freak me out. 06. there's so many things i want to buy but i can't. 07. i just want to spend some quality time with preetyboy. 08. without having to worry about my unfinished projects. 09. i think im deprive of sleep. 10. &you know what, i am perfume-less. damn it la! hah, i just thought listing all those can make me feel a little happier (which is totally not working la). grr. p.s.: dear (you-know-who) bloggers, let's plan a meetup cum chilling session sometime on next weekend? i should be a little stress about my projects, hehs! leave me a tag or two (especially shab, aisha, sayuri &my kutu gf, shasha). hoho! That's It For Today. Goodbye.