Thursday, March 09, 2006 12:43 PM ;||*girlfriend and boyfriend affair*|| this may sound stupid and funny, but try to get the joke people. was having a conference talk yesterday night with syasya and preetyboy. as usual, when you put preetyboy, syasya and me together, you'll get a bunch of noisy and idiotic kids? ya, kids, cause grown ups don't quarrel, annoy and tease one another. haha. the purpose of the conference call was to decide on a day to go to the zoo with the other gile-some people, now that nassier has had his cast opened. which means, he can already ride his bike! yay! anyway, as i was saying, we planned to go to the zoo tomorrow but poor syasya couldn't make it. urgh. as usual, a conference call is always fussing right? so while planning on which day to go, those two monkeys, excluding me ofcourse, couldn't stop annoying each other and it went out of control. and i had to go 'oit! stop it la korang. over the phone also must fight.' ofcourse, they ignored me. for one thing, i don't understand why they can't try to not annoy each other for just one silly day. tsk! the next moment, everybody was talking that you can't even hear yourself. so, this smart lil syasya raised her voice and said "eh! who wants to talk raise up your hand la!" and i went "huh? raise up your hand?" for goat's sake, who will raise up his/her hand during a conference call, where you can't see the other party and vice versa? that was the lamest joke. get it? if you don't, i guess you have to start banging your head on the wall, and if you get the joke, welcome to the club! i'll be a good girl today and accompany momma at home.. how's that? That's It For Today. Goodbye.