Saturday, March 19, 2005 2:51 PM ;||*simply jus me*|| I just couldn’t sleep last nite. I kept tinking if I should jus go fer the operation or not. Mum said its not necessary but baby insisted dat I should go. E tout of my skin being cut to dig dat ting out reallie send a chill down my spine. Im confused. Im SO scared of doctors n needles. Sumtymes, life is just UNFAIR to me! I dunoo..wads me decision..*sigh Told u I couldn’t sit still at home so I went out wif baby to STUDY! Yerp, we studied at the school library which is SO MENDAK. But baby is bside me, so not dat bored la coz everytyme wen im bored, I start disturbing him n irritate him..haha! e funny part is dat its onli 3hrs ago he ate his breakfast at MAC wif me, n he’s hungry AGAIN. So at 2pm,we stopped studying and went down to Delifrance fer lunch. Spent around 11 bux dere n den went back to skul to study.. obviously he’s NOT studying bcos he was DOZING OFF bside me in the lib!! Perut da kenyang, jawabnyer tdo larh! Heh heh.. wanted to tickle him n disturbed his sleep, but he was WAY cute..tak sampai hati sae! so I jus let him sleep n I studied fer another 1hr b4 waking him up. Wen I woke him up, you noe, the first ting he told me was dat he’s hungry AGAIN!! Gawd! Baby, wats wrong wif u hunnie? Datang bintang ehk? Heh heh.. we SEMPAT used e comp first b4 going off to tamp. He’s craving fer PAPAROTI plak. But wen da smpai dere, he said he dunwan anitink bcos he realized he’s spent TOO MUCH money todae. Baby, baby, pakal la aku nie gegerl kau,lau tak.. hiya! Buang current je tau turun tamp.! So we headed home.. I dunoe, he’s been rather VERI cute dis pass few days. I cant stop BUT kip staring at him, eventhough I noe dat he’s mine. Haha! we’re alreadi 2yrs in dis relationship but everytyme im wif him, I felt as if we onli got to noe each other and dats our 1st date.. funnie rite my feeling? Mayb dats wad I call TRUE love. I will kip lurving him till eternity and I will neva let u slip off my fingers..! That's It For Today. Goodbye.